Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Blogcademy Brouhaha


January 23, 2013

No sooner had we wrapped the first London Blogcademy, than Gala, Shauna & I were ferociously planning for the weekday instalment. We're kicking off our second event today and we couldn't be more excited! Reworking the presentation, tweaking our delivery and coming up with brand new ideas, we are adamant to make every session better than the last. In fact we spent most of our 'day off' (i,e. day of shopping) stopping every five minutes to brainstorm. Gala scrawled musings on her Wagamama place mat and I sent Shauna more jam-packed emails full of notes than I think she really expected.

New Dates for The Blogcademy: Portland & LA!


January 4, 2013

I am SO EXCITED about 2013, like SO SERIOUSLY EXCITED (can't you tell!?) and I'm starting 2013 as I mean to go on with new date announcements for The Blogcademy. Now I know we haven't even done our London workshops yet but, basically, we just couldn't wait any longer... At the end of March we're heading to Shauna's home town (I think many of you will have guessed that one!) of Portland, Oregon and the week after we're zipping down to LA. In fact we'll be in LA for my birthday which I'm rather enthused about!

The Blogcademy Updates & Scholarship Winner Announcement!


December 16, 2012

Why happy Sunday one and all. I trust you've had a fantastic weekend so far? I thought I'd just pop by this morning to give you a few Blogcademy updates because it's all go go go over here! After we wrapped NYC and got the photos, video and some pretty awesome testimonials from all of our lovely graduates (we love you!) Shauna felt that the website could do with a bit of an overhaul. I swear to God that woman doesn't actually sleep. Ever. One morning I woke up to an email from the lady herself saying "So girls, I must be mad cos I completely redesigned the website over night!" Now, mad she may be, but oh so bloomin' talented as well. We love you babe.

We’re Bringing The Blogcademy to… LONDON!!


November 14, 2012

Cor blimey guv'nor, it's true! We're off to London-town for the next instalment of The Blogcademy madness and we couldn't be more excited! It didn't take much persuading, but I've coerced Gala & Shauna into hopping on a plane to do the next Blogcademy workshop on my turf. To say I'm excited is a HUGE understatement. Come on Britain, let's show these international playgirls a good time! Shauna has never even been to the UK... I can't wait to get that gal in a black cab, by a red phone box and eating fish n chips. Lisa & I managed to get her drinking tea in New York, it's only a matter of time until she's a fully fledged Anglophile!

Behind the Scenes at The Blogcademy


November 1, 2012

"I know this sounds crazy, but I really feel like The Blogcademy is going to be a massive game-changer for all three of us," Gala said to Shauna & I the morning after the workshop, "and I really hate that phrase..." But you know what, I think the girl might be onto something. A heady mix of nerves, anticipation and excitement seeped through my trip to New York this month. Lisa & I had a few other things planned, but we knew our visit was concluding with the biggie. Organising this event was a labour of love and a project of passion - squillions of emails flew back and forth over the course of just a couple of short months while Gala, Shauna & I planned every last detail whilst thousands of miles apart.

The Blogcademy New York: A Quick Recap


October 22, 2012

I'm currently lying in bed in my East Village apartment (well, I wish it was mine!) with Nubby the day after the first ever Blogcademy. It's 7am and we're both bolt upright excitedly gabbing about the events of the past 48 hours. It was a weekend of magical, unexpected, positivity and excitable exhilaration. Loving, learning and inspiring each other - all in our own imitable fashion. I feel mentally exhausted and my feet hurt like hell but it's oh such a good feeling. Our 30 attendees were just what we hoped & prayed for and more, and I honestly feel we've all made some new BFFs for life.

The Blogcademy: New York City!


August 20, 2012

Isn't it amazing when a plan comes together? In the weeks running up to today's announcement I've been literally seconds away from tweeting my excitement and giving the whole game away. In fact anyone that knows me 'in real life' will be well aware about how rubbish I am at keeping secrets. Like... literally terrible. I actually don't know why anyone would ever tell me anything because I'm the first person to accidentally say "OMG you will never guess what I just heard..." Which is why it has been utter torture for me not to scream this from the rooftops I'M GOING TO NEW YORK AND DOING A TWO DAY BLOGGING WORKSHOP WITH GALA & NUBBY!!!! Phew... that felt goooooooood. You'll have to excuse me for being so damn uncool about it all...

Brand New Date for the School of Rock Workshop: Brighton!


July 9, 2012

It's a huge cliché but I really have been truely blown away by the response to my School of Rock blogging workshops so far. Each event has sold out quicker than the last, with the most recent one being off the market within 8 hours! You guys really do know how to flatter me. I know I keep saying this too, but the last event, at Curradine Barns in the West Midlands has got to have been my favourite yet. The venue was stunning, the group that attended were awesome and we even got fed an amazing 3 course meal (all made in house by their head chef) afterwards! Triple win!

Wedding Photography Workshops 2012


May 29, 2012

I'm not ashamed to admit that I love a photography workshop. No, I know, I'm not a professional photographer but I find them so inspiring! I've also been lucky enough to be involved with organising, speaking at and generally sharing the love for so many of them. So, today I thought I'd put together a comprehensive list of some of the ones that are coming up soon. There is a workshop out there for you, the hardest part is picking the right one!

Brand New Date for the School of Rock Workshop: West Midlands!


May 28, 2012

It's that time again...time to announce a brand new School of Rock date and venue! The next event will be taking place on Thursday 28th June 2012 at Curradine Barns in Shrawley, Worcestershire (about 50 minutes drive from Birmingham). The 4 hour workshop will be from 1.30pm-5.30pm (no early mornings thank you very much!) and afterwards you're all invited to have food, drinks and more blogging chats with Gareth & I over a complementary meal being put on by the Curradine Barns team!

Thursday Treats – 22nd March 2012: School of Rock, 2nd Semester Date Announcement


March 22, 2012

Wow what a day yesterday was. Bright and early Gareth & I bundled into my car and headed up to Sheffield for my School of Rock (n Roll Bride) blogging workshop. The day was held at the amazing Chimney House. It was perfect for our intimate event (20 students in total) and Sally and her team made us feel very welcome. All the students were girls which was lovely for me but poor Gareth was definitely picked on because of that! After my four hour presentation (don't worry we had tea breaks) and a lengthy Q&A session we all trundled off to The Milestone for dinner and drinks and to get to know each other a little better. I can't even tell you how seriously nervous I was about talking, I'm certainly not a natural public speaker, but I'm so incredibly greatful to everyone that attendeed for making me feel some comfortable standing up there whittering on. Knowing nods & smiles, the sound of notes being scribbled and plenty of questions made me feel a whoooole lot better. You girls ROCK!

Modern Miss Havisham at The Photography Farm


March 21, 2012

Last week saw the third Photography Farm organised and hosted by wedding photographer Lisa Devlin. I was super excited to be invited along again to talk about blogging, to help style the shoot which we asked Roo to model for. Lisa, stylists Hannah and Jayne and myself have been planning this spooky Miss Havisham-esque shoot for a few months now so it was seriously exciting too see it all come together! Hannah and Jayne did an amazing job of creating a indoor/outdoor sets in the woods behind the farm. Roo also had a lot of input into the feel of the shoot as one of the great things about The Farm is that we try to make each theme relevant to the models. It would be a bit ridiculous plonking Roo in a vintage picnic set with cupcakes and balloons for example as that just isn't her!

Mark Niemierko’s Valentine’s Party at Spencer Hart, London


February 14, 2012

Last week Gareth & I were lucky enough to be invited to Mark Niemierko's annual Valentine's party, this year held at Spencer Hart Tailors located on Saville Row in Mayfair. I wore a vintage pink 1950s prom dress for the occasion which I had picked up from my favourite vintage shop in all the land, Frock n Roll. As a little v-day treat, I thought you might like to see some photos (hello pink lighting!) and the fabulous video. I was even interviewed for this one!