Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Wedding Day/Day After Shoot

Awesome Locations


August 25, 2009

Chad & Erin of Fuller Edge always choose the most awesome locations for their shoots. With Angel & Craig, who rocked their wedding with skull cufflinks, converse trainers, a pink wedding dress and adorable pink and green details (clicky here for the full set), Chad & Erin took them to a junkyard for these fab shots. I am loving the use of water and the texture in every single image. Wonderful! Thanks to Chad & Erin for sending these to me. I always adore their work! Credit: Fuller Edge Photography

When You’ve Got A (New York) Minute…


August 21, 2009

New Yorker David M had the oppotunity to shoot a gorgeous Polish couple on his home turf. He explains: My dear friend Adam Ludwik has spent over a month visiting America for the first time. He is one of Poland's best wedding photographers. You can see his work at his website and blog. Right before he left to photograph another lucky couple on Polish ground I had a chance to shoot his clients Agata and Alfonso right here - in our old good New York. We have visited a few very familiar locations and tried to put a new spin on them. As always, thanks to David for sharing these stunning images and speaking of New York, have you voted yet for your favourite's to win the 'we fell in love in NYC' contest yet? Boy, is it hotting up over there!

Guess Who’s Back?


August 21, 2009

Do you remember Stacey & Quentin and their awesome love train photo session from earlier this year? I have to say, I see a lot of faces and photographs everyday but as soon as I saw these I recognised Quentin (or more specificallyhis damn cool beard!) right away. The couple, who cited Rock n Roll Bride as a great source of inspiration during their wedding planning (yey!) met up with Jeremy Lawson for yet more fabulous portraits - lucky things! Jeremy, you rock my world! MWAH...

A Day In The Life


August 20, 2009

As soon as these images landed in my inbox early this morning I was desperate to blog them right away! First off the couple are ridiculously beautiful (but that, of course, goes without saying), secondly I have never seen such a gorgeous set of images where it is just the two of them, no barriers, no props, just the newlyweds being themselves. In fact I'm not even sure I've ever seen an 'in bed' style shoot used as part of a day after session. I love it. The photographs are so intimate and so personal yet done in such as way that there is no element of sleaze...I don't even feel voyeuristic looking at them They really are just art. Art and love. We then move onto the bulk of the shoot, where living in Odessa, Texas (a place where there is apparently 'nothing ') doesn't seem to have made these images anything less than breathtaking. The train, the graffiti, the river, the tree. The gorgeously intimate style continues only this time with a back drop that tantalises the senses all by itself. If this isn't enough for you, then be sure to check out the couple's wedding too! A huge thank you to Chelsea for sending me these exclusive shots (oh yes, exclusives make me happy!) Credit: Mcgowan Images

Glorious Gorgeous


August 18, 2009

After featuring one gorgeous Elizabeth Dye dress today I appear to be on a roll, as photographer Julie Randall just sent me this wedding day shoot and guess which designer the Bride is wearing? For your photographic geeks, this session was shot using "my trusty Hasselblad to get a nice mix of film and digital" For everybody else just stand back and soak in the beauty... Thanks to Julie for sending me this glorious gorgeousness! Note: The voting for the NY film shoot winners is hotting up y'all! If you haven't voted yet then you better get a wriggle on...

Skater Chick


July 21, 2009

I am super duper excited about this wedding/wedding day shoot (as you can probably tell because I've featured about 40 photographs!) I saw this wedding on one of my favourite non-wedding blogs Rockstar Diaries. The enviable gorgeous girl behind the site also produces her own hairpieces which is how I first got a glimpse of the gorgeousness. I immediately emailed the photographer and couple begging to be able to share their god damn crazy awesome wedding. Thank you to Cristi Dame, Naomi of Rockstar Diaries and the couple Amy & Matt for sharing this kick ass skater chick wedding!



July 8, 2009

Didn't I tell you I had a lot of amazingness to catch up on? This is what happens when I have to hold off posting for just one day! Jenn & Graham had these crazy portraits taken on their actual wedding day as they decided to set enough time on the day to get some amazing shots (that's got to be every photographer's dream right!?) I adore Jenn's organic dress, it is just so stunning and of course it goes without saying that the bike shots, the Groom style (hot!) and the superhero cake topper are awesome! This has got to be one of the coolest weddings ever! Thanks to Erin of Fuller Edge Photography for sharing!

Cutting Edge


July 6, 2009

One of the perks of my 'job' as a blogger is that I get to meet so many fabulous photographers, not only online but in real life (seriously I do leave my computer sometimes.) A few weeks ago I arranged a mass meet up of some of the best London-based photographers and was lucky enough to meet Russian born Zhanna Malaya. Now finally I get to share some of her stunning images with you. There is something about those Russians - their photography always looks so cutting edge, fresh and clean..I adore it, and I adore this cute cute couple.



July 2, 2009

Anyone remember what my favourite ever wedding dress was? Well to refresh your memory (or maybe introduce you for the first time) it was this amazing multi-coloured, multi-layered crazy gorgeous 'Lustful' dress...and I just found out it was custom made by Stephanie James Couture. I just had to share this vital piece on information with you all as I have had so many emails ever since I posted that dress asking who made it..and now you know. I also started browsing Stephanie's blog and wowzer has this girl made some crazy-gorgeous dresses or what? Check out this 'Audrey' dress as worn by Tiffany on her wedding day.

The Language Of Love


July 2, 2009

Rock n Roll Bride seems to be going all continental today, Ukrainian photographer Nikolay Kucan is up next. Due to the whole language barrier thing I'm afraid I don't know anything about this wedding, but when Nikolay sent me an email with just a link to these images I still felt them worthy of a post. I love her cute short/long dress, the picturesque town location (is it just me or does it almost look like a movie set?!) the fairytale feel of the photographs in the woods and the Bride rocking out with buskers on the street. They look like they had an absolute blast... I only wish I could share more with you.

One Year On…


July 1, 2009

Good morning sunshine! Blimey it's a scorcher here in England today...I am sweating away as I blog (nice!) Let's get this party started shall we? Julia & Neil got married a year ago but were never happy with their wedding photographs. They enlisted the help of a dream team of photographer Laurie Levenfield, make up artist Stacy McClure and hair stylist Maria O'Rilley to finally give them the photographs they wanted on their one year anniversary...and oh did they! From the train station, to the graffiti wall and the beach to Chinatown - this whole shoot is pure San Fran cool.

An Inspired Choice


June 29, 2009

Photographers Craig & Chanelle Segerius-Bruce met Andy & Kim way back in 2007 in South Africa, when they (the photographers) were on their own honeymoon. The wedding took place at Parley Manor in Dorset and Kim wore a Benjamin Roberts dress. My favourite of all these images, has to be the Jeff Newsom-inspired swirly light shot..mean, moody and very very cool. I am doing a photo shoot with Chanelle soon..I am very excited about it as the concept we have come up with is quite different to what you might be seeing everywhere else right now...hint: I'm getting all crafty with black tulle!