Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 43
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“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito” - The Dalai Lama
Can I be honest with you? I am really nervous about putting out this issue of the magazine. Why? Because I am terrified of getting it wrong.
As someone who has spent a lot of time on the Internet, and has experienced first-hand what happens when an angry mob attack you for not upholding an absolutely impossible standard of moral perfection, it’s scary to speak up about a topic like sustainability and environmentalism. The fear of getting dragged across the Internet for making a potential misstep has stopped me from even trying in the past.
But the truth of the matter is none of us are perfect, least of all me! None of us is getting it 100% right all the time, and unless you live off the land, eat vegan, don’t have a phone, never use anything plastic, don’t drive a car, wouldn’t dare consume fast food, never buy any piece of fast fashion and you don’t have or plan to have children (one of the worst things you can do for the planet is add more people to it!); then you are not perfect either.

Yet spend any amount of time on the left-leaning side of Instagram and you'll be told that that there is no middle ground. You’re either good or bad; part of the solution or part of the problem. And this simply isn’t true. Plus, living in constant fear of getting ‘found out’ that we don’t live a perfectly ethical life is terrible for our mental health; which let’s face it, is an epidemic all in itself.
So, this is your permission to NOT get it right all the time, to NOT be perfect and to NOT hold yourself back from trying because you’re afraid of public shame or being ‘cancelled’. If you read this issue of the magazine and just make one choice that is more sustainable or eco-friendly for your wedding than you would have done without it, then I will feel like I’ve done my job.
The ethos of Rock n Roll Bride has always been the same and it dovetails perfectly into this topic too – you don’t have to be offbeat, wacky or perfect; you just have to be you.

Inside this issue you will find the usual eclectic mix of real wedding inspiration and ideas on how you can steal their style; articles to help you make more eco-conscious choices for your day and even a crafting piece. We hopefully that will give you some food for thought when it comes to what to do with the actual pages of the magazine when you've finished reading it!
In our lifestyle section we've profiled some sustainable homeware brands, I spoke to the co-founder of eco-conscious, e-commerce store Friendly Turtle on how they run their business, and our resident relationship expert has penned a piece about how to SUSTAIN a happy relationship and fight fair (see what we did there!?)

The cover shoot for this one only features brands who put eco-practices and sustainability at the core of what they do - from the fashion to the flowers and even the location we shot at! We chose room2 in Chiswick, because it’s the world’s first whole life net zero hotel. They use 89% less energy per m2 compared to typical UK hotels, and it is the first hotel in the world to fully account for its entire carbon footprint, making it ‘whole life net zero’. You can read more about their unique concept in the feature.

Be sure to order your copy today! As always, UK postage is free and we ship worldwide.
You can grab this single issue or subscribe to this and any future issues HERE.
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