What If You Fall Out Of Love With Your Brand?
July 22, 2014
Lisa Devlin
July 22, 2014
July 8, 2014
Someone tweeted me last week that I should write a post titled "It's a blog eat blog world out there". It made me chuckle so that's exactly what I've done. I hope it's helpful as well as just slightly amusing though! Here are my thoughts on what makes a successful blog:Read more...
Devlin Photos
July 1, 2014
The rumours are true, I'm obsessed with my work. But I have a dirty little secret... I sometimes feel really guilty about just how very obsessive I am. Confession time (deep breath). On an almost daily basis I have that overwhelming feeling of guilt that I'm devoting too much time to this blog and not enough to everything - and everyone - else. As painful as it is to admit, I often feel like I'm letting everything else play second fiddle to work. That, by the way, is an awful feeling to have.Read more...
Alexa Loy
June 27, 2014
My least favourite part of school was any kind of public speaking. I'd do anything I could possibly think of to avoid it. So no one is more surprised than me that talking to a room of people full of people is now my idea of a damn good time. It makes it a whole lot easier when I'm taking about the subject I love the most though: blogging!Read more...
Diane + Mike
June 24, 2014
I speak a lot about jumping in feet first, launching and learning and making mistakes to grow your business, but the truth of the matter is you can't always lead with your heart. You have to weigh up the pros and cons of each major decision that you make so that you don't end up losing it all.Read more...
June 17, 2014
Being your own boss is the most wonderful thing. Since launching Rock n Roll Bride in 2007 I've discovered a LOT about myself, the wedding industry and running a business. But if there's one lesson I learnt faster than anything else, it was that I couldn't do everything myself. For example, I could have spent hours wrestling with Photoshop to come up with a design for my site, or I could work a little harder on the things I am better at so I can pay my designer to do it for me.Read more...
Made U Look
June 10, 2014
This morning I hosted an hour long Q&A livestream with my Blogcademy babes from our Vancouver apartment. We recorded the whole thing, so if you want to re-watch it in your own time, or you weren't able to tune in live, you can right now!Read more...
Death to the Stock Photo
June 10, 2014
We've all seen them, those business coaches promising that they can make you rich. Swearing that for the measly sum of (insert number with way too many zeros on the end here) they can turn your business around by showing you their top secret techniques that will make your pockets bulge with excess cash. They brag about their seven figure incomes, their thousands of happy clients, their giant mansions and the exotic vacations they take at every opportunity. Don't be fooled my friends.Read more...
Chris Barber
June 3, 2014
When you’re a teenager, peer pressure sucks. That constant squeeze from your peers to act the same, think the same, be the same as them. It forces you to fit in, to conform, to not be your own weird 'n wonderful self. As an impressionable, confidence-lacking 14 year old, peer pressure can define you. It can make you take up smoking (yep), start drinking (er... yep), sneak out of class and lie to your parents (yep, er... yep!) I think we can all look back on those times and realise that peer pressure was actually a form of bullying, dressed up with a more socially acceptable name. And bullying sucks. Period.Read more...
Soda Fountain
June 2, 2014
A little known fact about me is that I was a huge nerd at school. I think people assume that I must have been one of the rebellious ones, hanging out behind bike sheds and bunking off classes, but actually, I was super well behaved. It wasn't until I hit 15, discovered rock music and boys that didn't resemble pre-pubescent gremlins, that I became a bit more of a wild child!Read more...
Made U Look
May 26, 2014
May 20, 2014
Hi Kat A quick query: how much do you charge for product reviews? I am a virtual vet. I also have a blog, posting every day. This is becoming a larger part of my workload, but I do it for free, which is a challenge. Part of my mix is a weekly product review, which I have done for free up till now. A PR company told me that one of the reasons that they use me is that I am free whereas people like you charge a fee. So hence my question: how much do you charge?Read more...
Ingrid Chang of Jerry Yoon Photographers
May 16, 2014
The night before our first Blogcademy workshop of the year I turned to Gala and squealed "I AM SO EXCITED!" It had been nearly six months since our last class in Auckland and I was dying to get cracking again.Read more...
May 13, 2014
Like most small business owners, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We all might moan about whatever new development they implement next, but it is still, by far, the social media channel that brings the most traffic to my blog, and the one where the most reader engagement happens. Although the reach of your page may be decreasing due to whatever it is Facebook is up to at the moment, it is still a vital tool for any small business owner.Read more...
Amber Gress
May 6, 2014
Dear Kat I'm a new blogger and I'm really struggling with getting my name out there... well, it's not even that really, I'm struggling to get any kind of response from people. You see, I've emailed a bunch of people in the industry that I admire, sometimes to ask for a little advice, but mostly to just introduce myself and say hello... but no one is replying to me. I'm starting to feel invisible! It's so difficult to get a new blog or business off the ground as it is and I already feel like giving up. What am I doing wrong?Read more...
Ashley Joyce
February 12, 2025
February 17, 2025
Rachel Bond
February 24, 2025
S J Jones
February 14, 2025
Sofia Katherine
February 25, 2025
Kamarin Ann
February 21, 2025