Get Organised the Rock n Roll Way – The Rock n Roll Bride Wedding Planning Notebooks & 2012 Wallplanners Have Landed!
June 13, 2011
Have you been stressing with your wedding planning? Getting all in a cafuddle about to what you should be organising next, when all your wedding appointments are and how much you’ve spent? Or are you a wedding industry professional and you can for the life of you keep track of all the ‘stuff’ that’s going on? Well my dears, I’m here to help. In collaboration Sugalily and, I am proud to announce the launch of the Rock n Roll Bride wedding planning notebooks and the 2012 wallplanners! Some of you may remember I did a similar project last year with Sugalily, but as these things always go, this year we’ve gone bigger and better and we're also pretty thrilled to have on board too.Read more...