Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Bridezilla Bootcamp: A Wedding Cinematography Workshop & A Shout Out for a Real Life Couple to Model


January 30, 2012

Today's post had a duel purpose. Firstly to announce that my good friend (and filmmaker extraordinaire!) Richard of FX Films and WedFilm Academy is teaming up with the guys at Reel Vision and Jeff Wood Visuals to put on a day long workshop for aspiring wedding filmmakers. On 27th March, they'll be decending on a beautiful Haythrop Park in Oxfordshire to put budding videographers through their paces at Bridezilla Bootcamp! Watch the video below for the full drill and what you can expect from the day...

How to Get the Best Out of Exhibiting at a Wedding Fair


January 20, 2012

I'm just gonna come out and say a general rule, I'm not a huge fan of the wedding fair. A little controversial I know. My reason for this is not because I find them boring or a waste of time but because the people exhibiting aren't making me want to love it. Often they simply sit at their stands with a 'take it or leave it attitude' or they'll just thrust leaflets and samples at me like they're going out of fashion. This is both annoying as hell and a little bit terriflying. I don't think the wedding fair is dead just yet. There are hundreds of thousands of brides (and poor poor grooms)-to-be that attend these shows during their engagement. So, this week, I thought a little discussion and a few tips on how you can make wedding fairs work for you should be in order. Thank you to Heidi from The Alternative Wedding Fair, which is taking place in London this Sunday (I'll be wondering around with Roo - please don't throw things at us) for putting together this article.

New Tour Date: School of Rock (n Roll Bride) – Sheffield


January 12, 2012

Today I'm a little bit over excited (and a big bit nervous) to announce the first 2012 School of Rock (n Roll Bride) workshop. On Wednesday March 21st, Gareth & I will be hopping on our tour bus and driving aaaalll the way up to Sheffield, and I hope that 20 of you would like to join us! The 4 hour workshop (1.30pm-5.30pm) is being held at the fabulous Chimney House. From the feedback I received after the last two workshops I've decided to make the classes longer and more interactive. There will plenty of time for questions and if you'd like us to, Gareth & I are more than happy to go through people's blogs individually and give you some personal feedback.

The Alternative Wedding Fair – St. Ives Corn Exchange, 23rd October 2011


October 3, 2011

If you're anything like me you'll be a little bit bored of the usual crop of wedding fairs. I'll be honest, I do go to a lot of them as part of my job but it is very rare that I really love love love what I see. It takes a lot to impress me I tells you. I am a self-confessed wedding snob I'm afraid! However because of this, I am genuinely really really excited to be backing a small number of wedding fairs that I do believe offer you something different.

Taxidermy, Skulls, Vintage Furs & THE Most Awesome Apartment Ever = The Feather Love London Workshop


September 28, 2011

Oh my...where do I even begin? I feel so terribly ineloquent as it comes to writing the experience of the Feather Love London Workshop. Like the words don't know how to clump themselves together in my mind to make coherent sentences...So you know what, I've decided not to go through the teeny details of the day. Instead I plan to inwardly digest everything I soaked up from Noa & guest speaker Emma Case that day and (probably) come back to you later with a grand old revelation. If not, I know you're going to just die over the styled shoot we put together as part of the workshop. Bet you haven't seen a wedding like this before!

Visit The Magpie’s Nest – An Exclusive Rock n Roll Bride Reader’s Event: Magpie Vintage Studio Open Day


September 26, 2011

On Saturday 15th October, Tania & Lisa, the lovely ladies behind vintage jewellery company Magpie Vintage will be flinging open their brand new studio doors (dubbed 'The Magpie's Nest' don't you just love that!) and inviting you for an exclusive appointment to see their newest collections. I'll also be there all day long so if you fancy checking out some vintage bling as well as having a girly wedding gossip with yours truly, this is an event not to be missed!

Thursday Treats – 22nd September 2011 + Partying with Choccywoccydoodah on Brighton Pier + Please Vote for me to Win A Cosmopolitan Blog Award!


September 22, 2011

It's been a busy few weeks in Rock n Roll Bride Land. This week I attended the Perfect Wedding Awards and today I'm at the 30 year celebration of Sassi Holford party. Last week I was invited to party on the pier with Choccywoccydoodah. Oh it's such a hard life being surrounded by such fabulous yumminess... (honestly, I'm's a good knackered though!)

Feather Love Photography Workshops in London & Belgium (with Special Guests Emma Case & Me!)


August 13, 2011

Look who's being a workshop whore this year? Yep that's me! So Jasmine Star, Lisa Devlin and now (OMG) Feather Love Photography have all enlisted the help of yours truly to be involved in their UK photography workshops in recent months. Again, I'm honoured beyond belief and so excited to be involved in fun and enriching projects like this. I literally can't wait to get stuck into more.

Unique & Alternative Bridesmaid Fashion Ideas – in Association with The NOT Wedding


August 9, 2011

Are you loving the mismatched bridesmaid trend but are a little unsure about how to pull it off with your own girls? Avoid them looking uncoordinated or simply like the rest of your guests with a few of my simple tips on how to tie them together in easy and subtle ways. With effortless attentions to detail your bridesmaids really will look as faaaabulous as the girls pictured here. I promise! This article is illustrated with images of the 'bridesmaids' at Atlanta's NOT Wedding which took place in July.

The Jasmine Star London Workshop – A Review


July 26, 2011

A few months ago I approached wedding photographer Jasmine Star to ask if she'd be at all interested in coming to London to teach a workshop for photographers and if so could I help her to organise it. My motives were entirely selfish. She has inspired me and the way I run my business ever since I was first introduced to her by a friend... and I wanted to meet her! At the beginning of the year I set myself three goals. One of them was to meet Jasmine Star. I've learnt that nothing ever falls in your lap, and with her being based in Orange County and me (just outside of) London, it was unlikely I was ever just going to 'bump into her.' So I decided that if I wanted it to happen I better bloomin' well try and do something about it. Jasmine and I have spoken over email a few times in the past, but to try to persuade her to fly half way across the world to a country she's never been to...was I thinking too big?

Attention UK Wedding Photographers – Jasmine Star is Coming!


April 26, 2011

As anyone that follows me on twitter or facebook will know, I am a big Jasmine Star fan...huge in fact. I love this woman. I find her incredibly inspirational and I just adore her. Adoration in like a girl-crush/I want us to be best friends and plait each others hair kinda way... So... why am I writing this today? Well, again if you follow me on my various social media platforms, you will also know that I've been banging on about how excited I am about making some 'big announcement' for the last week or so. Well I hope you'll forgive my diversion this morning because I really do have some ridiculously exciting news. In fact 'ridiculous' isn't a strong enough word for just how exciting this news is... stupendous, incredible, mind-blowing, maybe we're on the right track. Jasmine Star is coming to the UK to do her first ever photography workshop in London...oh and I'm helping her organise it.