How to…Deal with Uncooperative Relatives
January 24, 2010
I need some advice. I live in Virginia, but all of my family lives back on the west coast. (I'm from Arizona) We decided that we would get married in Vegas this year so my family would be able to come (mainly my grandparents since they refuse to fly) They agreed to come and everyone seemed really excited about it. Then, I sent my mom pictures of what we'll be wearing. She hasn't shown my grandma yet, but she told her basically what they look like. When I called my grandma to talk to her about when we'll be flying into Tucson, she started lecturing me. She said it's "not a clown thing" and went on to say that if that's what I'm going to wear, she won't be able to come. Apparently, my clothing (which fits my personality very well) is making a mockery of marriage and weddings. I'm very upset about this, since she's as close to me as my own mom. I don't know what to tell her to convince her to come. Even my mother in law (who is extremely conservative) loves the outfit and thinks she's being ridiculous. Have you known anyone to have problems like this? (There’s pictures of our outfits attached if you'd like to see what the big deal is)Read more...