Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

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48 Couples Marry at Bestival in the Big Love Inflatable Church


September 28, 2011

Taking place on the Isle of Wight for the past 7 years, Bestival music festival has fast become sinimomous with crazy antics, fancy dress...oh and a big dollop of awesome music thrown in for good measure! Each year it also plays host to the Big Love Inflatable Church, where couples can go to tie the knot. This year wedding photographer Chris Cowley was there to catch all the action! He explains, "A grand total of 48 weddings took place over the 3 day festival, Reverend’s ‘Nickerless’ and ‘Randy Johnson’ preformed ceremonies with the help of dishevelled bridesmaids, a mother in-law and a maid of dishonour."

A South African Winter Wedding at A Private Game Reserve: Jaimi & Adrian


September 23, 2011

Jaimi & Adrian are wedding photographers themselves so when it came to planning their own big day the photography was obviously a very important part for them. "Adrian and I met through a photographic project he did back in 2008 and we fell in love," Jaimi told me. "He asked me to marry him on a misty morning in October 2009 in the Drakensburg Kzn. We got married on January 10th, 2010 and had a small ceremony at Tala. We renewed our love for each other and had our wedding celebration on June the 24th this year at our special love place ... Tala Private Game Reserve." "As Adrian has been in the wedding industry for over 12 years now as a wedding photographer. We really wanted our day to be 'us' and a bit more rocker than the weddings we shoot every weekend of the year. We took all the 'stuff' we loved and piled it onto one day - from the clothes we love, to the passion we have to the fun we wanted for our family. It turned out awesome, it was personal, full of love, non stressful and just super rocking."

A Day of the Dead Art Gallery Wedding: Angie & Adam


September 23, 2011

Angie & Adam were married at Manchester Art Gallery, a fitting venue as the bride went to Manchester Metropolitan University to study art where she met her future husband. Angie wore a bespoke purple dress made for her by a friend who works in a theatre wardrobe department (currently with We Will Rock You!) They designed it together so Angie got just what she wanted. The couple chose not to have bridesmaids or groomsmen. They entered their ceremony together. "We wanted to start as we mean to go on - together," they explained. "We walked down the aisle holding hands and remained holding hands through the service. Also Angie's a bit of a feminist and didn't want to be given away."

A Backyard Handfasting & Rock Festival Wedding: Becca & Gary


September 19, 2011

Bex & Gary’s wedding looks like it was a lot of fun, dispite the rain! The first part of the day was a handfasting ceremony and morning reception in the bride’s Gran’s back garden. Afterwards the couple went to the registry office for the ‘legal bit’ and the day was rounded off by them going to Nozstock Festival and staying in their very own honeymoon suite – a tipi! "We knew straight away that we didn't want a traditional wedding and we both loved the idea of running away together to get married in secret but at the same time we wanted all our friends there too," the bride told me."We'd both been to weddings that felt impersonal and where we'd both felt nervous and out of place so our mission was to try and make the day as chilled out and as comfortable for everyone as possible. Gary came up with idea of going to a festival instead of a wedding reception and it all sort of fell into place."

A Heavy Metal, Karaoke Party: Julia & Steve


September 16, 2011

Julia & Steve found their photographer Hannah Millard after seeing a feature on her on Rock n Roll Bride. It's always so extra special to me to share weddings that my blog has 'helped' in some way and I'm really excited that this gorgeous couple were able to get such great wedding photographs because of Rock n Roll Bride. Happy face! Hannah clearly agrees. "Woahhh," she writes. "This wedding was just... wow. I mean. Just... OK, I'm having trouble putting it into words, it was just pure Rock n Roll. Julia & Steve are an awesome couple and they definitely know how to party. There was vodka and tattoo artists and rock band karaoke and Julia's brother DOVE INTO A CAKE. It was amazing."

A 1950’s Rock n Roll Wedding: Laura & Neil


September 14, 2011

Laura & Neil 1950's Rock n Roll wedding was inspired by the thing that brought them together - music. They explain, "Music was the thing that brought us together - Neil's Dad played the Cavern in the early 60's - and we've both always had an interest in classic Rock n Roll. We definitely enjoyed searching - Laura liked sourcing her own dress on the internet and having the bespoke accessories made to personalise the look. We didn't want to look like anyone else and we didn't want the wedding to be traditional. We choose Sassy of Assassynation as our photographer because of her unusual and unique style."

An Anti-Princess, Nerdy & Eco-Friendly Wedding: Josh & Jaclyn


August 31, 2011

Josh & Jaclyn were legally married on July 13th but had their reception on the 16th at Smith & Wilson Winery in Cedar Springs, Ontario. "We decided to have the reception and the ceremony were on separate dates," Jaclyn told me. "On the Wednesday before the Saturday reception Josh, I, our parents and two close friends went to city hall for a justice of the peace ceremony. It was really relaxed - we didn’t even dress up in our fancy wedding attire. I wanted this because wedding ceremonies always bore me to tears and didn’t want to put our guests through that. It is also a good thing because I got a case of the giggles so bad that tears streamed down my face and we had to pause so I could catch my breath. That would have been so horrible in front of 100+ people!"

A Brightly Coloured Floral Explosion of a Wedding: Sam & Dave


August 25, 2011

OK so don't hate me...but there's no Thursday Treats or Post it Notes this week or next week as I'm off galavanting in the US of A. However I hope I can make it up to you with today's beautiful wedding (and the promise of a MASSIVE bumper edition of Treats and some extra special wedding and business tips on my return!) Sam & Dave were married in London in July. After a church ceremony the couple and their guests all walked down the road to Wanstead Golf Club. "I wouldn't say we were that Rock n Roll really. We just did what we wanted and tried not to think about what we 'should' be doing and people's expectations," the bride explained. "We tried to do it on the cheap and make what we could ourselves. I even just called a cab to take me to the church as I didn't see the need to waste money on something that was just dropping me up the road!"

Regula & Bruno’s Afternoon Tea Party Reception (Part Two)


August 10, 2011

Remember Regula & Bruno's spooky Rye wedding? Well they're back, not once but twice today! I'm kicking of this Wednesday morn' with the Belgian leg of their wedding and this afternoon I'll be sharing their creepy wedding portraits taken at an abandoned fairground! Originally from Belgium the couple were keen to have a tea party reception in their home city for all their friends & family that didn't come over to the UK for their ceremony. Writer Regula told me all about their tea party. "We knew what we wanted to do for our wedding reception immediately. Because we were getting married in England we wanted our friends from Belgium to feel like they were in the UK. We decided we were going to do a Wedding afternoon tea."

A Quirky, 1950’s & DIY London Wedding: Rebecca & Morgan


August 5, 2011

I fell in love with Rebecca & Morgan's quirky wedding as soon as it landed in my inbox and I'm honoured and super excited to share it with you today...especially because they used some of my favourite suppliers (including Lisa Jane Photography and Vivien of Holloway) and well as some of the DIY project that I've posted on my blog. Yey! Rebecca told me all about their fabulous wedding. "Morgan and I grew up only 8 miles apart and even went to the same secondary school; in fact he was in my sister’s year in school. However we didn’t meet each other until April 2009, believe it or not he sent me a facebook friendship request, we went for a date and a crazy year later I asked him to be my fiancé. I even commissioned a ring from the quirky designer Amber France as a surprise, he said yes (sigh of relief on my side). Our daughter Efa was born and things went on the back burner and then 7 months later on my birthday he gave me a beautiful blue opal ring, it was like a green light!"

A DIY, Lesbian Wedding: Natalie & Sarah


August 3, 2011

Natalie & Sarah were married at El Rio, a bar in San Francisco. "My friend described our wedding as 'A backyard picnic with 52 pieces of flair'. I wanted it to feel like a big huge queer love fest," newlywed Sarah told me. "Our wedding was Rock n Roll because it was a queer wedding first and foremost. We had so much wiggle room to shape our event to be exactly what we wanted it to be. We were able to incorporate some traditional aspects, like the ring exchange, and do away with others that had no meaning to us like a bouquet toss or smashing a piece of cake in one another’s face. Although Nat and I can’t legally get married in the state of California we’re looking forward to taking a trip to New York to do it soon! I have a full sleeve of tattoos and wanted to feel sexy at my wedding, so I opted for a short dress that showed off my sleeve & some cleavage."

A Recycled Wedding Fashion Shoot at Paramount Ranch


August 3, 2011

"The concept of this photo shoot was 'eco friendly + recycled wedding fashion for modern brides'," photographer Yuna Leonard writes. " Both of the dresses and the boots in this set were found at American Vintage store on Melrose, Los Angeles. I love that store!! I was in love with the ideas of recycling and reusing wedding fashion from days gone by - maybe from brides who were in your Mother's or Grandmother's generations. The dresses I bought were also very inexpensive { from $70 - $ 100. The boots were $50.} We fused this style with an idea for outdoor / backyard styled reception fashion as well. The mixed style of vintage + bohemian + western totally got me this time! Hope you enjoy it!"

An Eclectic Nightclub Wedding: Ant & Lou


July 27, 2011

Ant & Lou were married in Chianti, Italy but had a massive reception party at The Kazimier nightclub in Liverpool on their return. "We wanted to get married abroad and bring with us all of the people we love dearly," Lou told me. " It was important to both of us to have our friends and family there, but to also have a very personal wedding, something that was exactly us. We found a beautiful castle in Chianti, Italy and started our wedding process from there. Everyone came on different flights at different times on different days and even though there was an ash cloud, an unexploded WW2 bomb found in Pisa airport and severe winds causing planes to be diverted, everyone got there eventually. One group of friends were travelling for 26 hours just to get from Liverpool to Tuscany! but they made it and their positivity was beautiful."

A Crafty Vintage Wedding: Heather & Wil


July 20, 2011

Heather & Wil's crafty wedding was held at a friend's house, which just happened to be an ex-church and was big enough to house all their guests as well as looking quite impressive. They kept things simple, didn't have a bridal party and kept everyone fed and happy with a good old fashioned BBQ! "We did everything just how we wanted it," explained the bride. "We walked down the aisle together, didn't have a bridal party, only invited 35 people and were very happy with the results. The most important thing that happened that day was that I married the man that I have loved for almost 10 years, it wasn't about impressing or out-doing, it was about love and I think finding true love is pretty damn Rock n Roll!"