Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Nicola & Steve’s Intimate New York City Wedding


January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! I'm starting 2011 with a bang, and the wedding of loyal Rock n Roll Bride reader Nicola to Steve. The couple, from Northern Ireland, were married in New York and Nicola spent a lot of her planning time on Rock n Roll Bride - in fact when she emailed me her wedding submission, I actually recognised her name from all the comments she'd left along the way. It was almost like we were old friends, so of course I I said yes to featuring her gorgeous Rock n Roll New York wedding on these pages.

Happy New Year!


January 1, 2011

Happieee new year! I trust you all had a suitably fabulous NYE celebration whatever you were up to? Me? Yeah...I was working at the shopping channel until 2am (Rock n Roll!) but at least I haven't woken this morning with a stinking hangover...small mercies hey?! The good news is that it was the last New Year's I will ever have to work for someone else because I am going to be a full time wedding blogger so soon (I can smell it!) NYE 2011 is gonna go off the hook yo! The blogging schedule will return to normal on Monday, but I just wanted to drop by today for some obligatory happy new year's love. Next week I'll even been doing something on the blog that I'm very scared about too, I'm going into 2011 full throttle...eeek. Stand by people, stand by!

Rock n Roll Bride in Company Magazine


December 31, 2010

I'm closing 2010 with some good news. Last month I was contacted by Company Magazine for some unusual hen (bachelorette) ideas for an article they were writing on the subject. I was more than happy to wax lyrical about getting some fab hen night photos and to recommned some of my favourite photographers who can do so (they are listed in the article so go and pick yourself up a copy, although if you are interested in the idea be sure to ask your photographer - many of them may have never thought of offering the service before but would love to take some snaps of you and your girls!)

A Bonus Thursday Treat – Anna and the Ring’s Snowy Wedding


December 30, 2010

Thursday treats may officially be finished for 2010, but I couldn't let this year conclude without sharing the fact that my gorgeous friend - blogger and regular Rock n Roll Bride guest poster, Anna and the Ring got married! Anna's snowy wedding to David took place in November and was perfectly captured by the epic Emma Case. For the full set of glorious image and all the juicy details be sure to pop by Emma Case's blog, and Love My Dress.

2010 – The Year that Was {Part Two}


December 29, 2010

My plan was to have my top 5 posts from each month in this list, however after going through the archives I realised there was some stuff I simply couldn't leave I broke my own rule and added in some extras. Seriously, if you're bored during this weird Crimbo Limbo week (what is it with the week between Christmas and new year? Time just seems to sloooow down) then go check out August - October's blog posts in particular. There is so many awesome weddings over there (if I do say so myself.) July to December all up in your area...

Thursday Treats – 23rd December 2010


December 23, 2010

I don't know about you, but I am totally in Christmas wind down mode the week. I've procrastinated a lot. It's all good though, it's Chriiissstmaaas! Wow The last Thursday Treats of the year hey? We'd better make it a good one. I also just wanted to take this chance to say a huge thank you to everyone that sent me cards and presents (!) for Christmas. I have been a very spoilt girl indeed and I am humbled by all your generosity.

Beautiful Winter Floral Decor Ideas


December 23, 2010

I was only sent these gorgeous images yesterday, but I simply had to share them with you before Christmas as they really got me in the mood! Put together by florist Emily Thompson Flowers and the fabulous photographer Levi Stolove, the aim of the shoot was to showcase some brand new, gorgeous and unique winter decor ideas. The location used was Emily's beautiful shop in Brooklyn. How stunning would a winter wedding decorated like this be? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling super festive right now!

Marzaan & Joe’s Beautiful South African Wedding


December 22, 2010

I was sent Marzaan & Joe's wedding quite a while ago now by their fabulous photographer's We Love Pictures and I couldn't hold off posting any longer! Joe is a South African rugby player, so understandably the couple are quite busy so I unfortunately don't have much info on this wedding for you. However I'm sure you'll agree that seeing the photos on their own, even without all the wedding info, is totally worth it.

Amanda & Stu’s Multi-Coloured Balloon, Sphynx Cat-Loving, South-Bank Graffiti, Charlie Chaplin Look-a-Like Engagement


December 21, 2010

Amanda & Stu's gorgeous engagement session is special for two reasons. Not only did the couple find their photographer Shell de Mar on Rock n Roll Bride, but it's the groom that is the big Rock n Roll Bride fan. I love that I have (a few, carefully selected and super special) male readers who can see past all the pink and glitter and enjoy the wedding fabulousness. So it was Stu who excitedly told me all about their shoot with Shell. "We first came across Shell via an engagement shoot featured on Rock n Roll Bride. We loved the way she managed to capture colours, fun and love (all the important things in life!). After we got in contact with her, she asked us to provide a bit of info about us and, looking back at the emails I got verbal diarrhoea and listed of a whole heap of stuff. I mentioned our love of bright colours in everything (clothes, art, movies, music and animals. I mentioned our Sphynx cat (Uzume aka Zoomy – named after the Japanese goddess of joy and happiness) who we obviously wanted included in the photos as she’s part of the family! I mentioned that we got engaged in Venice; that Amanda makes colourful glass jewellery; that we ski… and the list carried on. Thankfully this didn’t scare Shell off and she seemed as enthusiastic as

{Personal Posting} New Handbag Eye Candy


December 21, 2010

I couldn't resist adding a little bonus personal post this morning...because look what I just became the proud owner of! I think every girl needs a Vivienne Westwood handbag for Christmas. My wonderful friend Peter bought it for me (yeah, I opened it early, whoops) I must have been a very good girl this year! Gareth said it's hideous and that I'm a big loser for asking him to take photos of me flashing it. However I think it suits my hair quite perfectly and that anyone who thought I was strange as I posed in front of the random Christmas shed is clearly just jealous of my fabulous new bag.

Brandi & Chris’ Rustic Western Wedding


December 20, 2010

Brandi & Chris' DIY wedding has a rustic western theme. The day took place at Temecula Farmhouse in California, a venue that really reflected their theme idea perfectly. The couple and their families worked hard on their DIY elements to create a day that was perfect for them. Chris' Father did all the flowers and centrepieces. I love how they used cowboy boots as vases, what a unique idea to tie the theme together! Brandi's Mother made the cake and her Godfather got ordained so he could officiate the emotional ceremony which took place outside the farmhouse.

Jenn & Mark’s Uber Cool New York E-Sesh


December 20, 2010

Jenn & Mark's New York engagement sesh. is pure Rock n Roll. This couple are just way too cool and I know their wedding will be killer - I'm looking forward to seeing it already! Jenn's passion is photography and Mark's passion is music - the perfect Rock n Roll union. The shoot took place around High Line Park and the Lower East Side - arguable some of the coolest areas in the city. This shoot makes me pine for a trip to NYC really soon...just check out that light! I'm hoping to go in 2011 with some girlfriends.

Peppermint Pretty’s Retro & Quirky Wedding Dresses


December 20, 2010

These images were sent in by Rock n Roll Bride sponsor, Peppermint Pretty, to show off some of her latest designs. I love the quirky nature of these dresses, like nothing you would have seen before. The first 18 images in the gallery below are Katlyn's bridal shoot, she is wearing her wedding and reception dress. Aren't they both fab? I totally love that bow design. The photographs were taken by Kristin Allen of Bold & Kreative Photography, friend of dress designer Erin. The rest of the images show my favourites from the Peppermint Pretty collection. Each retro inspired dress is custom made to suit the individual bride. J'adore!

Farley & Niko’s Hippy-tastic Rainbow Wedding


December 17, 2010

The thing I love about all you Rock n Roll Bride's is the diversity of all your weddings. Every morning my inbox is flooded with so many different wedding visions that it my days are never dull! Farley & Niko's wedding was planned in only 8 weeks. They explained, "We decided to go for it when Farley's Dad was diagnosed with pancreas and liver cancer. We therefore hadn't saved for it and had to cut corners where ever we could. We did have some very generous donations form family members which made it possible. I think we did it all within £4000 (that's 120 guests all fed)."

Sharon & Mike’s Massachusetts Woodland Wedding


December 17, 2010

Sharon & Mike woodland wedding was held at Owl Moon Farm in The Berkshires, MA in September. Both the bride and groom wore vintage clothes and even Sharon’s engagement ring was made from the cast of a vintage ring. Sharon told me all about their day, starting with why they decided to get married in Massachusetts, “We live in California, and when our state revoked the right for homosexuals to marry, it really angered and upset me. I believe that any two people who are in love should be able to legally (and socially) commit themselves to each other.