Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 46
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Nostalgia is one of the strongest, most powerful emotions of the collective consciousness. How many of us have thought that things were so much simpler when we were younger? When there were no smartphones, no 24-hour news cycle and we all felt safe enough to leave our front doors unlocked?
It’s all too easy to idealise the past, which is why I think throwback, vintage or retro themed weddings have always been popular. Looking back at things we used to enjoy feels good, so it’s no wonder that we might want to package up that sense of joy and pump it into our wedding day too!

Whether you want to go full-on themed party vibes, you want to take a few ideas from an era that you wish you could have lived through, or you want to recall some of your favourite things from your childhood, there are so many ways to evoke nostalgia in a wedding. This issue of the magazine will show you how.

I was a total joy to go back down memory lane when putting it together. It’s nice to look back and celebrate where we’ve come from (and let’s face it the 90s had some truly iconic fashion moments!) but let’s not get stuck in the past too much. Remember, you’re planning your future here and there are so many amazing moments waiting for you right around the corner.

Order your copy today or why not subscribe so you never miss an issue? The magazine costs just £5.99, which includes free UK shipping and we ship worldwide ?
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