Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Purple, Dinosaurs & Peacocks: Lauren & Matt


November 27, 2012

Purple. Dinosaurs. Peacocks... These were the things that inspired Lauren & Matt's October wedding. Although the theme wasn't really intentional, by incorporating the things they just really liked it totally worked! "Our ethos for our wedding was that we were going to what we wanted and not what people expected", wrote Lauren. "We picked and chose aspects of tradition that we liked and binned those we didn't. We had a humanist ceremony which isn't like a registry wedding - it's a lot more personal. We tied a Celtic knot which we practiced loads before hand! My friend did the reading of 'A Lovely Love Story' by Edward Monkton, which is about dinosaurs and dinosaurs are awesome! One of our other close friends gave us the book as an engagement present and we thought it was apt as a reading. We also had a dinosaur cake topper!"

Comic Book & Superhero Wedding: Holly & Anthony


November 26, 2012

Happy Monday you lovely little critters - have I got a wedding to start this week off with a bang or what!? Unusually I was actually submitted this wedding by the groom and via twitter because his gorgeous bride, Holly, was nervous about doing so. Er, girl, are you KIDDING me?! I'm dying over your wedding. The comic book, superhero and geek chic radness is just too good. This is one of those weddings that I genuinely wish I'd been invited to!

Thursday Treats: Decorating & Deliberating


November 22, 2012

Happy Thursday you gorgeous creatures. I hope your week has been as fabulous as possible. I've spent most of my time indoors. It's oh so glamorous being a blogger don't you know! For the most part Gala, Shauna and I have been ferociously emailing back and forth about all things Blogcademy. There's lots of excitement flying around and so much to organise before January (and beyond!) but it's all just really awesome. As you know, the first date sold out in 24 hours and already more than a third of the tickets to the second event have been snapped up, so if you're deliberating joining us... in the nicest possible way - hurry up!

A 1940s & Vegan Wedding in Canada: Sarah & Carol


November 22, 2012

Sarah & Carol had a destination wedding in Canada. With Sarah originally from Canada the pair, who now live in Brighton, wanted to fly back for the wedding. "We decided to be married in Sarnia because Carol is incredibly attached to her hometown and the beaches and water of Lake Huron (can you blame her?)", wrote newlywed Carol. "At the time we booked the venue we thought we would both be living in Canada, so it seemed a natural choice. We chose Sarnia Riding Club as our venue so we could be right next to the water. We knew that whatever continent we decided to do the wedding on, a lot of people who wouldn't be able to attend, we're so pleased that so many people made it – and we've promised to dance with those who didn't make it very soon."

WIN £500 Worth of Goodies from SimplyBe


November 20, 2012

Now don't get me wrong, I love the British high street and I'm certainly not immune to the odd rummage through the rails... in fact it's a pretty regular occurrence. But I do have a bit of a gripe. Being the owner of a rather ample bosom and far from the size 8/10 that most stores seem to now label as medium (seriously?) it can be tough to find age-appropriate outfits that fit me really well. Which is why I whooped with joy when the lovely guys at SimplyBe got in contact asking if I'd like to run a competition to give one of my readers £500 worth of stuff. "Why yes, yes I would!" I replied with vigour! SimplyBe are a leading high-street fashion retailer, based in the UK, that specialise in fashionable and flattering clothing for sizes 14-32. Each piece is designed with these sizes in mind - they're not created as a size 6/8 and then scaled up - oh no if you're a size 18 then a size 18 dress will be designed and cut to flatter your figure. I AM ECSTATIC.

Chicago Boat Wedding: Sonia & Balthazar


November 20, 2012

Sonia & Balthazar's wedding was anything but typical. This casual couple turned up late, got ready in minutes, sailed off on a boat for the ceremony and had a meal at a Russian restaurant for their reception. "My husband and I are in love with the sea - the smell, the mystery and the expansiveness", began the bride. "We feel most comfortable near large bodies of water, so the idea of getting married on a boat seemed like the most appropriate. We had sailed on the Red Witch in 2009 with Balthazar's aunt and uncle in Port Washington during a tall ship festival. We overheard the Captain saying that they host parties and weddings and looked at each other simultaneously, with the same thought in mind: this is our vessel of love."

Surprise Pool Party Wedding Recreation


November 19, 2012

Oh I love a surprise wedding! And a surprise wedding + pool party!? EPIC! But this wasn't actually a real wedding (sad face) although it was set up as a recreation of the actual wedding of some friends of the photographer who were married 30 years ago. Jessie & Kenny had this actual wedding, in this exact same spot in 1982 (some of their wedding photos are at the end of the gallery - how amazing are they?!) So to celebrate, and to have an their anniversary party with a difference, they decided to relive the whole thing. This is a styled shoot with a difference and, yes, they really had the big party afterwards!

Vegan Vintage Sideshow Wedding: Andi & Brian


November 16, 2012

After four years of dating, Andi & Brian were engaged while on a trip to Australia. Brian proposed while they were visiting Luna Park in Sydney, which is affectionately referred to as the 'Coney Island of Australia'. So when it came to planning their wedding this was their starting point. "We really wanted to have a wedding that was very fun and non-traditional, so we kept with a vintage Coney Island/sideshow theme", explained the bride. "It was perfect for us. Having the right décor was key in making the vintage-y, Coney Island feel that we were hoping to accomplish. We were so lucky to work with great vendors who were excited to help, especially Obnoxious Antiques who we rented the vintage carnival and sideshow pieces from. They also provided the sideshow banners that were hanged throughout the venue. A friend even painted a custom sideshow banner of Brian, me and our dogs!"

Thursday Treats: Blogcademy Dreams & Writing Online


November 15, 2012

Waaah! Yesterday was insane! I spent most of the day plonked in front of my computer, staring at my screen in disbelief as tickets for The Blogcademy in London sold over and over again. It was so thrilling to see that you guys are just as enthusiastic about this little baby of ours as we are! Unbelievably we are sold out already! In less than a day!!! Gala, Shauna & I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a strong and supportive team of readers and fans around us so thank you thank you thank you for believing in our dream and coming along for the ride. We can't bloody wait!