Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Thursday Treats: Summer Holiday Dreamin’


June 6, 2013

I've gotta tell you, I'm quite excited because this week Gala, Shauna and I booked flights to Santorini for Gala's 30th birthday! We're going to spend a few days there then we'll be hopping on the ferry over to Mykonos for a blissful three nights in a five star hotel... I know, it's totally extravagant, but it is Gala's birthday and after a crazy-busy and Blogcademy-filled 2013 I think we all deserve a good holiday! I can't wait to lie on the beach, drink and eat way to much and just generally lay like broccoli for a week.

Whimsical Carnival Wedding: Rachel & Ryan



June 5, 2013

Rachel and Ryan wanted a beautiful but fun wedding so they decided on a subtle vintage carnival theme. They didn't want it to be cheesy or too overly done, and "No clowns" was top of their list of requirements. "We wanted it to feel like a beautiful whimsical wedding at a carnival and not have it be a cheesy carnival wedding," began Rachel. "We also wanted people to have a good time. We didn't want people saying 'that was nice' we wanted them to shout 'that was fun!' The ceremony was heartfelt enough to make you cry, but funny enough to make you laugh with quirky remarks and personal heartfelt vows. From the start we asked people on the invitations to wear bow ties and suspenders. Everyone loved the dress code and looked straight out of the 50s as the music blared."

Going into Business with Friends


Made U Look

June 4, 2013

I've decided to go into business with three other girls who I met online and have since become great friends with. We all run our own businesses independently but this will be a collaboration between the four of us. I'm really excited about it because we all have different skills and I think we can all bring something different to the table. I was wondering if you had any advice about going into business with friends (I know you've done it with Gala and Shauna with The Blogcademy and you all met online too!) The business idea was actually mine so I guess I'm the driving force behind it but obviously I can't do it on my own. My main question is how do we spilt the finances or decide who gets what? Do we split it evenly because that is the fair thing to do, even though each of us will have a different level of involvement and workload? We roughly know where everyone's strengths lie and even though it will totally be a team effort, it was my idea. Some of the others are more driven towards the networking and exposure that this venture might bring rather than the money but at the same time, I don't want it to become awkward further down the line with the potential of someone not pulling their weight because they aren't getting paid.

Plumbing & Pee Wee Herman Wedding: Tracy & Michael


Justine Johnson

June 3, 2013

As someone who gets to see a lot of weddings on a daily basis, it takes a lot to surprise me, and even more to show me something I've never seen before. But I think I can safely say that I've never seen a plumbing themed wedding before... or a Pee Wee Herman groom for that matter! Obviously I was keen to hear more about it and so wanted to speak to the gorgeous Tracy who married Michael in The Plumbing Museum in Boston (of course!) about their day as soon as possible.

Apple Themed Rock Music Wedding: Jo & Tristen


Samara Clifford

June 3, 2013

Jo and Tristen met through their love of music and so it was only right that their wedding reflected this. "We are both DJs and I run a small festival annually in an inner suburban Melbourne backyard", began the bride. "We met through our love of music and after six years together Tristen proposed to me during one of these festivals just as one of my all time favourite bands finished playing one of my favourite songs. It was fairly loud so although he says he whispered "marry me?" gently into my ear, it was more like he shouted it. Needless to say, I said yes and the planning began."

Business Bites: Being Weird Together


May 31, 2013

Being friends with other bloggers is totally awesome. I was reminded of this just yesterday when I had a lunch date with the gorgeous Emily of Fashion Foie Gras, who I met at the Cosmopolitan Superbloggers Masterclass. It's the same as when I hang out with Gala and Shauna (19 sleeps and counting!) because we don't have to worry about feeling weird wanting to photograph our outfits or document our hang-out, talking through the benefits of twitter vs facebook or discussing the latest internet drama. To us this is all totally normal behaviour!

DIY Farm Wedding for £800: Jon & Alex


Taylor Barnes

May 31, 2013

I am always so incredibly inspired when I see weddings where the budget was small. Far from it seeming like the couple had to make compromises, the ones I get to share always seem to prove that a small budget doesn't have to mean a budget-looking wedding. In my opinion it is actually often the weddings with the smaller budgets that seem to have the most heart, the most personal details and the most inspiring ideas.

Low Key Spanish Elopement: Satu & John


David de Biasí

May 30, 2013

Over the past few weeks I've been interviewed by three major media outlets about the rise of low key weddings (Grazia, The Daily Mail and the BBC). A number of celebrities have recently tied the knot in uncharacteristically understated ways (Keira being the latest) which has prompted the mainstream media interest, but as any Rock n Roll bride will know this is really nothing new. Planning your wedding in your own way has been something I've championed ever since this blog began waaaay back in 2007 and I'm honoured to have featured so many beautiful, small and honest weddings over the years. Of course I am thrilled that the mainstream are finally starting to sit up and take notice though - catch up guys!

A TARDIS, A Doily Wedding Dress & A Torrential Downpour: Ben & Ang


I Got You Babe Wedding

May 29, 2013

The creativity of the weddings I get to feature never fails to astound me. I know I say this a lot but my readers are, without a doubt, the coolest people on the planet. Today's wedding does nothing to dissuade me from this fact. There is not one thing that I don't think is perfect about this, and weirdly, even the post-ceremony rain storm adds an extra layer of cool. The fact that all the guests worked together to move everything inside while Ben and Ang were off having their portraits done just shows how much love surrounds these two.

Mama Wolf Makes Non-Shiny & Non-Cruddy Wedding Accessories for Dudes


May 28, 2013

Sometimes I read wedding blogs and wonder if there are even grooms involved in some of the weddings. I'm all for the girly stuff but I also really love to see a wedding where the couple have clearly worked together to plan the day. I mean, there's really nothing manly about pink peonies or soft tulle or teeny tiny little cupcakes... I know that I can be just as bad as the rest (I am a girl after all!) but I am also totally thrilled when I get the chance to talk about stuff for the dudes. So don't go forgetting your man when it comes to planning all things wedding, he's a big part of this day too remember and definitely needs to also look his super stylish best.

Intimate Icelandic Elopement: Sophia & James



May 27, 2013

There's something so incredibly romantic about eloping. Running off, declaring your undying forever love and completely forgoing tradition to do something just for the two of you. Well, as soon as I laid eyes on Sophia & James' wedding, posted in a private photographer's group that I'm a member of with the caption "I wish I shot this wedding. I think this is just so beautiful. In fact it's probably one of the most stunning weddings I've seen in a while..." I just knew I had to feature it. Thankfully wedding photographers Nordica Photography had the same idea because as soon as I asked for it they said they were literally about to submit it! Oh when the heavens collide...

Southend Pier Wedding: Lorna & Dave



May 25, 2013

Lorna & Dave were married in Southend in April. Their ceremony took place at The Culture Centre, right on the pier, and their reception was at Ocean Beach, a restaurant on the beach. "The theme for our wedding was British seaside with a touch of vintage", wrote Lorna. "The beautiful blue sky and sunshine really made the day that extra bit special. It was amazing! The children were able to run about and play on the beach at the reception and the view from the decking at Ocean Beach was incredible."