Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Thursday Treats – 19th July 2012: Hippy Luxe Sneak Peek


July 19, 2012

The majority of this week has been spent living it up covered in mud at The Photography Farm. It was the first workshop where the sun didn't shine throughout (happy summer huh?!) but as you can see from the sneak peek above, we didn't need 30 degree sunshine to create something special. That's is my sister Rachel by the way, isn't she just the most gorgeous thing ever?! I'll be blogging the full shoot on Monday at 9am so be sure to pop by... just prepare to be blown away OK?

“Englishman in New York” – An Intimate Wedding on a Private Yacht: Natasha and Marc


July 19, 2012

When Gareth & I were in New York in May we met up with photographer Steve Gerrard as he was also over from the UK to shoot Natasha & Marc's wedding! The couple, also from England, flew him over with them as they knew he was their perfect wedding photographer after seeing him featured on Rock n Roll Bride. The intimate ceremony was held in the Ladies Pavilion in Central Park, which was followed by a photo session around some iconic NYC locations (they also met up again the next day to shoot some more!) The reception was on a private yacht with incredible views of the city.

A Technicoloured Wedding: Ren & Tim


July 19, 2012

Ren & Tim pulled off their amazing colourful and alternative wedding with a £9000 budget. They spent on the things they felt were important and saved by DIYing the elements they knew they could do themselves (reception decor, stationery, cake). Although these things didn't always go to plan, in the end it all turned out alright and the things that didn't work really didn't matter on the day! I particularly love this wedding because it took place in Reading (where I live!). In fact the bride moved to this little town of ours from London to be with her boy. Awww!

A Salsa Dancing Wedding in Rio de Janeiro: Tatiana & Luis


July 18, 2012

There's something about this wedding that makes me wanna get up and dance. I've never been much of a salsa dancer (read: I've never tried it in my life) but these guys make it look seriously fun! The April wedding of Tatiana & Luis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil had a massive party vibe. Both the ceremony and reception were held at Centro Cultural Carioca, a 'house of samba' bar located in an old building in downtown Rio de Janeiro.

A Woodland Ceremony & A Pirate Themed Party: Jenny & Gary


July 18, 2012

I love love love Shell de Mar's wedding photography. Every single image is bright and fun and vibrant. They just make me feel so happy. I don't know what it is... It's probably a little to do with the amazing way she captures colour but more likely than not it's a lot to do with the firecracker behind the lens. Shell is a cute as hell force to be reckoned with. She's also one of my best friends and so it's always an honour to share her work on my blog. Today's installment of sunshine comes in the form of Jenny & Gary's woodland ceremony, hillside portraits and pirate themed reception. "Our ceremony was held at Wittenham Clumps (i.e. up a hill!), just next to the reception venue", Jenny told me. "When we came to see the barn as a potential reception venue we fell in love with the view, the fresh air, abundance of wild flowers and birdsong (sounds cheesy but it truly was idyllic) and just had to have the wedding there. Amazingly the sun shone on the day, although it had been raining for weeks before and after. We were bloody lucky! The only down side was there was no license so we had to have a small civil ceremony the week before (no great burden really – having an intimate day was also wonderful)."

A DIY ‘Glamping’ Wedding & a Bride with Pink Hair: Josie & Nick


July 18, 2012

I ain't gonna lie... I harbor a certain level favoritism for pink haired brides... hum, I wonder why!? So when I saw Josie & Nick's camping themed wedding I was very excited indeed. The couple didn't spend a bomb on the day, utlising things they already owned (hello, look at Jodie's awesome Antaina boots!), by having the reception in Nick's parent's back garden and by making as much of it as they could themselves. "We DIY’ed everything", Jodie told me. "It can be really easy to bite off more than you can chew though so my advice would be to decide on a cohesive theme early on. Select projects you know you can complete both skill wise and in the time you have. And start early! Anything you can do well in advance is great."



July 17, 2012

I wake up with a jolt. CRAAAAAP I've missed my flight. Bollocks I've forgotten to pack. Boo-hiss I forgot to arrange a car to pick me up... I've been having these dreams over and over for the past few weeks. Waking up at 6am in a panic is not fun let me tell you. I'm not sure if they're happening more and more because I've done so much travel this year and I hate to be late or if they're just my brain's way of informing me that I'm stressing out and feeling overstretched (er yeah thanks brain, I'm well aware).

A Contemporary Minimalist Wedding: Hayley & Matthew


July 17, 2012

"Matthew is an architect & loves modernist architecture and things that are minimalist, well designed & have clean lines so we decided we'd like our wedding to reflect this", newlywed Hayley wrote. "The venue really set the scene with it's amazing art deco features but funky modern interior so we chose not to detract from this keeping decorations & flowers to an absolute minimum & only in white. We wanted the guests & bridesmaids to add the pop of colour which they did!"

Bitchless Bride on Rock n Roll Bride: Communication is Key


July 16, 2012

You may have seen me talk about Bitchless Bride before, especially on twitter. She is my new wedding industry hero! The alter ego of a wedding planner (and no, even I don't know her true identity!) who was sick to death of crazy bridezillas and mental wedding vendors, she set up her blog to give it to us STRAIGHT. I loooove her. She's a hoot. And hell, she rocks a pink wig. We're definitely destined to be BFFs. I just about wet my pants with excitement when her video guest blog landed in my inbox. Some exclusive Bitchless Bride on Rock n Roll Bride?! Hell. Yes. We are a match made in wedding heaven. Listen up brideys, listen up wedding suppliers, cos Bitchless is about to give it to you. No holds barred.

A Bohemian Wedding with a Travel Theme: Ariane & Jonathan


July 16, 2012

Filipino born Ariane & Jonathan now live in New Zealand, which is where they chose to have their May wedding. The 3pm ceremony was held at in the vineyard of the Ascension Wine Estate in Matakana. "We wanted to showcase how New Zealand is part paradise and part home with our wedding, Ariane told me. "Marrying in a vineyard in the dead of autumn, what could be more gorgeous than that? Ascension Wine Estate was the perfect backdrop for us. The theme was a mish-mash of our passion for travel, photography, literature and the French countryside. We didn't really set something in stone, but in the end, the travel-bohemian theme dominated, with hints of shabby chic and vintage."

A Red & Black Rock n Roll Wedding: Theron & Erin


July 16, 2012

Happy Monday everyone! I thought I'd start this week with a bang, some much needed sunshine and the gorgeous May wedding of Theron & Erin. The couple were married at Vizcaya Pavilion and Mansion in Sacremento and had a red & black themed celebration. "Our advice to future brides & grooms would be to stay organized and delegate tasks in order to stay sane", Erin told me. "Don't change anything in order to make other people happy... stay true to who you are and what you like. We knew that people were going to want to rock out and mingle, so we didn't force anyone to a sit down dinner... it was all about the open bar and heavy hors d'oeuvres!"

A London Mod Wedding: Maddy & Victor


July 13, 2012

I seem to be featuring a lot of weddings with pub receptions at the moment but I love the idea and the fact that they are a cost effective venue option. However the thing I love about the particular pub weddings that I share is my readers. Even with similar venues the weddings couldn't be more different from each other! Take Mandy & Victor's mod-esque wedding for example... "Our reception was at Clissold Arms in North London", Mandy began. "The ceremony was at St Michael's Church in Highgate and Victor wanted a good exit from the church and journey to the pub. Whilst we discussed leaving in a Delorium and re-enacting a scene from Back to the Future, there just wasn't the budget! But Victor is a huge fan of scooters, and had the idea of leaving with an entourage of vespas following us was born. So we gave the local scooter club, New Originals North London Scooter Club, a call and they were more than happy to help!"

“How Do I Get More Likers?!” – Facebook Tips For Wedding Professionals: A Guest Post by Cathie Watts of Phunkey Photography


July 13, 2012

Originating from New Zealand, wedding photographer Cathie Watts of Phunkey Photography is a Facebook wizz. With just shy of 11,500 'likes' on her photography facebook page she boast more 'likers' than many full time wedding bloggers! So how did she get so popular on the social network? What things did she do to get herself 'liked'? This week I asked Cathie to share some of her top tips for getting started when using Facebook for your business. If you have any more specific questions for her, hit us up in the comments. I'd certainly love to read a follow up from her! Over to you Cathie...

A Shoreditch Shindig: Mike & Louise


July 13, 2012

Located in East London's trendy Shoreditch, Mike & Louise went for an urban vintage vibe for their wedding. "We met in 2009 in Sydney where Louise had just relocated to and where she was working for a charity with an old college friend of mine who set us up", Mike wrote. "It didn't take long to realise we had a similar outlook on life and after 1.5 years we decided to get married. Being from opposite sides of the world we faced the tough decision of where to get married as either location would see some of our family and friends unable to attend. In the end we opted to marry officially in London as Louise really wanted her Nan, a huge inspiration in her life, to be there on her special day." "We had travelled to London for one of Lou's friends weddings in September 2010 and had spent some time in Shoreditch. We felt quite strongly that we really wanted a non-traditional wedding for just our closest family and friends. We also knew from our time there previously that we would love to incorporate the local graffiti which so characterises the area."

Thursday Treats – 12th July 2012: Making Your Own Happiness


July 12, 2012

This week has been a one of New York loft apartment booking, workshop selling, Magazine printing & Photography Farm anticipating! In fact I've got so much bloody awesome stuff going on right now I can hardly contain myself. Please excuse me a second while I squeeeeee! Taking of excitement and happiness, I read this brilliant (and only slightly ranty) Ranty Girl article this week and I couldn't agree more with everything she said.

A Quirky & Vintage Manchester Pub Wedding: Mike & Geraldine


July 12, 2012

Retro board games on the tables, a laid back pub location, a gorgeous heirloom vintage dress & yellow Vivienne Westwood shoes. What's not to love about Mike & Geraldine's Manchester wedding? Answer: Nothing. The wedding was held at Manchester town hall and Odder Bar. The couple picked the pub location for it's quirky decor, laid back vibe and the ability to do anything they wanted with the space. "I am one of those kind of girls that most people, especially organised list-making people, want to give a good shake to," Geraldine began with a giggle. "So just to bug people more I went and fell madly in love with Mr Practically Horizontal himself... Not being a planner means I jump out of bed, sling a few things together and then give people a mystified kind of look of gratitude when they compliment the finished look… And this is exactly what happened with our wedding as well."

LUSH’s Hard Hitting Campaign Against Animal Testing


July 12, 2012

I was going to put this in Thursday Treats today but after doing some research I feel a simple link amoungst so many other things isn't enough. I saw this on a news website yesterday and it literally stopped me in my tracks. Performance artist, Jacqueline Traide, turned herself a lab test subject in the LUSH Regent St store window to highlight some of the procedures done on animals by cosmetics companies who allow animal testing. Her hair was shaved. She was force-fed. She was covered in products... for ten whole hours.