Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


It’s My Birthday and I’m Giving *You* a Gift!


made u look

April 7, 2015

Yay it's my birthday! Although I do feel really bloody old now. I'm THIRRRRTYY freakin' ONE! OMG I'm totally ancient. Although this time last year I was definitely struggling with the thought of leaving my 20s behind, the past twelve months have been awesome (hello! I now have a magazine in actual shops!) Nothing actually really changes the older you get, does it? I mean, you're still you. You still have complete control over what you wear, how you act, and what you do. I have no plans to dye my hair a more respectable colour or to stop dancing in sequins on beaches!

A Scottish Highland Romance


 Liron Erel

March 23, 2015

Blyth and Jeff chose Blair Castle in Scotland at their wedding venue. With the groom loving all things Scotland and the bride actually being Scottish, it was the perfect place for them. "Jeff and I met online", Blyth told me. "We contacted each other at the exact same time and agreed to meet a few weeks later. On our first date we discovered we shared a birthday, as well as some real chemistry. One year later, he popped the question on a deserted beach in Antigua, complete with sunset and horses swimming in the ocean. We decided on a castle venue and searched high and low to find the right one. When I viewed St Brides Kirk, the roofless ruined chapel on the grounds of Blair Castle, I fell for it immediately and knew we had to be married there."

Personalised Wedding with the Bride in Blue


Stephen King

March 8, 2015

Happy Sunday one and all. I got back from my Vegas trip yesterday afternoon and I'm up early and raring to get back to work. I don't know about you, but as much as I love to travel, I almost love to come home even more. Getting back into your routine after a week of excess is quite the simple pleasure! I'll be writing a much more detailed post all about my trip stateside soon (I have some epic Vegas recommendations for those of you that might be getting married or honeymooning there) but for now I wanted to close the week with yet another beautiful wedding.