Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Polaroid Mad Men Wedding & Fashion Shoot


Julius & James

April 21, 2013

Following on from yesterday's trip down memory lane, today I wanted to share the Polaroid fantasy of wedding photographers Julius & James. When Stephen (James), who has a passion for old film cameras, gave Julius a modified Polaroid 250 land camera for his birthday they immediately started to think about how they could use it in their wedding and fashion photography. So they started to experiment with 4X5 film in their Toronto studio.

Fun With Film & Rainbows


April 20, 2013

I love old film cameras. There's something so innocently wonderful about having a tangible and imperfect photograph to hold in your hand. In this hyper digital age, I think we've all been so quick to forget that unadulterated joy of taking your rolls of 35mm to the developers and waiting with baited breath to get the prints. They didn't always turn out, but that was weirdly part of the appeal. When you did get that one perfect shot, without previews on the back of the camera or Photoshop wizardry to help, it was utterly magnificent.

Barcelona Garden Wedding with a Navy Theme: Julieta & Christian


F2 Photo Studio

April 19, 2013

For their June wedding, Julieta & Christian wanted a day that was laid-back, fun and stress-free. They opted for a garden setting and a party late into the night. The couple both have a passion for music, but Christian particularly who is in a band and loves nothing more than to go to gigs or play one of his nine guitars with his friends. Clearly the music and the entertainment was going to play a big role in this celebration.

Intimate Living Room Wedding: Sam & Dave


Björn Lexius

April 18, 2013

Sam & Dave wanted an intimate ceremony, just the two of them, so they were married in their own living room. Afterwards they hosted their reception for all their friends & family at Zeitlos, a bar in Hamburg. "The inspiration for our wedding started with what we didn't want", began the bride. "We'd been to lots of weddings before and they showed us all the things we didn't want to have! We wanted a small ceremony just with the two of us, telling each other what we really feel without having everyone's eyes on us. This was really important to as as sometimes we're not that good at showing our feelings with others around (for example, at the registry office we first shook hands to congratulate each other instead of kissing!) We didn't want it formal and stiff and traditional, we wanted a party."

The Ace Hotel is… er… Ace!


April 15, 2013

Booking a hotel as your wedding venue is no longer the number one choice for engaged couples. The bland conference-style rooms, the package deals and the dodgy carpet have fallen out of favour, and somewhere with more personality, where they can really put their own stamp on their day, has taken it's place. In many instances this bad rep is understandable. I've visited more soulless and lacklustre hotel wedding venues charging extortionate rates than I'd care to admit. Luckily these days, brides & grooms seem to be quickly realising that they don't have to go with a traditional wedding venue, and smaller spaces like studios, pubs, restaurants and galleries are getting more of a look in.

The Photography Farm & The Catastrophic Rise of the Styled Wedding Shoot


Devlin Photos

April 15, 2013

The Photography Farm is a three-day workshop for wedding photographers, hosted by Lisa Devlin on a beautiful 12-acre farm near Gatwick. I've been involved with The Farm since it's inception, helping to style the shoots and speaking to the 'farmers' about blogging, working with wedding blogs, advertising & marketing and building a successful online brand. I love The Farm. It's quickly become my home away from home, a place I look forward to escaping to and somewhere I get to meet a whole host of new and exciting emerging wedding photography talent. I always leave the safe confines of the 16th century farmhouse with a head full of ideas, a new jolt of inspiration and a renewed invigoration for where the UK wedding industry is heading.

Homespun DIY Wedding with a Tattoo Booth: Katie & Michael


Homer Horowitz

April 13, 2013

A simple and low-key wedding at home was just the ticket for Katie & Michael, who were married in October last year. The day was held at Katie's parent's house and the entire thing was planned by the couple themselves. Katie put her own wedding outfit together from an American Eagle cream crochet top, a matching crochet skirt and vintage cowboy boots. Each piece only cost $25 each and were sown together to create a dress by Michael's mother.



April 11, 2013

It’s getting to be quite the regular occurrence for me when I’m travelling. Every time I return home after some far flung adventure, I start to daydream about the benefits of spending less time online and more time, you know, actually out living my life. I don’t know if it’s the sunshine, spending so much time with friends or all the new experiences, but I always land at Heathrow with a surge of ambition to spend more time away from the artificial glare of my computer screen.

Networking Like a Pro


Sacco & Sacco

April 9, 2013

Another one of those topics that I seem to get asked about over and over is networking. "How do I get my name out there?", "How do I network without coming across as a a weirdo?" and "How do I get people to know I exist?!" With the majority of us doing a most of our business online these days, thinking about networking and meeting people 'in real life' can be a scary and intimidating thing. But (and this is a big but!) I honestly believe that getting my backside off my computer, out of the safe confines of my house and going to meet people in real life was the number one thing which truly got my name out there