Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Rock n Roll Bride Party Report – Photo Booth Carnage


April 18, 2011

Deciding to have a photo booth at the Rock n Roll Bride Party was probably the most genius thing ever. I asked everyone to bring a prop and people really did go all out! From a customised uke to an inflatable pink wig... from gold hot pants to a laser cut 'It's my party and I'll Rock n Roll if I want to'... from a blow up pink flamingo to a parrot (!) I was so excited that people made such an effort. Lisa of Lisa Jane Photography was in charge of the booth-action, and I'm pretty sure she didn't stop taking photos all night! So without further ado, check out the hilarity that was the Rock n Roll Bride photo booth.

Rock n Roll Bride Party Report – 14th April 2011, London


April 18, 2011

So now I've got a party report to write...Wow. Erm wow. Where do I begin with this baby huh?! SO much happened...and it's going to be hard to sum it all up in a few paragraphs but here goes... Last Thursday I hosted a party and invited anyone who reads this blog to come along. Over 500 of you applied for tickets and 200 lucky brides & grooms-to-be and wedding industry professionals were asked to come along. The idea being that everybody I know works so hard, whether that be with their businesses or planning their weddings, so I wanted to give everyone an excuse to take a night off, dress up, eat cupcakes and sweeties, drink cocktails and generally get a little bit silly. And we did. Oh we did. The day started with Gareth & I hopping on the train to London to meet the awesome Elbie Van Eeden (she got married in March - you saw her fabulous wedding on my blog right?) who did our hair and my make up. When we arrived, Elbie said she'd been up all night thinking of ideas for my tresses and did I was the rainbow back? Erm yes pleeease! This time she did a kind of 'dipped' effect, where she just added the extra colours to the bottom half of sections of my hair. We kept the styling relatively simple with a few curls to really show off the colours. I adore it.

A Sunday Kind of Love – The Niemierko Wedding Academy at The Dorchester


April 10, 2011

Wedding planner du jour, Mark Niemierko is a genius. In May, at The Dorchester no less, he will be sharing his trade secrets on how to plan a wedding in his own enviable style. Are you a budding wedding planner and want to learn from the best? Well my darlings, this is the event for you... "Following overwhelming demand, Mark Niemierko, the UK’s foremost luxury wedding planner,will share his trade and style secrets at the very first Niemierko Wedding Academy. Consisting of a high-end inspirational experience, the Niemierko Wedding Academy will help equip its students with the tools and contacts to become wedding planners of quality in the future."

The Luella’s Boudoir Wedding Fair & My Catwalk Debut!


March 24, 2011

I almost don't know where to start with writing this post as the whole day is kind of a blur...a fabulous adrenalin-fuelled blur...but a blur none the less. In actual fact, I know you really all just want to see the photos and video (eek!) of me walking the catwalk so shall we just cut to the chase and get straight to it? In actual fact, I know you really all just want to see the photos and video (eek!) of me walking the catwalk so shall we just cut the rambles and get straight onto them? HUGE thanks to Eye Imagine Photos, Eliza Claire Photography & Shell de Mar Photography (check the file names to see who shot which images) for taking these photos for me.

A Sunday Kind of Love – The Luella’s Boudoir Wedding Fair, March 20th & 21st


March 6, 2011

The last wedding show I was invited to was awesome and after I posted my report, I had so many comments and messages from those of you that had wished you were able to make it. Well good news is that I've been invited to attend yet another fabulous wedding event - The Luella’s Boudoir Wedding Fair in March and I hope to see even more of you there! I was lucky enough to go to this event last year too...and it was awesome! I have a particular affinity with Luella's Boudoir as they provided the incredible backdrop and all the outfits & accessories for The Big fat Wedding Blogger's Photo Shoot that I organised last month. So, if you swooned over any of the dresses we wore on this shoot then this is the bridal show for you! Some of the exhibitors that will be there include:

The “By Appointment Only Design” Party at One Mayfair + Why This is the Central London Venue for YOU!


March 4, 2011

Three weeks ago I was invited to attend a party at One Mayfair hosted by by By Appointment Only Design. As I've said a few times in similar posts to this one, I always feel a little unnerved and perplexed as to why I get invited along to these things...this party was being dubbed on the inter-webs as being the swankiest of all the swanky events, so I brought my friends Emma Case and Shell de Mar (who took these fab pictures for us) along with me to hold my hand. I promised them a free cocktail or two so it didn't take much persuasion! When I thought about how to write up this event, I felt strongly that I didn't want this post to be the usual industry party report style - "Oh it was faaabulous daaarling, the cocktails were divine and I swooped around the room like a princess all night...blah blah blah" because let's be honest, what are you - my loyal readers and brides-to-be going to get out of that!? (for the record the event was bloody incredible in fact, and my breath literally was taken away as I walked into the pink lit - inside and out! - venue) I am well aware that I'm exceptionally lucky to get invited to soirée like this, but I'm also keen to make sure that the things I take away from them, and report back about, are relevant to you guys too.

The Designer Vintage Bridal Show Feburary 2011 ♥ My Report + Exclusive Photos


February 23, 2011

In November I received an email from Bran Cook (PR extraordinaire) to ask if I’d be interested in being one of the attractions at a brand new wedding fair she was helping Rachel of Rachel Simpson Shoes and Clare Guest of The Wedding Club (a fabulous bridal boutique in Birmingham) to organise. At first I was a little confused. What would they want me there for? Who would want to come see me at a wedding fair? What would I even put on a wedding fair stand?! However I bit the bullet and said I’d be there with bells on…big pink ones. Over the next few months I received regular updates (both via email and on The Designer Vintage Bridal Fair blog) about all the amazing suppliers that were getting involved with the show and my initial uncertainty and nerves turned to utter excitement! I had basically signed up to hang out at the beautiful Highbury Hall in Birmingham with a load my favourite wedding suppliers for a WHOLE WEEKEND...woohoo road trip! I even booked into a hotel with my girls Lucy of Lucy Ledger Designs and Debbie of DC Bouquets which further transformed the weekend from a ‘business trip’ into a fabulously giggly and gossipy girls weekend (and yes we did lie in bed until 3am chatting and laughing uncontrollably!) And I call this ‘work’ right?!

Happy Valentine’s Day – Smooooooozing and Swanning Around The Mark Niemierko & Browns Bride Valentine’s Party


February 14, 2011

After Tuesday's wedding blogger's shoot came Mark Niemierko's Valentine's Party, hosted by Caroline Burstein of Browns Bride (pictured above). Let me get one thing straight here... I was more than a little bit surprised to receive an invite to such an event. "Seriously? Me? a pink (well rainbow) haired slightly-punky-in-no-way 'high end' wedding blogger...really?! You want ME so come and cover the event? Erm... OK then" Was pretty much the thought process I had when the invitation landed through my door.

“It’s My Party”…Come Rock n Roll With Me in April!


January 21, 2011

Remember the last Rock n Roll party? It was totally awesome! However this time I'm going bigger and BETTER! I'm hiring out a whole bar in central London (Soho) on Thursday 14th April 2011 from 6.30 - midnight for the party to end all parties...and guess what? You're ALL invited. Brides, photographers, suppliers/vendors, bloggers, wedding obsessives...all of you! And the reason for this little get together? Well...cos parties are fun right?! The last party was pretty popular. I organised it in just two weeks and just had a small area of a bar reserved. Even though a lot of people couldn't come because it was so last minute, over 100 people still turned up! I was a little blown away by it all and so needless to say I'm now expecting this one to be just as popular. The venue has a capacity of 200 people. There will be a DJ, cupcakes and a photo booth (hopefully complete with silly props - if you have any you'd like to bring please do!) to keep you entertained as well and lots of yummy cocktails and lots of lovely people to talk to! I really hope you can make it!

Meet The Bloggers at The Designer Vintage Bridal Show in Birmingham!


November 29, 2010

2011 is looking like it's going to shape up as the most exciting year for Rock n Roll Bride so far! Not only have I got top secret and super-bloomin'-exciting new projects that I'm already working on for the new year (watch this space!) but a few weeks ago I was emailed by a PR friend of mine asking if I'd like to be involved in the brand new Designer Vintage Bridal Show, which is happening in Birmingham, UK in February!

Alice in Weddingland at The Designer Wedding Show, October 2010


October 20, 2010

A few weeks ago myself and the lovely Rock n Roll Bride intern, Alice, headed to The Designer Wedding show. I asked her if she'd like to write the report for me as I felt that her opinion on the show (as a bride-to-be) would be much more interesting for you..especially those of you who might be a little afraid of the whole 'bridal show experience. I'm not going to lie, the big shows can be hella scary - but this smaller and more intimate wedding show is actually very pleasant- there are no scary brides with clipboards (give me strength!) or manic and desperate suppliers trying to shove leaflets in your face. Think champagne reception, clean white stalls and super friendly and creative wedding suppliers.

A Sunday Kind of Love – You’re Invited to a Rock n Roll Party!


August 1, 2010

On Wednesday 11th August 2010, a carefully selected bar in Central London (for it's cocktail making ability) will play host to a large rabble of Rock n Roll Bride readers and a fabulous bunch of photographers, bloggers, make up artists, wedding planners and in fact any kind of wedding professional you can think of! The invite is open to all wedding industry professionals (this one is not really for brides to be - us hard working wedding people need a night off!) There will be cocktails (lots of cocktails) cupcakes (oh yes!) and sparkle a-plenty but need you to come too! Without you guys I will be sat there on my own...wearing a tiara looking like a sad pink haired loner. Don't make that happen to me - come party with me instead!

The Photography Parlour and the G2G Shoot Out


June 28, 2010

Last Tuesday, the city of Bristol paid host to a huge gaggle of budding photographers, models and industry professionals. The photography blog, The Photography Parlour, spearheaded by Rosie Parsons, organised a 'shoot-out' affectionately nicknamed G2G (Get Together) where everybody who's anybody headed down for a day of shooting in the sun. I was GUTTED that I couldn't make it (I was asked if I could come along and model but unfortunately my tattoo was still scabby and not to nice at this point!) but after seeing the results coming through I can not wait to attend the next one!

Rock n Roll Bride Rocks The White Gallery 2010


June 2, 2010

Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to the prestigious White Gallery exhibition where all the country's top designers show their latest and greatest collections to a gaggle of eager stockists, press...and me it would seem! So last Tuesday myself and my 'official photographer' (it's true - his badge said so!) David McNeil, headed down to The Kings Road in uber posh central London so see what all the fuss was about.

A Rock n Roll Night Out


May 13, 2010

I love meeting people. I love gossipping, chatting and planning new ideas and projects. About every 6 months I try to organise a little get together for a few people I know. They have been great so far for getting people together to not only meet for the first time but to put some time aside to catch up with old friends. The latest meet, last Tuesday was the most successful one yet! There was a huge turn out (considering last time there were about 5 of us!) and the whole night flew by way too quickly!

The Julia Boggio Studios Grand Opening


May 7, 2010

Last Thursday I was lucky enough to be invited to the fancy pants grand opening of the Julia Boggio Studios in Wimbledon, London. Not only was it the very studio that Julia and I did my vintage boudoir shoot but I was able to meet a load of new people from the UK wedding industry as well as catch up with some old friends. I headed up to London with the lovely Lisa of Magpie Vintage. Before the party we paid a visit to our friends at Luella's Boudoir in Wimbledon who kitted us out with sparkles and shoes (Lisa nabbed some gorgeous Emmy shoes and I borrowed a beeeautiful Magpie Vintage headband - and yes I wanted to keep it!) We then all piled back in Lisa's car and made our way to Merton Abbey Mills where Julia's studio is located.