Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 44
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Self-love, body positivity, feeling confident being in the skin you’re in – it’s such a huge roadblock for so many of us and there’s so much to unpack, where do we even begin? And that’s not even taking into account how much your self-worth can nose-dive when you get engaged and realise how much toxic bullshit is (still) so prevalent in the wedding industry!

The brand-new issue of the magazine is now available for purchase and we've themed it around this very important topic. We want you to feeling like your most fabulous self while planning your wedding and we hope this collection of articles, accompanied by stunning inspirational imagery, will help you with exactly that.

As well as our usual 100+ pages of gorgeous wedding inspo from real life couples, we are looking forward to sharing a wealth of solid, actionable advice for when those demons show up and rear their ugly, self-deprecating heads. And, as always, the magazine also features a plethora of awesome, alternative wedding suppliers who are also dedicated to making their couples feel gorgeous, powerful and above all - LOVED.

Subscribe here so you never miss one or order this single issue below .
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