Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Bohemian Mexican-American Wedding: Felicia & Ariel


October 8, 2012

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Felicia & Ariel wanted to plan a wedding with a nod to their heritage as well as the place they grew up. The wedding was held at The Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, a non-profit education and research organisation, owned by the groom's parents. "As born and raised Austinites and the children of hippies, we knew from the get-go that we didn't want to have the 'usual' wedding," began Felicia. "Ariel and I both love being in nature and so it seemed like a easy choice to have the wedding at the site of his family's home and non-profit organization. We wanted the wedding to have a lot of color and reflect our passions and cultures. I'm Mexican-American and loved the idea of embroidered Mexican dresses for my bridesmaids, delicate papel picado banners, and bright paper flowers."

A Festival & Picnic Wedding… in the Rain: Charlotte & Josh


October 8, 2012

Recently I dubbed 2012 the year of the festival wedding. I've been seeing them all over (particularly on my own blog's pages!) and loving it. I used to be a huge festival kid. I live in Reading and we have a pretty famous rock festival every year, so I've always been a bit of a fangirl. I have fond memories of dancing til dawn, getting soaking wet in the rain and not giving a damn and waking up in stranger's tents ...(I'd like to point out this was before Gareth by the way!)

Alternative Asian Bridal Shoot


October 6, 2012

We don't get to see a whole lot of alternative Asian wedding inspiration, so I was thrilled when I received this bridal shoot with an edge from School of Rock graduate Rabbia Ali Shah from the Asian Wedding Ideas blog. "Seeing the same Asian bridal images can start to get a little repetitive", wrote Rabbia, "and the idea of something a little edgier is one that I had been thinking about for a while. Getting people on board wasn't the easiest of task but getting in touch with wedding photographer Priti Shikotra, changed all that. She had similar thoughts about a shoot."

A DIY Wedding at a Safari Park: Jodi & Dave


October 5, 2012

I'm not gonna lie, where was something in particular that swayed me when it came to featuring this wedding... Stan, the ever so slightly disgruntled looking cat. Of course when I saw the rest of the photos, I just happened to fall in love with Stan's owners, Jodi & Dave as well, but if I'm going to be 100% truthful, Stan did help their cause. This couple didn't want to spend a fortune on the wedding and so by DIYing as much as they could the day came in at under £9000. The ceremony was held at Swiss Gardens, Shuttleworth with the reception taking place in the Safari Lodge at Woburn Safari Park. "We looked at about 12 venues from a marquee where I keep my horses to a vintage factory ballroom but nothing quite ticked all the boxes", wrote Jodi. "But when we found Swiss Gardens we knew instantly this was the one. We originally booked it for August 2013, but then were told the venue would be shutting down for 18 months for a lottery funded renovation so we could only postpone, cancel or move it forward! So we moved it forward giving us only 6 months to plan and make everything!" "We were married in the tiny thatched house in the centre

An Intimate Wedding in France & Monte Carlo: Kenna & Scott


October 5, 2012

It seems that recently not a week goes by when I don't get a flippin' incredible wedding submission from wedding photographer Assassynation... This woman is just a magnet for awesome weddings! It must be because so many of her couples find her through Rock n Roll Bride - not that I'm biased or anything but it is widely accepted that that Rock n Roll Bride readers are the coolest couples, like, ever. So when Kenna & Scott's nuptials slipped their way into my inbox a few weeks ago I, as ever, couldn't wait to get them on my blog. The intimate wedding took place in France and Monaco. The bride & groom just bought their maid of honour and her partner as witnesses. They hand no other guests. The ceremony was at L'Abbaye in La Colle Sur Loup, in the south of France and for the reception, they hopped over the border to Monaco for a low-key meal at the four star luxury resort of The Fairmont in Monte Carlo.

Thursday Treats: 4th October 2012 – NYC Here I Come (Again)


October 4, 2012

Happy October one and all! I have to say I'm quite the October fan. The weather is mild but not freezing and there's lots of skull stuff around for me to buy! Last year I fell so in love with these glitter skulls from Target but alas I couldn't find anything similar here in the UK (sad face) But this year I'm going to be in New York (eek!) so watch out New York party stores, I'm coming for ya (apologies in advance to my skull-hating husband).

An 18th Century & Marie Antoniette Inspired Indonesian Wedding: Cindy & Sebastian


October 4, 2012

I saw this wedding and I instantly fell in love - with the location, with dress and with Cindy & Sebastian themselves. Prepare to be transported into wedding inspo heaven... The Indonesian wedding was held at St Laurentius church with the reception that followed at Maxi's Cafe in Bandung. The couple were inspired by 18th century french opulence and Marie Antoniette for their theme. They transformed their reception venue into the Gardens of Versailles. "Marie Antoinette has been an inspiration to me since I was very young", explained Cindy. "I remember buying a lot of things related to Marie Antoinette, like grayish blue color apparels, pictures and even cakes that reminded me of her. That is why I chose to take my cue from her on my wedding theme. I searched and decided on things mostly on my own - decorations, flowers, my wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses, the wedding cake, accessories and ambiance music. I loved how our wedding was filled with details that go back to her era."

Elbie’s Ice Cream Dream


October 3, 2012

When Lisa & I sit down to plan the Photography Farm styled shoots our criteria is simple - will it be fun and will it fulfill a current obsession? Well I can safely say we hit both those things with this one! Ice Cream Dream was born from our unwavering obsession with rainbow colour palettes and the fact that Hannah, our props stylist, has her own vintage ice cream cart (that she hires out at weddings - don't you just I love this idea!?) Plus the gorgeous Elbie, who we'd roped into modelling for us, is as cute as an actual button and has the most rampant sweet tooth, like, ever. Our plan was for her to look like a sugary sweet treat herself and I think we managed to achieve that pretty well actually! I also can't get over how good she looks with lilac hair. Jealous much?!

A Fancy Dress Halloween Wedding: Oddd & Elle


October 2, 2012

So we're in to October already so you know what that means... Halloween! And for Oddd & Elle, despite being married in August, their favourite holiday was the obvious choice of theme for their epic wedding. "Anyone who knows us knew that our wedding was going to be a little different, as we've always done things our own way", began the groom. "After a chance meeting when we were both invited last minute to a day out, we have been inseparable, We got engaged on our first Christmas day in our first home and we set our wedding date for our 9 year anniversary on Friday 17th August 2012."

Creating a Foolproof System for Just About Everything


October 2, 2012

Over and over again I hear the excuse from people that they just don't have enough time... "Oh I'd love to blog more but I just can't find the time...", "I can't possibly reply to all my emails, I just get too many...", "Yeah I'd love to take a holiday/work on a personal project/spend more time with my loved ones, but there just aren't enough hours in the day..." Now forgive me as this might irritate you but, honestly, if you're not getting things done that you know you should be it really is no ones fault but your own. So instead let's stop making excuses and prioritise. If in your heart you know you should be doing something but you really don't want to then that's fine... let it go and be OK with it. But let's stop blaming the imaginary time stealing fairy and take some responsibility for that fact.

A 50s Wedding Inspired by Back to the Future: Laura & Chris


October 2, 2012

"We've never really been a 'weddingy' kind of couple so after the initial haze of getting engaged and buying all sorts of wedding magazines and stuff, we realised there wasn't a whole lot out there that was really very 'us'," began Laura, who married Chris in August this year. "At one point I'd even considered getting a traditional wedding dress and being a lady for a day but luckily all was saved when we went to see Back to the Future when it was re-released at the cinema. As soon as I saw the dresses at the enchantment under the sea dance, I realised that I knew what I wanted for our wedding."

A Big Sur Wedding at The Henry Miller Library: Sabeena & Ryan


October 1, 2012

Ahh Big Sur. In the early part of my wedding blogging career I had no idea what this 'Big Sur' was... a magical sounding place that all the other wedding bloggers spoke of so often. And then finally I realised the obsession. These Californain mountains are picturesque. And overlooking the Pacific ocean. Is it any wonder they're such a popular spot for weddings? Come on English mountains... step it up a bit...

A Thespian Wedding with a Focus on the Ceremony: Theresa & William


October 1, 2012

Theresa & William were married at Preston Court, Kent, in April. Both being actors they had a subtle thespian theme and lots of entertainment! "We met while working for outdoor theatre company," began the bride. "Last year, at the end of a performance of Pirates of Penzance, and on stage in front of 350 people, Willie proposed! It came as quite a surprise to everyone apart from our MD Ben Wiles, who had been instructed to play the Dr Zhivago theme as he went down on one knee! Ben also played at the wedding as I walked down the aisle."

A Modern Urban New York Wedding: Lesley & Perry


September 30, 2012

Have I told you yet that I'm off to New York again in under two weeks?! Oh I have? Oh I'm super annoying about it...? Yeah I know... sorry about that. But New York is the greatest city in the world and I'm sooo excited to be there again. EEEK. Needless to say I have a bit of an affinity...or maybe call it bias... to anything and everything NYC right now, which is why I was super excited to receive Lesley & Perry's fabulous modern urban wedding. Sent over by wedding photographer Karen Seifert, the lunchtime wedding was held at 91 Horatio in the meatpacking district, with the late night after party taking place at The Drink, the couple's favourite bar in Brooklyn.

Risqué Boudoir {NSFW}


September 29, 2012

I have a love/hate relationship with boudoir photography. On the one hand, I think every gal should have the opportunity to feel sexy, and being photographed with that pre-wedding glow - either as a gift for your beloved or a treat to yourself - is a great way to boost the confidence. However I don't generally feature that many of these shoots, because, forgive me, but a lot of the ones I see are somewhat tacky... or trashy... or just not very sexy at all. Whoever decided feather boas can make the transition from hen do tack to boudoir class needs a stern talking to. There are exceptions of course, but in my experience they are few and far between. Well I'm pleased as punch to report that, again, I've been proved wrong with today'

A Broadway Musical Wedding: Carin & Pouya


September 28, 2012

When Carin & Pouya got engaged, the bride instantly knew what their wedding theme would be - Broadway musical! "I have always loved Broadway musicals and three years ago Pouya took me to my first live production - The Wizard of Oz", Carin writes. "I was instantly hooked! Since then I've got season tickets to Broadway performances across Canada including our hometown of Edmonton. I never thought of incorporating that into the wedding, but after a while the Broadway musical theme came to me while I was bored one day in a class in University. I was looking around on the internet when I saw a wedding program that looked like a playbill and the ideas spiraled from there!"

A Quirky Alice in Wonderland Wedding: Nic & Ed


September 28, 2012

Nic & Ed chose Gaynes Park in Epping as the perfect spot for their June wedding. "It is the most amazing venue ever and their food is the highlight", explained the bride, "In fact people are still raving about it now, it was better than any restaurant I've ever been to! It's also a beautiful space, which didn't need a lot doing to it which was perfect for us. I just put a few bits here and there to make it 'ours'." "My inspiration came from my love of cakes and Alice in Wonderland. Ed was very happy to let me go off and try and put as much of 'me' into the wedding as I could. My aim was for people to know if was our wedding."