Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Sunday Kind of Love – WIN Tickets to Mark Niemierko’s Valentine’s Party at Browns Bride!


February 6, 2011

This week I was lucky enough to meet the legendary wedding planner Mark Niemierko. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous about meeting him as I really didn't know what to expect... or why a celebrity/high end wedding planner would want to meet me. However I'm pleased to report back that we got on like a house on fire! I seriously love this dude. He may be the planner du jour to the stars and I may be the punk rock chick with funny coloured hair and one to many tattoos, but over a couple of Cosmopolitans and a lot of gossip, I realised we're very very similar indeed! I have since decided that we are best friends. I hope he realises this.

Honeymoon Help – Helping you Plan a USA Road Trip!


February 5, 2011

Hello Kat, Hope you are keeping well!!! I see you have been very busy and it's not even Feb yet!!!!! I have to thank you again for blogging the wedding. We've been married now for 5 months but I still go to your blog religiously everyday! David has also been amazing and used one of my pics for the link to his website which just makes me grin like a cheshire cat!!!!!! (You can she Shalma & Leo's wedding here!)

Under the Spotlight – Wonderland Avenue


February 4, 2011

When I got engaged back in 2007, the first thing I started searching for (well, apart from the dress!) was a wedding photographer. Now back then there were no wedding blogs in the UK to guide me and the task was a very daunting one! I had no idea where to start and in the end I found our photographer's in a wedding magazine. But you know what? Not all great photographers can (or know how to) get into wedding magazines...especially maybe newer, more budget-friendly shooters. However fret not - nowadays you lucky brides have a plethora of blogs and online services devoted to showcasing new as well as established wedding photographic talent - helping you find the perfect photographer to capture your day. In my opinion, one of the best services I've come across devoted to wedding photographer searches is the UK based, Wonderland Avenue. I'm totally convinced that your'e going to love their site and utterly adore what they have to offer. If you don't find the perfect photographer for you here, I'll eat my (pink) hat!

Tessa & Keith’s Neo Victorian Wedding


February 4, 2011

Tessa & Keith are a little bit fabulous no? In fact any bride that wears a blue dress is all right in my book! "My inspiration came from our artistic backgrounds and aesthetic preferences", the bride told me. "I am a crafter and burlesque performer. Keith is a visual artist. Together, we both had very strong opinions about how the wedding should look and feel. We settled on a neo-Victorian theme because of its elegance and refinement. I chose to wear blue instead of white because I wanted to be able to reuse my outfit, and I wanted a corset and a skirt instead of a dress because it was more versatile. The shade of blue we chose also suited the matron of honour and best woman well!"

Tim & Jodie’s Natural Science and History Museum Wedding


February 4, 2011

Tim & Jodie were hitched at The Natural Science and History Museum in Denver and I am more that a little bit in love with them and their wedding. Not only becuase Jodie looks fabulous and the venue is a beaut, but becuase the idea behind their wedding was to celebrate more than just their love for one another...they celebrated their love for everyone! The couple explained, "We both agreed that the wedding was just as much about our friends and family as it was about us, so almost every detail was considered with our guests in mind. We looked at the wedding as our chance to throw an unforgettable party, and we definitely succeeded. It's hard to put my finger on one particular detail that made it so great, but we heard, "Best. Wedding. Ever." over and over again from guests, staff, and even the off-duty police officers who were working security. We tried to stick to a few basic tenets (emphasis on the "tried") and they included: Don't overthink it. Don't worry about "the rules". Don't do anything just to impress someone else. Do have fun."

Thursday Treats – 3rd February 2011 + A Farewell to bid tv (plus video of me on the telly!)


February 3, 2011

As most of you will know, I left my full time job last week. It was an emotional weekend of saying goodbye for me but I've certainly hit the ground running with this full time blogging thing (two photo shoots in one week? Am I mad?!) As Sunday was my last shift at the shopping channel, I decided I'd go on air to model the last piece of jewellery I'd ever sell (I was a producer you see.) Peter Simon, my presenter, who I've worked with for the last 2 and a half years who I've worked with for the last 2 and a half years, said a very emotional goodbye to me (can you see me holding back the tears?!) and the crew made a funny slate to put in the backscreen!

Magpie Vintage & The Rose Collection Exclusive Sneak Peeks from this week’s Photo Shoot of AWESOME!


February 3, 2011

I am mightily excited to share a few sneak peeks from this week's photo shoot. I was asked by the lovely Lisa & Tania of Magpie Vintage if I'd like to come and be their 'celebrity' (ha!) model for their latest (and in my opinion greatest!) promotional photo shoot. The pair are expanding their business from vintage jewellery to fashion! The Rose Collection launches in September 2011 and each piece is a lovingly created one off - reworked from genuine vintage articles - just like their jewellery that they've become so well known for. If you're interested in purchasing any of these stunning pieces then be sure to get in touch with them!

Olga & Jo’s Two Day Russian/British Fusion Wedding


February 2, 2011

Olga & Jo's Rye wedding makes me super happy! I chatted to the bride all about it - their style ideas and how they integrated both their cultures, Russian and English, into their super cute wedding. She explained, "As soon as Jo and I had moved to Brighton, we knew we wanted to mark our wedding day by celebrating it by the beach. It is a Russian tradition to celebrate a wedding over two days so that with family and friends, and their children, there can be one formal and one informal day. With my family being from Russia we wanted to keep to this tradition and felt an English seaside was perfect for catering for both days and the number of people who would be travelling far for the occasion." "Having searched unsuccessfully in Brighton for our perfect location, we stumbled across The Place At The Beach Hotel in Camber Sands which looked just right. Having visited the venue and seen the beach across the road, the accommodation for our families and friends and a spacious garden with a BBQ, we knew it had everything we wanted for our two days."

Olga & Jo’s Epic Brighton Engagement Shoot


February 2, 2011

I've got an epic double bubble of a feature today - Olga & Jo's engagement session in Brighton, followed by their gorgeous Rye wedding later today. The Russian couple wanted their pre-wedding shoot to take place in Brighton as it held special significance to their relationship. The pair moved to the beach resort town in April last year and a week later Jo proposed right on the beach! "My engagement ring was hand made by the family friend jeweller and it is made of platinum with rhodium plating to make it look dark and diamonds," Olga told me. "We had my grandparents came to stay with us so we had a photo session together after having a breakfast at our favorite Bill's cafe and store in Brighton. I was wearing the Eley Kishimoto skirt and top and Jo was wearing Folk cardigan."

Adrianna & Tim’s Victorian Steampunk Wedding


February 2, 2011

Adrianna & Tim's wedding was inspired by the Victorian era. The wedding took place at Woman's Club of Evanston in Evanston, IL and the bride and groom wore custom outfits to fit the theme of their day. The couple made their own centrepieces and created the artwork for the tables. "This was a very Do-It-Yourself type of wedding so a lot of things we either made or found ourselves," explained the groom. "We got lucky with a few of the men's suits by finding a formal wear store that was going out of business that had some older grey cutaway tuxedos that they were trying to get rid of." "Our family helped us in making the flags, we designed and painted the centerpieces which were actually science gear from American Science and surplus, created the flower arrangements and decorated the hall ourselves. Luckily the Women's club was a nearly perfect setting without any decorating so we didn't have to do much to get it perfect." The couple made their own centrepieces and created the artwork for the tables but the venue created most of the other décor for them.

Rob & Justine’s Beeeautiful Art Retreat South African Wedding


January 31, 2011

You'll know when I'm really excited about posting a wedding because I'll sneak peek a photo on facebook and twitter as soon as it hits my inbox. It's almost unfair for me to keep it to myself! That's exactly what I did when Rob & Justine send me over their beeeautiful wedding...and actually, beeeautiful is literally the only way I can describe what I saw accurately. Love love love... The couple were married at Hillhouse – a quirky converted Barn that is used as an art retreat, which has the look and feel of a dolls house - in South Africa. "Rob and I met a photography gallery and almost instantly clicked," Justine told me when I asked about the proposal. "I liked that he loved animals and the environment and he loved that I was edgy and confident (his words). We were engaged six months later. Rob proposed in a beautiful vintage Victorian Era locket, I opened it and he had written ‘Will you marry me?’ in it."

Alice in Weddingland – Wedding Stationery Dramas


January 31, 2011

When I (used) to hear the words ‘wedding stationary’ I automatically thought of either a) plain and overpriced stationery that you can get on the high-street or b) the hand-made versions I used to make whilst kidding myself I was good at art whilst at school. And quite frankly, I don’t know which option is worse! Looking back on the ‘pre-stationary enlightenment’ Alice I just nod my head sadly…if only I knew then what I know now! After getting stuck in head (and heart) first into exploring various wedding stationery options I feel like the ultimate authority on the subject, and this is largely from the lessons I have learnt along the way. So this is what I’m going to share with you today in this little column, so that hopefully at least one person feels less helpless in the sea of wedding stationary options!

Believe in People


January 31, 2011

Yesterday was my last day as an employee. After nearly 5 years service to the shopping TV industry I've left those studios for the last time. It was a bitter-sweet moment and I left in tears, so unbelievably sad to be leaving my friends. Yet I know making the scary move to running my own business full time is the only way for me. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me...for us. My best friend sent me this card. It also made me cry.

Recent Press – January 2011


January 29, 2011

Yep, 2011 is continuing to get better and better (my friend Gala is calling 2011, "two thousand and heaven" - I think that's quite accurate actually!) Here's a snippet of my press for the month of January. I've decided for future to just do a quick round up of my press on the last Saturday of every month as I want to save more blog space for all the awesome real-wedding I'm being sent! All magazines are available in the shops right now.

Jo & Johan’s Eclectic Cocktail Party Wedding


January 28, 2011

Jo & Johan and we were married on the 25th of September in Brisbane, Australia. Their wedding was an eclectic mix of their own personal styling ideas. "The wedding planning for me was a process of questioning absolutely everything that was the 'norm' when it comes to weddings," Jo told me. "We kept the traditions that had value to us, but completely reinvented or simply discarded those that we felt were unnecessary. One of the very first decisions I made was that I knew I didn't want to have a traditional bridal party. Instead, we asked all our guests to wear black and white, then our bridal party and immediate family members wore colour - that way they stood out as important, without having to be matchy-matchy. I'm so glad we did it, it was one of my favourite things about our wedding."

Tony & Cindy’s Pin Up & Tattoo Themed Wedding


January 28, 2011

"Tony and I have always been into tattoos and are both big pin up girl fans, both classic and modern," begin Bride Cindy. "Neither of us ever thought we get to have a wedding that truly expressed who we were, and we were soooooo wrong. The tattoo / pin up girl theme was one of the first things we decided on. If we were going to do it, we were going to do it right and really have our own wedding … for us and no one else … we got our wedding tattoos during our engagement photo shoot."

Photography Friday – From Our Hearts to Our Hands


January 28, 2011

Those of you that follow me on Twitter, will know that I've had a bit of a rough week. Being a work-a-holic is often not so good for your health and (yet again) my body has screamed 'arrrgh, need to rest' and I've contracted glandular fever or tonsillitis (the doctors have done a blood test to see which one, if either, it is.) Aaanyway, needless to say I haven't felt much like taking pretty pictures this week, so instead I though I'd use this edition of Photography Friday to direct you towards a project set up by some of my favourite girls - Emma Case, Anna Hardy, Debs Ivelja and Joanna Brown. The project is called From Our Hearts to Our Hands.