Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Wedding Planning Advice

Alternative & Non-Strapless Wedding Dress Ideas for a Rock n Roll Bride


March 28, 2011

Hi Kat, I have a question about wedding dresses and I am super curious if you could help me out. My friend is getting married and she is having a really difficult time finding a dress. I mentioned to her how frustrated I would be if I were her because it feels like 95% of wedding gowns are "tube top" style. I find this incredibly weird considering MOST of my girlfriends hate their arms, yet all of them ended up wearing a tube top dress for their wedding. My friend flipped out (in a good way) when I said that because she said that is exactly the problem she is running into. My question you know of ANYYYYY websites/blogs/companies that sell UNIQUE, FUN DRESSES THAT are short, long, medium length, has sleeves, off the shoulder style.............JUST DIFFERENT! I feel like if I can help her find the perfect dress then the universe will be friendly to me when it's my turn....and helping her is SO MUCH FUN :) Love, Deanna

Post-it Notes – Top Tips for your Wedding Planning & Business – 18th March 2011


March 18, 2011

So Photography Friday is no more. I know some of you are still in mourning (be sure to follow me on twitter and facebook for regular and random personal pictures if you want 'em) but behold - a new feature! First off I've got to say thanks to everyone on twitter and facebook who helped me come up with the name for this post, I was struggling to be creative and couldn't think of anything to call it apart from 'Tip-day Friday' and that was kinda rubbish...

Under the Spotlight – Olivia Soleto Weddings


May 5, 2010

You think of a wedding and you'll pretty much straight away think of the bride. Her flowing white dress, her impeccable make up, her perfectly manicured nails and her purposely selected flowers, jewellery, shoes - the lot. However there's one lady out there who wants to change this preconception and runs her wedding planning business with the groom in the forefront. So, if you're groom doesn't glaze over when you mentioned the 'W' word or if he's wanting to get his teeth stuck into the planning as much as you, then I may well have the answer.

How to…Deal with Uncooperative Relatives


January 24, 2010

I need some advice. I live in Virginia, but all of my family lives back on the west coast. (I'm from Arizona) We decided that we would get married in Vegas this year so my family would be able to come (mainly my grandparents since they refuse to fly) They agreed to come and everyone seemed really excited about it. Then, I sent my mom pictures of what we'll be wearing. She hasn't shown my grandma yet, but she told her basically what they look like. When I called my grandma to talk to her about when we'll be flying into Tucson, she started lecturing me. She said it's "not a clown thing" and went on to say that if that's what I'm going to wear, she won't be able to come. Apparently, my clothing (which fits my personality very well) is making a mockery of marriage and weddings. I'm very upset about this, since she's as close to me as my own mom. I don't know what to tell her to convince her to come. Even my mother in law (who is extremely conservative) loves the outfit and thinks she's being ridiculous. Have you known anyone to have problems like this? (There’s pictures of our outfits attached if you'd like to see what the big deal is)

How to…Plan a Wedding in No Time at all


January 5, 2010

With the New Year upon us, I thought it apt to begin thinking about where I want Rock n Roll Bride to go in the next 12 months. I downloaded Gala Darling's 'Love & Sequins' #7 podcast, in which the crazy-inspiring writer/blogger/international playgirl imparted all her blogging, writing and general career awesomeness on to us mere wannabe blogging gurus. It really gave me a much needed boot up the arse and go me a-thinking about the year ahead (note: if you are a blogger yourself you need to download this think - it freakin' rocks) My mind is now fit to bursting with new ideas and directions for the site, but to ease you in gently, here’s diversion numero uno. Now don't you worry, there will still be just as much real wedding goodness this year (how could I possibly stop) but with the success of the 'How to Blog' series still ringing in my ears I thought it a great idea to expand on the idea and reach out and help all of my readers in one way or another. The 'How to...' series will be vast. It will be diverse. It will mould and shape itself in to a sequined glitter ball of knowledge and inspiration in no time at all and I need your help. What do you want help with? What can I write about to help you? Planning your wedding? Building your blog? Expanding your business? How to dye your hair pink!?...anything. I have a crack team of experts behind me who I plan to call upon whenever I need them (although most of them actually don’t know this yet!) So, without further ado, here we go with an email I received just the other day.

Rock n Roll Bride Featured in Cosmopolitan Bride Feb/March 2010


January 1, 2010

Happieeee New Year! As you nurse your sore heads I have some very exciting news to share...and what a fantastic end to 2009/start to 2010 it is. I have been featured in what is undoubtedly the best bridal magazine in the UK - Cosmopolitan Bride! Oh the excitement. I hope you Enjoy my tit bits of advice and words of wisdom all about how to plan the perfect Rock n Roll wedding. I just have to say a huge ass thank you to Gemma & Miranda at the magazine for asking me to take part and to every single reader of my little blog for believing in me because after all without you coming here to read my incessant ramblings none of this would be possible. You are all literally making my dreams come true.