Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


I’m Off to Japan!!


March 14, 2016

Kon'nichiwa! It seems like forever since I've written a more personal post (there's just so much weddingness waiting to be shared in my inbox). However I wanted to pop by today and let you all know that I'm off to Japan next week! Gareth and I went there for our honeymoon in 2008, but with hardly any travel experience or money (which, let's face it, you need in Japan!) so we are super duper excited to be going back with a bit more of both of these crucial things behind us.

Colourful and Romantic Wedding In Rio de Janeiro


Flávia Valsani

March 12, 2016

Rayana and Guilherme's Brazilian wedding was full of glorious details! "We wanted to have a big party with everything and everyone that makes us happy", began the bride. "Weddings in Brazil are usually too formal and full of traditions that don't have much to do with us, so we decided to do only the things that made sense. We had a religious ceremony because it was important for my family, but we also wanted the party to be fun and full of unusual details. Also, since we work with books, we wanted to incorporate them in the wedding décor."

Skin Deep: A Bridal Shoot for Everyone


Devlin Photos

March 8, 2016

If you've picked up a copy of issue 7, you will have seen the Skin Deep photo editorial that I partnered with Nova of the Nu Bride on. Today I wanted to share a few extra shots with you all that didn't make the magazine spread (it turns out 8 pages just isn't enough ha!) The idea behind this shoot was simple, and the idea was sparked from an email that Nova received after an article she wrote for issue 4 about cultural representation in the wedding industry.