Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Pop Punk Meets Rustic Elegance


Viva Love Photo

January 19, 2018

Valerie and Brian met when she was 18 and he was 23. Brian worked at a skate shop and they would routinely hang out talking about alternative ideologies and hardcore music, never thinking that their paths would cross again. Fast forward a few years and they reconnected via OKCupid and decided to meet up! "In typical Jersey Shore fashion, we met for a late night cup of coffee at a diner, and a stroll on the boardwalk; the rest is history", said Valerie.

Punk Rock Wedding: Lauren & Con


October 15, 2012

Being unapologetically punk rock in their everyday lives, having a punk themed wedding was really the only option for Lauren & Con, who tied the knot at Pavilion Gardens, Mt Tamborine, Australia. "We’re punks so we wanted to have a wedding we’d enjoy but still wanted it to be nice and have most of the usual wedding trimmings for both us and the family", Lauren wrote. "We weren't trying to do things differently on purpose, we just did things the way we wanted and it all turned out awesome."

A Warehouse Wedding: Leslie & Ian


July 27, 2012

These punk rockers really shook up my inbox when they crash landed into it last week. Leslie & Ian were married in March at Cluster Studios in Denver. "Ian and I wanted to throw an amazing party for our friends and family", the bride wrote. "Nither of us are religious at all, and wanted to customize everything about our wedding. We wrote our own ceremony and had his friend Cory be our officiant (he picked up a badge that said 'clergy' from somewhere and hooked it to his chest, haha, it was perfect!). We had food trucks come rather than traditional catering. We wanted it to be more like a party then anything formal. I rocked a mohawk, which was pretty sweet. Plus, we were in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere (this meant no closing time, we partied straight through till dawn, and no noise or smoking requirements). We had comfy furniture, so people could sit and catch up. We also had high top tables, an outside area with heaters and a sweet bar area. It was awesome to have a laptop hooked up to a killer sound system, so we could listen to what we wanted to rather then the cheesy stuff some DJ's play. There is always someone who wants to play DJ at a party anyway, so a lot of the the time people were just rifling through my extensive music collection and playing whatever they felt like."

‘Rock n Riot’ – Behind the Scenes Photos and Video


June 9, 2011

First of all, a big load of love to everyone who took the time to comment, tweet, facebook or email me about the ‘Rock n Riot’ shoot yesterday. As ever I have been blown away with your love and support. I’m thrilled with the results but I always have to go one step further huh? So today I have the behind the scenes shots from Emma Case and video awesomeness from Pete Smyth & Simon Clarke to share. But that's not all, the styling genius that is the Ava team have also kindly popped by to explain a bit more about how they executed this epic (this word keeps cropping up in relation to this shoot…but seriously, I don’t think anything else could describe it as well!) styled shoot.

‘Rock n Riot’ – A Punk Themed Styled Shoot… The Final Results!


June 8, 2011

That time has come again when I have to put into words a day of so much epicness that it’s hard to know even where to begin. My latest big photo shoot was the brainchild of myself and florist Amy Grzegorzek of Little A in Birmingham. We first met at the Designer Vintage Bridal Fair in February and after seeing her beautiful vintage-inspired table settings, we got talking about working on a collaboration. She told me how she was about to launch Ava Event Styling, alongside Amanda of Bonne Fête and Vickie of The Boutique Baking Company, so a shoot like this would really be the very best way to enter the scene with a bang! “I’d love to do something really mental one day, shake things up a bit” Amy told me. “Yeah…like a punk themed wedding?” I asked. Amy’s face lit up like a child on Christmas morning and I’m pretty sure she let out a little squeal. “Yes! OMG yes, can we do it?!” …well put it this way, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

‘No Rules, Just Right’ – Amanda & Tyson’s Party Hard Weekend Wedding


May 19, 2011

Ut wedding obsession heading your way. Seriously, Amanda & Tyson's wedding is what dreams are made of and I'm so excited to share the full thing, in all it's colourful glory on these pages. Some of you might know Tyson. He is the genius behind this site, and a pin up artist (I actually found his site myself when I was searching for tattoo inspiration.) So needless to say, with such a creative groom, this wedding was always going to be bad ass. The wedding was held at Highland Falls in Blairsville, GA. Amanda's stunning green dress was by Teri Jon and she wore it with Jessica Simpson shoes which she added peacock clips from The Headband Shoppe on Etsy to tie in with the theme. She also used the decorative shoulder strap of the dress as her headpiece which gave her a really unique look.

My Punky Valentine


February 22, 2011

This shoot was organised by photographer Jennifer Whalen who wanted to showcase a different style of valentine's shoot (note: I know valentine's was over a week ago, but I loved the punky style of these images so much I still had to still share them!) The idea was to show a gorgeous alternative girl celebrating the day by causing a bit of chaos and enjoying her own company with wine and chocolates...something you wouldn't normally see when looking for ideas of inspiration for the international day of love! However it's this point of difference that made me love the shoot in the first place.