Ask Alysia: Pushing Bridal Boundaries
Bohemian Rose
April 4, 2024
How do I wear a colourful dress but still feel bridal?Read more...
Bohemian Rose
April 4, 2024
How do I wear a colourful dress but still feel bridal?Read more...
Leesha Williams
March 27, 2024
Wedding planning is often portrayed as a blissful journey towards a perfect day, but the reality can be far from it. Join licensed therapist (and bride-to-be) Tasha Bailey as she shares an honest insight into some of the emotional challenges you might experience along the way.Read more...
March 12, 2024
You've probably heard the saying “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, but as a jeweller, I have to disagree, and so do a growing number of jewellery lovers. The traditional solitaire diamond is falling out of fancy with many modern couples. This is especially true among those who value a more ethical approach or who don’t feel the need to play by others’ rules.Read more...
March 11, 2024
In the world of weddings, where love is celebrated, a dark shadow lurks behind the veil. Bisexual erasure is prevalent but so often overlooked. At first glance, the wedding industry is getting so much better at being inclusive and diverse. Magazines, blogs and social media accounts show many love stories and cater to many preferences. However, bisexuals seem to be one of the groups who are so often forgotten or even purposefully excluded.Read more...
Chloe Del Monte
February 27, 2024
It's time to navigate the world of wedding suppliers like a pro. Your wedding day is a one-night-only performance, so choose your bandmates wisely.Read more...
Chris W R Cox
February 7, 2024
For a few fun years in my 20s, my singing career led me to singing at a whole bunch of weddings… and I ab-so-lute-ly LOVED it. After some time singing for other peoples’ bands, I decided I wanted to create my own. Funnily enough, that’s how I first met Kat, exhibiting at a wedding fair in 2015…Read more...
Olivia J
February 1, 2024
You’re engaged to the love of your life and you’re also on a journey to show your body the kindness and respect it deserves? Wins across the board. But how do you marry, the two? Every pun intended.Read more...
Arche Creative
January 22, 2024
Looking for mindful ways to create the wedding you want while still showing our planet some love? From considered approaches to seeking sustainable alternatives, it's time to make your wedding styling kickass and ethical.Read more...
January 17, 2024
As you undoubtedly have quickly realised, planning a wedding involves many, MANY moving parts and details; it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed! One of the biggest headaches we hear over and over again is the seating chart – dealing with family politics and grouping your friends and family in a way that will make the party go off rather than flop! Yes, it’s a lot of pressure!Read more...
McKenzie Bigliazzi
January 4, 2024
Do people ever tell you you're 'too much?' Screw that! Your wedding is the perfect time to be 100% yourself, whatever that looks like.Read more...
December 13, 2023
Every issue, bridal stylist Alysia Cole answers your questions about plus size bridal fashion and feeling good in your own skin no matter what your size. Submit a question by emailing and using the subject line ASK ALYSIA.Read more...
November 30, 2023
How much is it? What, thousand?! OK, what’s the next option down? That’s the cheapest?! Fuck me, I guess we’ll have to rethink the live band. How much did your parents say they’re giving us again? What, hundred?! Shit. Well apparently we have to get them, the planner said they bring the whole theme together. I don’t know what theme, she just said ‘theme’. Maybe we can lose the cocktail truck…”Read more...
Erika Lagy
November 24, 2023
If you’re reading this, the chances are you’re already part of a couple that doesn’t want a wedding that anybody’s seen before. Some parts of your vision are easier to put together than others, especially if you have strong sub-culture lifestyle choices.Read more...
Ha Nguyen Photo
November 6, 2023
It goes without saying that we love bridal designers and boutiques, but an outfit doesn’t have to be labelled ‘wedding dress’ to be worn on a wedding day nor to make you feel special. Special is actually a word that gives me a little of the ick - I propose ‘your most fabulous and authentic self’ should be used in its place.Read more...
Ross Willsher
October 30, 2023
Selling your wedding dress on after your big day is a great idea – it’s better for the planet, you’re helping another bride-to-be find a bargain and you can make some money back. However, for all those reasons (and more) it can be a tricky thing to do.Read more...
Rebecca Carpenter
October 9, 2023
Electric Sugar Elopements
October 5, 2023
It’s important to remember that conflict within your relationship is normal. You are separate individuals with your own thoughts and ideas so of course you will disagree from time to time. But especially when wedding planning when everything feels so important, you’re spending so much money and trying to deal with extra fun surprises like your aunt who won’t sit near your mother or your bridesmaid who hates every. single. dress suggestion you make for her.Read more...
Applehead Photography & Design
October 3, 2023
You might be so rock ‘n roll that you couldn’t give a monkey’s about feeling embarrassed about or ashamed of your wedding budget. If you couldn’t care less about what society has tried to tell you that you ‘should’ be doing when it comes to your wedding then I have just two words for you… GO YOU.Read more...
Jamie Y
September 18, 2023
Congratulations! The question has been popped and you’re well on the way to planning your dream day. The budget has been decided, the date is set and it’s all very exciting. But as the spending gets under way, you start to notice some anxiety and stress creeping in. There’s a temptation to cut things out of your plan and rein everything in.Read more...
Costa Sister Productions
September 4, 2023
If you have an engagement shoot or wedding portraits coming up and you’re feeling pretty nervous, don’t worry. We got you. We’re Elena & Sofia from The Costa Sisters. We love making our clients feel absolutely incredible and comfortable in front of the camera so we’re sharing some of our favourite tips and secrets with you so you can go into your session with confidence!Read more...