Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Business Bites: Starting Over


May 24, 2013

I've learnt a lot about what it takes to launch a new business of late. Not so much with Rock n Roll Bride, which I kind of fell into by accident, but with The Blogcademy, the bloggers workshop that I launched with Gala and Shauna in the latter part of last year. Its actually really crazy to think how far we've come, the lessons we've learnt and the changes we've already made (to the promotion, the online presence and the curriculum that we teach!) but it's been really valuable having to do it so quickly.

Rock n Roll Bride Magazine… SOLD OUT!


May 24, 2013

Goodness! Who would have thought that launching a magazine to compliment this little blog of mine would have been such a runaway success? Ever since we published issue 2 of this yearly magazine, waaaaay back in August last year, the orders have been coming in daily. Gareth, who packs and ships every single one by hand, has been a busy bee for sure, and a regular fixture at our local Post Office! He’s obviously been doing his job pretty damn well too, because he told me this week that issue two is now officially sold out. Whoa.

Thursdays Treats: Costco Trips & Nipple Slips


May 23, 2013

OK not really... but it rhymed and made me laugh! Oh Christ, I need to get out more. Actually it's a sad sad state of affairs when the highlight of your week is going to Costco with your Mother. But I've never been before and that kind of stuff generally excites me. Pacing up and down the aisles wondering who on earth would ever need to buy 12 packets of spaghetti or 72 loo rolls... and where do those people store it all?! This week was just been a bit dull though. Everything I needed to do really just required me to be glued to my computer... writing, rewriting, organising, compiling... all that fun stuff. So I've got nothing too thrilling to report today although I did buy a enough green juice to hydrate an army at Costco and apparently I'm going to be quoted in the Daily Mail's You Magazine on Sunday. I must remember to leave my hovel to go and pick up a copy... Note to self: Must try harder to keep up the pretence that being a blogger is an exciting and glamorous life. Hum, maybe next week...

Reused & Recycled Macedonian Wedding: Marta & Vedran


Atelier 22

May 23, 2013

Marta & Vedran were married in the garden of Vodenica Mulino, a restaurant and bar in Macedonia. Their reception then took place inside. Their day was casual, laid back but most of all, fun! The bride wore a custom made blush pink dress dress and carried an brightly coloured felt bouquet. "Everyone wants their wedding to be different and memorable", the bride began. "We had lots of time to think about ours as we had a long engagement."

I’ve Found Your Wedding DJ…


May 22, 2013

For most Rock n Roll brides, finding the perfect entertainment for their wedding is top of the list of importance. Being a die hard music lover, but still wanting to keep the all your guests happy is no mean feat which I why I was thrilled to meet Paddy of Disco Wed when I was at the Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza in March. He's not only genuinely one of the nicest people I've met in this industry (and he's just as obsessed with his cat and I am with mine!) I think I might have actually just uncovered the answer to all your musical prayers.

New Orleans Masquerade Wedding: Leslie & Collin


Select Studios

May 22, 2013

I receive upwards of 50 submissions on a daily basis, and needless to say I do see a lot of very similarly styled weddings. So when a wedding like Leslie & Collin's lands in my inbox I'm over the moon, thrilled and super duper excited to feature it because it's just so different. I'm totally losing my cool over this theme and the way the couple executed it. They also planned and styled the entire wedding themselves, making it a million percent more awesome in my book.

Step Away from the Press Release


Made U Look

May 21, 2013

The first press release was written in 1906, created by the Pennsylvania Railroad who had just experienced a major accident in which 50 passengers were killed. They quickly released a statement to the press in order to nip any rumours that might be published in the bud. A sensible idea you might think, and yes, it most definitely was. However fast forward 100 years, and similar statements are being released by companies left right and centre, but without this same vital reasoning. These days every small start up business in the world thinks that PR lesson number one is to nail the perfect press release. I'm here today to tell you why I think this is a wrongful assumption and usually a completely pointless exercise.

Detoxing, Getting Healthy & The Clean Program


Made U Look

May 21, 2013

As some of you will know, I spent time in Los Angeles in March, probably the most health-concious and cleanse-obsessed place on the planet. Its no secret that I'm a 'grab what's available' kinda eater, that I have a penchant for wine and gin and that I'm totally allergic to exercise. However while I was in the land of buffed bodies, I did surprise myself by becoming quite the green juice junkie (something I have kept up since returning home!) and I even started to think a little more about how I treat, and what I put into, my body.

Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Superbloggers Masterclass


Devlin Photos

May 18, 2013

On a soggy Spring evening Lisa and I headed to London. It was Tuesday, and the night of the Cosmopolitan Magazine Superbloggers Masterclass. I was thrilled, honoured and damn right nervous as hell to have been asked to join an illustrious panel of experts at this prestigious event. The masterclass was a complete sell-out, with two hundred enthusiastic wannabe bloggers braving wind and rain to make it to The British Museum for the two-hour panel discussion and Q&A.

Muppets, Movies & Rainbows: Melanie & Michael


I Do

May 17, 2013

A wacky, fun and rainbow themed wedding is always going to be a winner with me, and seeing Melanie & Michael's day, at Cocoanut Grove in Santa Cruz, was no different. I mean what's not to love?! "When we first began planning our wedding, we started with a list of things we didn't want to do", began Melanie. "We had been to enough impersonal ceremonies and stereotypical receptions in the past few years to have acquired a pretty substantial list! We wanted the event to be as engaging for the guests as for us, we wanted it to be silly but meaningful, and we wanted it to be the most fun wedding anyone had ever attended."

A Touch of Vegas: Chelsea & Mike


Gaby J

May 16, 2013

Chelsea & Mike wanted to marry in Las Vegas but without doing the typical cheesy Vegas wedding thing. So instead of being married by Elvis, they opted for a simple ceremony (not photographed) at Little Church of the West, followed by a photo session around downtown Vegas with photographer Gaby J. "Our wedding them was 'a touch of Vegas', explained the bride. "We didn't want to go all out with an over the top Vegas style wedding equipped with an Elvis pastor. So we opted for something more subtle. I had my blue suede shoes and my bridesmaids wore gold sequin dresses."

DIY Vegan Wedding: Sarah & Steven


Toast of Leeds

May 15, 2013

There was no doubt in my mind that I had to share this wedding with you. My heart skipped a beat as I clapped eyes on the beautiful Sarah and her stunning movie starlet-esque red wedding dress from The Couture Company and I flicked through Toast of Leeds' photographs holding my breath. What an utterly beeeeeeeautiful wedding. "Our venue was Buckland Hall in the Brecon Beacons National Park, a country house in the Welsh mountains, that we could personalise and make our own for a long weekend", Sarah began. "We had free reign of the house and grounds, which we decorated with family photos and personal belongings that we've collected during our time together. Sixty of our guests stayed on the night of our wedding and close family the night before. The ceremony was held in a room with views of rolling park land, the River Usk and snow capped mountains beyond."

Laid Back & Vintage-Inspired Cripps Barn Wedding: Laura & Tom


Emma Case

May 15, 2013

Sometime late last Summer I strolled into my favourite wedding boutique to visit my friends, Laura & Emma, who own it. Whenever I'm in central London I always pop into Fur Coat No Knickers to see their latest pretty vintage wedding dresses, to drink some Cava and to catch up on all the latest gossip. But this fateful day in August was different. I was greeted at the door with squeals from Laura, "I'm engaged! Tom Proposed last week!" she shrieked. More Cava was popped and we started to discuss all things wedding - but this time not other people's - hers!