Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Pretty in Pink: A Vintage Village Hall Wedding


Photography by Vicki

December 18, 2015

Danni and Ben, your wedding gives me LIFE. I am so excited to share it on the blog today. This gorgeous heavily-tattooed pair were hitched in Maidstone, at a venue called Kent Life. "Our wedding theme was a bit of a mixture of 1950s, rural farm life and a tea party!" said Danni. "We love the 1950s anyway, I have a huge collection of dresses already and we just love the music and the dancing. I really love that our wedding was personal to us and wasn't generic."

Bohemian Festival Wedding with African Roots


Millie Benbow

December 17, 2015

Chris and Jen wanted a bohemian, outdoor wedding inspired by their love of festivals and each other. "We're lucky to be able to have a pretty bohemian lifestyle", the bride said. "We like to travel and we like to let our hair down at festivals. Many of our friends come from theses and other creative pools. Chris has African roots and we both wanted to acknowledge this in the symbolism and ceremony of our day. So I guess our theme was... us?"

Science, Stars and Everything We Love


Hazelwood Photo

December 17, 2015

Lulu and Alex's June wedding was held at The Historic Overlook House in Portland. Their wedding theme was based on a sentence that they came up with on early in the planning process. "Science, Stars, and everything we love", Lula said, "and we only picked things we really loved. We obviously had our favourite colours but also dinosaurs riding pine cones, temporary star tattoos (our son loves temporary tattoos), food from our favourite restaurant, Erlenmeyer flasks, wood tables and chairs, paper crafts, mercury glass, and all the weird beautiful flowers and eucalyptus I could have asked for."

Maps & Metallics: A Three-Day House Party Wedding in Somerset


Ellie Gillard

December 15, 2015

I often say that the weddings I blog are like my children, and to choose a favourite just wouldn't be possible or fair. But Carly and Tom's is definitely way up there. Not only because I've known Carly for ten years (she was the first person I met at University and we've been BFFs ever since), not only because I was maid of honour (my first time being a bridesmaid no less!) but because it was such a wonderful and special three days and I just know you guys are going to love nosing at their beautiful pictures just as much as I did.

Don’t Tell The Bride: Vibrant Bollywood Wedding in Brighton


Fleming Photo

December 14, 2015

I'll admit, I don't always watch BBC Three's Don't Tell The Bride, but I'm so glad I caught Rosa and Harry's episode. In fact it's probably my favourite wedding that's ever been featured! For those of you that don't know, the premise of the show is the couple get £12,000 to spend on their wedding, the proviso being that the groom does all of the planning... in three weeks! The couple are separated for that time and bride can know nothing about the wedding until the day. Cue ridiculously bad decisions, overspending on crazy things and tears... lots of tears. This is reality TV gold my friends.

How to Get the Best Results from Exhibiting at a Wedding Show


December 14, 2015

I'm sure you will have heard by now, but Rock n Roll Bride is partnering with the National Wedding Show, the UK's biggest bridal event, to host an area for alternative suppliers in the spring. It's VERY exciting indeed! The exhibitor stands are filling up fast, and today I wanted to share some of my top tips for those of you wanting to come along and showcase your product. If you've ever wondered why some companies seem to be overrun with business after doing just one wedding show a year, whereas others struggle to get any bookings from them, read on!

Finding the Perfect Christmas Party Outfit at The Revival Retro Boutique


Kat Forsyth

December 9, 2015

Running your own business is probably one of the best things ever, but the fact that you don't get a Christmas party along with the rest of society is very sad indeed! So my fellow self-employed babes and I are planning on throwing our own cocktail, cava and Mexican food shindig this weekend. It's going to be epic and of course there's only one thing on my mind... finding a brand new outfit!