Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

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5 Things You Must Do To Ensure Your Wedding Goes Off Without a Hitch



July 24, 2013

It's not something we ever want to think about, but the likelihood is that everything won't go perfectly to plan on your wedding day. A couple of weeks ago I actually asked via my Facebook page if anyone had anything go wrong and I was blown away by the response. I even had people emailing me separately to tell me their stories of woe! While I was at first a little nervous that all those comments would be scaring the bejebus out of you brides-to-be, I think it is important to realise that while things may not always go to plan, it will all be OK in the end. Whatever happens your wedding will still be awesome. Pinky swear.

Looking for Quirky, Cool & Fashion-Led Wedding Photography?


Jacob & Pauline

July 17, 2013

Looking for the right wedding photographer to capture your big day can often feel like a full time job. There are so many styles, prices and packages around that it can often feel like you're lost in a sea of jargon, pound signs and confusion. But, if at the top of that very long list of yours you've written something along the lines of 'quirky, cool, fashion-led photography', then I may well have just found the photographers for you. Praise the Lord!

Wedding Planning Just Got a Whole Lot Easier…


July 9, 2013

We live in a time where there's an app for pretty much everything, so why should wedding planning be any different? But Appy Couple aren't like the other, cheesy wedding apps and 'wedsites' that you might have seen. The interfaces are clean, fresh and design-led. The system is intuitive and simple to use. They offer something more than just a website to help you plan your wedding, it's something you'll be proud to share with your friends, family and wedding guests, and a tool that they'll really want to use too.

Mama Wolf Makes Non-Shiny & Non-Cruddy Wedding Accessories for Dudes


May 28, 2013

Sometimes I read wedding blogs and wonder if there are even grooms involved in some of the weddings. I'm all for the girly stuff but I also really love to see a wedding where the couple have clearly worked together to plan the day. I mean, there's really nothing manly about pink peonies or soft tulle or teeny tiny little cupcakes... I know that I can be just as bad as the rest (I am a girl after all!) but I am also totally thrilled when I get the chance to talk about stuff for the dudes. So don't go forgetting your man when it comes to planning all things wedding, he's a big part of this day too remember and definitely needs to also look his super stylish best.

I’ve Found Your Wedding DJ…


May 22, 2013

For most Rock n Roll brides, finding the perfect entertainment for their wedding is top of the list of importance. Being a die hard music lover, but still wanting to keep the all your guests happy is no mean feat which I why I was thrilled to meet Paddy of Disco Wed when I was at the Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza in March. He's not only genuinely one of the nicest people I've met in this industry (and he's just as obsessed with his cat and I am with mine!) I think I might have actually just uncovered the answer to all your musical prayers.

Win Your Wedding Photography with Rutko Photographers


May 7, 2013

It is my life mission to save couples from terrible wedding photography. But picking the right wedding photographer is a big decision and I know one that a lot of my readers struggle with. For some of you especially, this is even more stressful as it's compounded with worries about the cost of it all. While I'm a firm believer that you should allocate a sizeable chunk of your wedding budget into the images that you'll keep forever, I'm not totally blind to the fact that for some of you, any investment at all just isn't possible.

Bespoke Illustrated Wedding Stationery from Story House


April 9, 2013

I loved art at school, and while it was clear from an early age that I had very little obvious talent myself, an appreciation for it - in whatever medium - certainly didn't pass me by. In fact used to lie on my bed as a lovestruck teenager, desperately attempting to create sketches and renderings of my celebrity crushes (don't ask), hanging them on my bedroom wall with such pride, despite their lack of accuracy. I experimented with drawing, painting, charcoals, cross stitch (again, don't ask!) and finally photography. As I said, I was never really very good at any of them, but the desire to tell stories in my own haphazard way was something that I always felt I needed to do. Thank God I discovered writing later in life or I might still be plaguing the world with my sketches of Christian Slater...

IF Ladies Wedding Shoe Design Contest: Favourites & Winner!


March 14, 2013

Well you guys are a creative lot aren't you? Over the past month I've been literally inundated with amazing entries for the design your own wedding shoe contest that I ran in association with IF Ladies. In fact so difficult was it to pick just one final winner that I asked the IF Ladies very nicely if I could pick a top ten and award some runners up prizes too... and luckily they said yes! Each of the lovely ladies below will be emailed a secret promo code for a massive discount on an order of any size through the IF Ladies website (pro tip: check out the S/S 13 tank tops - love love love!) How killer is that?!

It’s Not a Wedding Fair it’s an Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza!


March 6, 2013

Dear internet, there are a lot of wedding fairs in 2013. A LOT. There's also a rather disproportionate amount of them claiming to be of the 'alternative' persuasion. In fact I don't think I've ever heard a word over-used so much to describe something wedding-related since the dreaded 'vintage' invasion of 2011. Whether this is a good or bad thing is still very much up for debate, but here on this little alternative wedding blog (ahem) I pride myself in only showcasing the very best and most exciting wedding fairs in all the land.

Stress-Free Wedding Planning with Appy Couple


February 26, 2013

Wedding apps are a funny breed. We waited for years for someone to create a decent one, while small (and usually slightly buggy) ones hit the app stores in drips and drabs. But they all seemed to result in the same thing - system crashes and loud sighs of disappointment. Surely, having a space on your phone to plan your wedding, save your inspiration, keep tabs on your guest list and track your expenses couldn't be that hard to create, right!? Oh and we'd like it to be intuitive to use and to be gorgeously designed too please.

Win Your Wedding Photography with Robbins Photographic


January 15, 2013

I love that I can call so many of my regular contributors real life friends. It means that when it comes to sharing the amazingly generous and totally awesome special offers of someone I actually know and love offline, I can genuinely wax lyrical about how rad they are online. Lee Robbins of Robbins Photographic is a wedding photographer from Brighton. I've featured his briz-illiant photography on my blog too many times to mention. His eye for detail and the way he see the world is so unique and oh so beautiful but completely bad ass.