Rock n Roll News – My Crazy Life
May 24, 2010
First off, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support over the last year or so. I know I say it all the time, but I truly am in awe at every single on of you that visits my site, comments, sends me emails of love, send me submissions, sponsors me and generally allows me to live my dream! Because of every single one of you I've been able to go part time at my day job and spend 5 days a week doing what I love. It's amazing and it's all because of you guys. After the initial over-excitement of becoming a full time blogger, I got-to-thinking; hell, what am I going to do next?! How can I make Rock n Roll Bride even better with all this extra time? Well, as with most things in this career of mine, it's all just kind of falling into place. From the very beginning the blog has been very organic and real, and has grown slowly. I hope, in a genuine way. I never started my website to make money and in all honestly, becoming rich is not how I measure my success. As long as I can pay my bills and feed my kittens I'm happy. I didn't start the blog to be the biggest or most popular and I won't be turning Rock n Roll Bride into a money making empire now this is my main income so I hope you'll be pleased to hear! I measure my success on you guys. How many people read what I write and comment on the photographs I post and how and if I make you happy. It sounds soppy and idealistic but seriously, that it. That's me.Read more...