Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Secret Garden Party in a Swimming Pool: Lynsey & Greg


James Melia

July 16, 2013

I find it so interesting to see how different the same venue can look depending on the wedding. I've featured a wedding at the amazing Victoria Baths in Manchester before, but apart from the obvious similarities (like the big empty swimming pool!) it could be a totally different venue. Lynsey and Greg added lots of greenery and overgrown foliage to the mix, creating a completely different vibe from the cute, quirky and colourful wedding I've shared from here before.

Lake Life and New Adventures for The Blogcademy, Minneapolis


Gene Oh

July 15, 2013

When you're visiting a new city and the first thing your hosts do is invite you to hang out on their pontoon on Lake Minnetonka, you kinda know you're in for a bit of an adventure. I had no preconceptions about Minneapolis before I visited it last month, well actually less than none - I knew absolutely nothing about this mid-western city. I had a rough idea of where it was in the country (after checking a map) but that was pretty much it. I was oblivious to it's lively hip hop scene, it's lake culture and all the deep friend delicacies that are served in almost every restaurant (deep fried pickles and cheese curds are both much more delicious than they sound and cream cheese wontons are definitely oh so wrong but oh so right...)that was pretty much it. I was oblivious to it's lively hip hop scene, it's lake culture and all the deep friend delicacies that is served in almost every restaurant (deep fried pickles and cheese curds are both much more delicious than they sound and cream cheese wontons are definitely oh so wrong but oh so right...)

Lunchtime Cocktails + Photo Booth Madness = Very Happy Bloggers


June Cochran

July 13, 2013

Without a doubt, one of the most amazing and satisfying things about running The Blogcademy is meeting so many enthusiastic babes marching to the beat of their own drum and wanting to tell the world about it! Before starting this journey I couldn't have ever imagined just how life-altering this event would be for so many of the girls who attend and just how strong the bonds they form during that weekend really are.

Business Bites: Powering Through


July 12, 2013

It's been one of those treadmill weeks. I feel like I've been pounding one for 8 hours a day, just trying to keep up. If only my story was more literal than metaphorical, I'd be fit as a fiddle! Weeks like this one can feel like they're sent to test us, but really, it's just all part of the ebb and flow of running your own business. Sometimes it's fun and frolics for days, and other times it's all about getting your head down, powering through and doing the very best you can.

Thursday Treats: Glitter, Gems & Giant Rainbow Flowers


July 11, 2013

It's finally caught up with me. After a few weeks of non-stop madness, racking up those airmiles and lack of sleep, I've caught the plague - and when the weather is so glorious too! Unfortunately I've not been able to wallow in my pit and feel sorry for myself, I've had a busy old week, the culmination of it being a massive photo shoot tomorrow in London. It's the final stage of a massively exciting project that I've been working on over the last few months. I CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE IT WITH YOU ALL. I'll be letting the proverbial cat out of my giant bag of secrets super duper soon and I have a funny feeling you're going to be just as excited as I am when you hear what I've been up to (hint: it involves glitter, gems and giant rainbow flowers..!)

Colourful Rustic Farm Wedding: Hannah & Kristie


Love + Perry

July 11, 2013

Hannah and Kristie were married at Quonquont Farm in Whately, MA. Their laid back May celebration was one that perfectly reflected them as a couple. "Kristie's from Virginia and I'm a New England girl through-and-through", explained Hannah, "so we wanted to find a happy balance that would allow all our friends and family to feel comfortable and have a good time. Elegant, rustic, authentic, quirky, and comfortable were all words we threw around during the planning process."

Fancy Dress Fusion Wedding: Kiran & Josh


The Picture Foundry

July 10, 2013

Kiran and Josh had a two-day wedding on the 3rd and 4th of May. Their main aim was to throw a celebration that felt very 'them' and for everyone to have a great time. Big weddings can often cost a lot, but even with their two day event, this savvy couple only spent £8500! They called in favours, DIYed a LOT and made some clever and unusual choices in order to save money. Everything from the flowers, the cake, the DJ and the stationery were either DIYed by the couple or donated by friends.

How To Get Shit Done When You Have No Time At All


June Cochran

July 9, 2013

As most of you will probably know, I got back from a two week trip to The States late last Wednesday. While I love nothing more than getting away from the humdrumality (is that even a word?!) of everyday life and work, there is pretty much nothing more stressful than coming home to a to do list as long as my arm and an inbox fit to bursting. I joked on Twitter that I should write a post entitled "How to get shit done when you have no time at all" to which many of you responded saying you'd love to know the secret too. While I can't claim to be some kind of productivity wizard, as I powered through everything I had to do in the latter part of last week, I wrote down just how I did it. I hope you find it helpful and if you have any other tips I'd love to hear about them in the comments too!

Wedding Planning Just Got a Whole Lot Easier…


July 9, 2013

We live in a time where there's an app for pretty much everything, so why should wedding planning be any different? But Appy Couple aren't like the other, cheesy wedding apps and 'wedsites' that you might have seen. The interfaces are clean, fresh and design-led. The system is intuitive and simple to use. They offer something more than just a website to help you plan your wedding, it's something you'll be proud to share with your friends, family and wedding guests, and a tool that they'll really want to use too.

Vintage Furniture, 35°C Heat & Brand New Blogging BFFs


June Cochran

July 8, 2013

I've been throwing the word ‘whirlwind’ around a lot lately, but goodness these past few weeks have really been one! I've strolled around the streets of Manhattan, danced with a disco ball, made custom lipsticks, got a crazy Japanese glitter manicure, found my perfect wrist candy, had a coughing fit live on the internet, hosted a lunch date with our past students, eaten a tub of popcorn larger than my head, posed on velvet couches on city block corners and got locked on a rooftop... and that was just in the first few days! We did two Blogcademy classes on this trip and I'll be blogging all about the Minneapolis adventures soon, but today it's all about my favourite city in the whole wide world - New Yaaawk!

Business Bites: Working Like a Machine…


July 5, 2013

My feet have not touched the ground since I got home on Wednesday night... I literally feel like an old machine cranking back up to full speed... I'll get there but it might take me a few days! I'm not going to lie though, I'm feeling quite overwhelmed and a little stressed out about everything I have on right now, but it's all good, I'm just taking each day hour at a time! Sheesh maybe I need to write a blog post titled 'How to get shit done in no time at all...'

Thursday Treats: I’m back and (nearly!) raring to go…


July 4, 2013

Good afternoon from a very snoozy wedding blogger... I flew back to London yesterday but even the premium economy upgrade (don't believe the lies it's totally worth it and so much better than flying economy) couldn't stop me being out for the count until about an hour ago! This latest US jaunt has been non flippin' stop. Gala, Shauna and I always do this when we get together - we're so excited to see each other that we schedule in too much and half way through are gagging for a few days of down time.

Romantic Queensland Wedding & A Blue Haired Bride: Ben & Kate


Shutter + Lace

July 3, 2013

Ben and Kate were married in August at Flaxton Gardens, Queensland, Australia. They wanted a romantic wedding but one that was a little bit different, to reflect their personalties. " I struggled to begin with to decide what to do and how to do it", began the bride. "I read a lot of magazines and blogs but it wasn't until I found Rock n Roll Bride that I realised that it really didn't matter what everyone else was doing, we should do what represents us best. So we did what made us happy, didn't worry about tradition so much and did things that weren't so ‘wedding’. I kept my hair short (I always thought I’d grow it), I kept it coloured (blue) and we wrote our own vows that made everyone laugh as they really reflected us."