Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Autumnal Vintage Cinema Wedding: Holly & Robert


December 20, 2011

Holly & Robert were married at The Electric Cinema in Birmingham. After walking down the aisle to Billie Holiday 'It had to be you', the bride with her groom, headed to Kitchen Garden Cafe Kings Heath for a casual and DIY reception. "Rob asked me to marry him in NYC in October last year he got down on one knee in Central Park and gave me a beautiful 1920's pearl engagement ring," Holly wrote to me. "It was the happiest day of my life everywhere was just bursting with Autumn colour, strolling through the park was so romantic I wanted to capture the feeling of that day at our wedding."

A Psych-Folk-Horror Themed Wedding: Ali & Dan


December 7, 2011

Ali & Dan, who won free wedding photography with Laura Babb through a feature on this little wedding blog of mine, were married in November. With Dan being Scottish, they originally thought about having their wedding in the far North of the country (the area where he's from) but it turned out the logistics were impossible. However they luckily found their perfect venue in Folly Farm, Bristol. "We trawled around plenty of places with the help of the internet, and even booked another venue at one point - but when we found Folly Farm we knew it was the right spot," Ali told me. "We completely lucked out with the weather on the day, it was hard to believe it was November – but as we fell for Folly Farm’s vantage point and woodland walks on a dreich February morning, we knew it would be beautiful no matter what. We will shortly be leaving the UK to spend a few years working in Philadelphia, so the wedding also gave us a chance to say goodbye to our closest friends and family."

A Bride in Boots


April 26, 2010

Oh Dan & Dayna you've made my day! What an awesome wedding and a fantastic story. I've been dying to share these all weekend! I knew this would be an awesome wedding in fact as soon a photographer Matthew told me that the bride was part of the Vaudeville Circus (you can see her in action here - far right in the white dress) "I wanted to have a rock-n-roll wedding that felt like Dan and I had our hands all over" explained Dayna "I spent a lot of time pouring over wedding blogs and getting inspiration from cool brides. I picked themes that we both loved like reading, hence the book center pieces and framed quotes from our favorite authors, Fall and the month of October (the colors and flowers), simple down home (and cheap!) mason jars as vases. All of our music the entire day was hand picked and never 'traditional': wedding procession we had our friend play the ukulele, bridal march was Cat Powers "Sea of Love" (followed by The Honeydrippers "Sea of Love" for our first dance), our walk as husband and wife was Joey Ramone's "Wonderful World". Our flower girls wore homemade tutu's, leotards and ballet slippers. We had a drawing after dinner with silly gifts of our life so far (a DVD of the first movie we saw, a pint glass from the restaurant where we met, a dvd of "It's a Wonderful Life" cuz we're nerds and watch it every year...). It was a rockin' day for sure!"

Outdoorsy Autumn Diy Wedding


April 9, 2010

Summer & Frank got married exactly a year after their first date. The wedding had an Autumn theme and was held at a local park. Their reception was at one of their favourite hang outs - Fatty's in Astoria. "I started looking for parks in our area where we could also hold the reception." Summer told me. "We're both very casual and outdoorsy, so we didn't want anything formal--we wanted the focus to be more on the happiness of the day. The cost for renting local parks is a shocking fraction of more formal venues, too, and you can bring in your own catering, which gives you more options for food. I'm a vegetarian, so that was important."

Autumn Leaves


November 11, 2009

Oh yes, yet another autumn/fall/Halloween wedding for you lucky lucky people, but this one couldn't be further away in style from the last. Darby & Eric got married at Heritage Park in Dana Point California on October 3rd 2009 and the reception followed at Darby's Parents home nearby with just some of their closest friends and family. A super personal, uber stylish affair the couple really went all out to make it their own. I am absolutely loving the autumn leaf bouquets and subtle Halloween theming around the event - not OTT, not crazy, just them. Oh and I had to mention the bride and bridesmaid's dresses too... swwaaaahhhoooon! Thanks to Molly & Matt for the exclusive. Love love lurrrve

Punpkin Carving. Autumn Leaves. Masquerade Ball.


November 7, 2009

Skye & Liam had a detail-perfect Halloween wedding in Cambridgeshire. The couple really went all out and even had a pumpkin carving competition for their guests. They suspected many people wouldn't bother, but to their surprise and delight nearly every guest brought a personalised pumpkin to share! What a talking point huh? Instead of a guest book, they opted for a message 'tree' where their guests could write messages to the newly married couple on the autumnal leaves which they attached to the branches. They even rounded the evening off with a masquerade ball! Hello awesomeness! Thanks to Kim for sharing these. I am expecting to share a load more of Kim's fantastic work on the site soon! Credit: Kim Hawkins Photography

Autumnal Engagement


October 5, 2009

Autumn is most definitely here isn't it? Although it's getting colder (and in the UK's case much rainier) we do get some gorgeous colours and light at this time of year. San Francisco based Jerry & Ingrid Yoon were lucky enough to photograph the gorgeous Rosann & Josh frolicking in the autumn leaves for their recently engagement session. These images make me feel all together a little bit less blue about the impending season. Thanks guys, you certainly put a smile on my face this morning! Credit: Jerry Yoon Photography

The Wedding Tree


July 18, 2009

I am so over the moon to be the first blog to bring you this amazing wedding. Paul & Cassie's day really couldn't be anywhere but Rock n Roll Bride though surely? From her cute cute dress, to their kick ass tattoos - from the simply sweet ceremony site (just plastic chairs and autumnal leaves) to all the adorable personal touches (I am crazy in love with their thumb print wedding tree 'guest book'.) There is in fact nothing I don't love and I could go on with a big old list of everything I am swooning over right now. However it's probably better for me just to share the photographic joy oui? Thanks to the wonderful Jonas Peterson for the Rock n Roll Bride exclusive!