Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Dramatic Gothic Wedding: Suzy & Dimtry


May 29, 2012

Suzy & Dimtry gothic wedding was anything from traditional. They wanted their day to reflect them but also to have fun with it. Suzy told me all about it as well as sharing some of her favourite details, "We wanted our wedding to reflect who we are as people. So you can definitely say it was not very traditional. Our cake was inspired by a Charlie the Unicorn episode, and we added their own twist by having our cake bleed as we cut into it. My favorite animal of all time is the pot bellied pig, and I wanted nothing more than to have one bring out our wedding bands. Keeping as far away from tradition, we also hired a beautiful contortionist to entertain down the isle instead of a trail of bridesmaids and groomsmen."

Brand New Date for the School of Rock Workshop: West Midlands!


May 28, 2012

It's that time again...time to announce a brand new School of Rock date and venue! The next event will be taking place on Thursday 28th June 2012 at Curradine Barns in Shrawley, Worcestershire (about 50 minutes drive from Birmingham). The 4 hour workshop will be from 1.30pm-5.30pm (no early mornings thank you very much!) and afterwards you're all invited to have food, drinks and more blogging chats with Gareth & I over a complementary meal being put on by the Curradine Barns team!

DIY Tutorial: T-Shirt Bunting


May 26, 2012

Bunting is still an incredibly popular decor idea for weddings this year, so I thought a super simple and quick DIY tutorial would probably help a lot of you out! Thank you to blog reader Erin for putting this together for us. You can see more of her DIY ideas over on her own blog Little Red Riding Hood. If you are doing DIY projects for your own wedding and fancy submitting a tutorial idea, just drop me an email with a brief outline and some photos and we can chat! OK, over to Erin...(nice feather boa hat by the way!) I grew up in country Victoria, but moved to inner bayside Melbourne to be with my partner after returning from some amazing adventures living overseas. In everyday life, I work as a five-star hotel sales executive and event manager. This sounds glamorous, but mostly consists of lists and finding the right length trestle table (usually at 5:30pm on a Friday…) When I'm not riding my vintage bike or sipping third-wave coffee with the hipsters in South Melbourne, I like to garden and read. I also like to bake and craft, but sometimes these things don't work so well for me - I recently worked out that I can excuse these "experiments" by blogging them!

A Soft & Feminine Día de los Muertos Shoot


May 25, 2012

"Almost 2 years ago I saw a beautiful Día de los Muertos painting", photographer Ashley Forrette writes. "It was the first time I really looked at anything Day of the Dead-related that was not a kitschy nicknack or halloween costume sold at Hot Topic, but actually a really beautiful piece of art. It was soft, and feminine, and dark… romantic even. I fell in love and immediately I knew I wanted to someday shoot a bridal photo session inspired by that painting."

A Homemade Tipi Wedding in Wales: Nathan & Laura


May 25, 2012

When I get wedding submissions like Nathan & Laura's I'm literally bursting at the seams to get them published. So sometimes I sneakily share a picture or two on my facebook page. The shot I shared of Nathan's reaction when seeing his bride walking down the aisle totally encompassed this awesome wedding. And it would appear you guys loved it too - over 200 likes and I didn't even show you the stunning bride! Well the wait is over my friends, I'm sure you'll agree it was worth it and that his face was 100% justified. Just look at her!

Thursday Treats: 24th May 2012


May 24, 2012

This week I was interviewed by Photo Night Live about my blogging workshops (via Skype - scary!) and it will be available for you to have a gander at, via their website, from 7pm (gmt) tomorrow. I have a horrible feeling I was talking at about 100 mph, but we'll see when it's published I guess! l'll share the video on my blog (in the Green Room) on Monday as well because I'll be launching my next workshop date at midday! Oooh I wonder where our sparkly pink tour bus will be taking us next?

A 1920s Speakeasy Carnival Themed Wedding: Emily & Jesse


May 24, 2012

Vintage themes aren't always my bag, but throw a 1920s carnival idea at me and I go weak at the knees! A strong theme like this, done really really well, gets me very excited indeed. Emily & Jesse were married at The Voorhies Mansion at Edenvale Winery. It provided the perfect canvas for their creative ideas! "I would encourage anyone planning a wedding to use wedding tradition as a springboard and focus on the experience you want your guests taking away from your event," newlywed Emily told me.

A Quirky Brazilian Wedding Planned in Just Two Months: Juliana & Tomas


May 24, 2012

Organised in just two months, Juliana & Tomas' wedding was held in Brazil on the very date that they first met. The bride explains, "Tomas & I met two years ago through a mutual friend. At that time, Tomas lived in New York and I lived in Sao Paulo. In December 2009, Tomas went to Brazil to work and our friend invited him to spend New Year's Eve in a house I'd rented at the beach. We spent 6 days together and, two months later, we met again, but this time in New York. We started a long-distance relationship, which lasted just 4 months, because I decided to come to New York. My plan was to spend a season in New York, study and invest in our relationship. Back then, we were very uncertain about our relationship's future, but now we have no doubt we made the best decision."

The Inspirations: Naomi Davis of Love Taza


May 23, 2012

I discovered Naomi's blog, The Rockstar Diaries, in early 2009, when she published her wedding photographs. I immediately fell in love with her and her husband Josh's effortless style and achingly cool attitude. I loved the way they shared cute little stories about their life as newlyweds - getting married, setting up home, moving from New York to DC, getting their dog Kingsley, having their first child... It was all very unpretentious and honest and I felt connected with them instantly. So therefore I thought Naomi would be the perfect person to interview today. If you have a blog and you worry about what to share about yourself, then Naomi and her family are the perfect role models to inspire you.

A Mythical Gothic Anniversary Shoot: Emma & Owen


May 23, 2012

After their wedding Emma & Owen decided they wanted to do a shoot that really showed off their personalities and personal style. They hadn't had any portraits taken at their wedding eight years ago, and so they contacted photographer Jess Petrie to ask if she'd like to shoot them. Owen told us all about their relationship and why they wanted to do this shoot. "I met Emma when I was fifteen and we’ve been together ever since. It really was love at first sight – that’s probably the only way it could have worked as I was too shy to speak to her at the time! As a teenager with a paper round, I had to save up for an engagement ring; I picked a ring at a jewellers and went there every week to add to the down-payment on a tiny gold ring with two small diamonds holding a larger third in the middle. I’d literally go there some weeks with 82 pence in copper coins to add to the pot, but I paid it off eventually and took it home! We went to sixth form and then University together, Emma to study Fine Art Painting and me to study Film & Video Production. Nowadays, Emma is a successful portrait painter and I run a film production company and am about to direct my first feature film."

Doing Things for Yourself & The Benefit of Unpublished Work


May 22, 2012

I was struggling this week with what to talk about. I sat starting at a blank page for what felt like hours begging for the inspiration to come. I started to look through my draft articles hoping that a past explored idea might jump out at me and evoke a new article of genius...and then it hit me. I've written a lot of articles that I've never published. For various reasons really, but when I looked at them all as a collective group I realised something striking - that in every single instance the unpublished works are ones that have been written more for myself than the benefit of others. There isn't really an overall message or lesson within them, but I find writing writing very cathartic, and the time I've spent writing these articles has actually been time spent working through certain ideas or problems in my mind.

A Modern New Year’s Eve Wedding: Tyler & Martin


May 22, 2012

New Year's Eve might not cross everybody's mind as a date to get married, but for Tyler & Martin it couldn't have been more perfect! "Martin and I are a little obsessed with The Flaming Lips," Tyler explained. "He introduced me to the band early in our relationship. He took me to my first was New Years Eve, Halloween and pure happiness all in one night! I’ll never forget watching another couple get engaged that night and telling Martin that would be a pretty awesome way to do it. Apparently he filed that information away. A couple years later during our yearly pilgrimage to Bonnarooo, Martin proposed to me under a shower of confetti and balloons while The Flaming Lips played 'Do You Realize.' It was perfect."

Fish n Chips in London’s East End: Claire & Martin


May 21, 2012

What could be more British than fish n chips? It's one of my favourite things and an absolute must when visiting a seaside town or hanging around London's east end! Claire & Martin's shoot took place at Poppies of Spitalfields. "The idea behind this shoot was a vintage, very structured and posed shoot," photographer Georgina told me. "I wanted them to resemble the old commercials that were made in the 40s & 50s, which would feature a nuclear family or a young happy couple enjoying the product advertised."