Wedding Planning Advice
Post It Notes – 2nd December 2011: How to Save Money on Your Wedding Dress
December 2, 2011
For this week's wedding note I thought I'd blog some money saving ideas relating to the wedding dress. Although, yes, your wedding dress may well be the most expensive dress you'll ever own, I'm well aware that the average price of somewhere between £1000 - £2000, is going to be out of a lot of bride's budgets.
Post It Notes – 25th November 2011: Money Saving Ideas for Wedding Flowers
November 25, 2011
After the success of last week's 'average spend' post it note, a number of you messaged me to say you'd love to here some ideas of how to save the pennies on certain areas. So, over the next few weeks I plan to do just that. Starting this week with wedding flowers.
Post-It Notes – 18th November 2011: Just How Much is This Wedding Going to Cost Us?
November 18, 2011
I've been wanting to put this post together for some time to give you an idea of what you might expect to pay for certain areas of your wedding.
Now before I get you all hating on me, saying "But we can't afford to spend XYZ on my dress/our photos/the food" I want to make it clear that I'm certainly not writing this to show you what you should be spending. No no no, I want this post to give you a basic idea of what you might get initially quoted to save you from the mini-heart attack I had when I first realised how much wedding dresses were.
Post-It Notes – 11th November 2011: Non-Tacky Hen Do Ideas
November 11, 2011
Oh the wonders of the great British hen do (bachelorette party for my American friends). A time to let yourself go...your last night of freedom...an excuse to get horreniously drunk and snog a stripper.
Erm...Or maybe not.
Post-It Notes – 4th November 2011: Invitation Etiquette
November 4, 2011
This week's Post It Notes topics have turned into quite long answers so I've decided to split the post into two. Pop back at 12pm today for this week's Business Note on how to get more blog comments.
Knowing how to word your wedding invitations can be tricky. Should it be from you or your parents? What if your parents are divorced? If they're paying for the wedding does it make a difference?