Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Nerdy Pop Culture Wedding in Las Vegas


Becky Ryan

October 25, 2021

Launa and Josh wanted an October wedding in Las Vegas with alternative details that referenced their favourite games, movies and TV shows. The bride chose a red sequin 50s inspired dress from FairyGothMother with matching Converse and carried a paper flower bouquet made by Paper Bouquets from Harry Potter pages to represent her, comic pages to represent Josh and Magic the Gathering cards to represent them together.

A Backyard Wedding with a Family-Focus & Cardboard Cut Out Flowergirls



February 8, 2021

Like most couples who wed last year, Kayla and William had to make some big changes in order to have a small pandemic-friendly wedding. They were originally planning a big, country club wedding for August, which has now been postponed to 2021. However as the pair have lived apart for 4 1/2 years of their five year relationship (the groom lived in Ohio and the bride in New York), they just wanted to be married already. Their kiss after the ceremony was the first time they had kissed in over 200 days!

Gold Coast Vintage Meets Rock n Roll Themed Wedding with Red Roses Galore!

Sophie Cooke

Fennel & Fern

November 2, 2020

Inspired by their love of vintage and a rock n roll aesthetic, Corey and Elle’s March wedding was so authentically. In fact, nearly all their guests remarked it was exactly how they imagined the wedding to be! They lucked out with their venue - the Mobile Barber Shop Depot in Queensland - a warehouse space stuffed with vintage leather chesterfields, antique fabrics and unique brick walls provided the perfect starting point for their day.

Less Glam, More Grunge: A Peaky Blinders Inspired 1920s Themed Wedding

Sophie Cooke

Third Coast

October 2, 2020

As Hilary and Ronnie both work in TV production, it makes perfect sense that their wedding was inspired by one of their favourite shows. “I know 1920s themed weddings are really popular, but we were keen to avoid the ‘Gatsby’ look,” explained Hilary. “I really studied the set design on Peaky Blinders to get a rustic 1920s vintage look with the over the top glitz. We also really wanted our guests to have fun with costumes since we were getting married so close to Halloween, which is our favourite holiday."