Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Music Festival Vibe


January 15, 2010

Jo & Matt's relaxed summer wedding took place at South Farmin Cambridgeshire, UK. The couple tied the knot in the venue's summer house whilst the stunning venue allowed guests to chill out outside, listen to the live music (including the groom's band!) and then camp overnight. The whole day have a hippy chic, music festival, vibe to it. Jo wore a vintage dress and Christian Louboutin shoes and looked every bit the perfect Rock n Roll Bride. Thanks to Emily for sending me this beautiful wedding. I am honoured to be the one to feature it for you!

Woodstock Wedding


September 5, 2009

Oh. My. GOD! This hippy chic, picnic stylee wedding with a woodstock vibe is nothing short of phenomenal. Finding amazing hidden gems like this has got to be one of my favourite things to do. I feel as though I have unearthed a complete treasure. Forget everything you think you know about weddings. This celebration makes all that seem futile. Can you imagine being there? Cramming into a tiny tent, siting on your friends laps or on the floor just to see your best friend's get married. She's wearing a stunning vintage gown (which the little girls all clearly adore!) and he's wearing a fabulouslyretro velvet suit. And the car...and the swing...and the random panda head...oooh oooh oooooh! I want to go and run around a field like a child and celebrate the joy of love right now... Credit: Cory Kennedy