Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


A Rain-Soaked Wedding Festival: Helen & James


Neil Thomas Douglas

September 30, 2013

Rain on your wedding day is a big worry for a lot of couples, but today I'm here to prove to you that it can actually be pretty amazing! Yes, Helen and James' outdoor festival wedding was a wash-out, but they definitely didn't let it ruin their day. Check out the amazing photographs their photographer Neil Thomas Douglas was able to capture... of course shots like this requires a couple who aren't afraid to get a little wet and muddy, but these guys went all out! They even went out in a boat on the river during the downpour!

Business Bites: Nerd Out!


September 27, 2013

Oh I do love a good workshop. This week I spent most of my time at the Photography Farm where a bunch of wedding photographers and I spent the whole time getting to know each other and gassing about our favourite topics - weddings, photography and blogging! There really is nothing better than spending time with like-minded nerds. I always leave these kinds of environments feeling super inspired and invigorated push myself and my business to the next level.

Marriage Mantras: Deal Breakers


Marianne Taylor

September 27, 2013

Marriage throws up some big life questions and often a wedding is just the starting block for making a lot of major decisions in very quick succession. Wedding planning discussions also invariably lead into deeper, more long-term topics. Things like if you want kids, where you want to live and what career paths are you're each going to take. It's no coincidence that lots of couples seem to move house or one spouse has a career change pretty quickly after saying "I do". Making this kind of commitment often encourages us to start thinking seriously about these other things too.

Thursday Treats: A Week Down on the Farm


September 26, 2013

It's been a busy old week round these parts. Not only did we launch a magazine on Tuesday (!) but Gareth and I were invited to model at the Photography Farm that same afternoon! The Farm is a wedding photography workshop hosted by Lisa Devlin that I've been involved with since it's conception. I actually modelled (solo) for the first ever farm and with this class falling on the two year anniversary it was awesome to not only be asked to do it again but to bring Gareth along with me! Of course I'll be sharing the full results of the shoot soon enough, but I couldn't resist a little sneak peek today.

The Real “Non Wedding”, An Elopement at Home: Alicia & Phill



September 25, 2013

A lot of you will no doubt remember Whit and Colby's 'Non Wedding' shoot by the incredible Brooke Davis. It was one of my most popular wedding features of all time, and weirdly, sparked quite a bit of debate. But to those that said it was an irrelevant shoot with no real meaning to actual brides and grooms - today I present to you Alicia and Phill. After seeing those images not only booked Brooke to shoot their elopement, but went for their very own 'Non Wedding' theme - a secret ceremony and a party in their own back garden. Inspiration is everywhere.

Why Isn’t My Business a Success?


Alexa Loy

September 24, 2013

Dear Kat I love the Green Room and your no-nonsense advice. I've read every post you've ever written and tried to implement your advice into my wedding photography business but it feels like nothing is happening. I don't get many enquiries even though I think my work is OK. I'm struggling to see what it is that I'm doing wrong and why everyone else I look at seems to be doing so well. I'm feeling lost and discouraged. I'm not really sure what I want you to say and I'm half expecting you to just delete this email anyway, but I guess I'm just hoping you might send me some words of encouragement...

Sixty Students, Four Days & Three Very Tired But Happy Headmistresses Later…


Alexa Loy

September 23, 2013

It's hard to believe that in just under a year The Blogcademy has taught over 300 women (and a few token men!) about blogging and how they can conquer their corner of the internet. When we first launched the workshop we thought we'd meet some people, teach them some stuff and that would be about it. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine just what an impact attending this two day class would have on the attendees lives... and ours!

Marriage Mantras: On Selfishness


Devlin Photos

September 20, 2013

Although we share all kinds of details about our day to day lives, from what we’re planning for dinner to holiday snaps, Gareth and I make a conscious effort to keep the really personal stuff offline. At a glance, it can seem as though our whole lives are documented for all to see, but it’s really only the trivial stuff that gets put out there. A few pictures of our cats walking on their leads doesn’t actually reveal a great deal about us as a couple. The real story is in the detail like how we agreed, together, to get two maine coons, for example.

Homemade Pennsylvania Farm Wedding: Lauren & Red


AGP Collective

September 19, 2013

Lauren and Red's Pennsylvania wedding was a real team effort. It planned by the bride, her mother and their neighbour Patience. The wedding was held on the couple's own farm. "Patience taught us how to make homemade limoncello and smoked salmon and helped so much during the wedding making sure things ran smoothly", Lauren explained. "My mother is a crazy collector of beautiful dishes, as well as ideas. She is also a food connoisseur so she helped add tons of vision and plan the menu. Patience’s daughter got married the weekend before so we were able to share a lot of supplies and ideas which worked out very well as well as work trade. My mother in-law Eva planned the rehearsal dinner which also happened to be my birthday. She created a picnic outdoor super with barbecue chicken for 45 two days before the wedding. She also helped decorate!"