Win ♥ Lissita Treasure Ring By TokyoMade!
September 22, 2009
My darlings the time has come - new contest alert woop woop! Ever since our honeymoon in Tokyo I have been somewhat obsessed with all things Japanese - from the fashion to the food I seriously love it all. So you can imagine my delight when I discovered TokyoMade, a fantastic Tokyo-based company who design, make and ship (worldwide!) their awesome kawaii creations. After lusting and swooning a little bit more than what could be deemed as normal over their site, I spoke to the pair behind the company, Masao & Deanne, who were of course delightful! But even better than all this, you lucky lucky readers, the pair have donated three fantastically kitsch and faaabulous Lissita Tresure Globe Rings for a super kawaii giveaway! I will be giving away two prizes this time so you have two ways to enter. 1. Comment below saying which ring you would like to win (Bow, Violin or Fly...the third one will be mine but I can't choose which one to keep as I love them all so whichever one doesn't get won I will keep!) and why. 2. Follow both @RocknRollBride and @TokyoMade on Twitter and tweet the following message @RocknRollBride @TokyoMade I need to win the XXX ring because.... You have until Friday 25th September to enter. You can enter via both methods but only one entry per method please! Contest is open to ALL readers (I will ship worldwide). Winners will be chosen at random with some kind of sophisticated system....Now GO!Read more...