Abbie & Steven’s Snow-Capped, Twitter Inspired Wedding
January 12, 2011
Abbie & Steven found a lot of their wedding day inspiration online, including Rock n Roll Bride, which makes their wedding a very special one indeed. I've followed the bride on Twitter for the last few months in fact so I do feel a little bit like I've been along for the ride of their wedding planning! "I don’t think we ever set out to be different just be ourselves. We never liked the ideas of themes as it can often just become gimmicky and lose sight that it’s actually a wedding and not some theme party," Abbie told me. " Ensuring it felt like a wedding was really important to us but we didn’t believe that meant keeping it traditional. This is not an easy balance to strike, it’s not about rebelling for the sake of it but picking and choosing the things that mean something to you."Read more...