Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

LJ Stocks

Celebrating your Un-Wedding: Six Ways to Mark your Postponed Wedding Day

LJ Stocks

Photography by Vicki

October 1, 2020

With new restrictions, local lockdowns and the ever-looming presence of Covid-19, weddings seem to be balancing on a knife edge. Here at Rock n Roll Bride (I mean, its a wedding industry wide feeling TBH!) we feel such anguish for those couples who planned a 2020 wedding and have now had to push back. Today, writer LJ Stocks shares six ways you can still make your postponed wedding date special.

How to Carpe the Diem Out of Your Wedding and Your Life: Three Ways to Seize the Day

LJ Stocks

Devlin Photos

August 24, 2020

Carpe Diem. Seize the day. It’s such a grand phrase, like you should be swanning about in white robes and an excellent beard, but in reality, when we’re flinging ourselves from work to school run to the gym (ha! Or not), ‘seizing the day’ seems to fade to ‘fumbling at the day with your jumper on inside out and your skirt tucked into your knickers’. Throw planning a wedding into the mix, and it’s a wonder that our brains can function at all. But seizing the day isn’t about seeing how much we can squeeze into 24 hours; it’s about doing something meaningful today that makes tomorrow a better place to be.