Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Wes Anderson Inspired Brewery Wedding: Jessica & David


Shannon Collins

November 17, 2013

The submission I received for Jessica and David's wedding began "If Wes Anderson was a wedding planner..." so instantly my interest was sparked. The Philadelphia wedding was a quirky Southern BBQ with retro touches. "I never knew what to say when people asked what the theme was", explained the bride. "I'd reply with 'It's a wedding... isn't that the theme?' I guess it was more about the color and the mood we wanted to create. I love retro fashion and I also love all those farm/ garden weddings all over wedding blogs. I also had our budget in mind and keeping in the budget helped make a lot of decisions about said theme... so maybe we can call it a budget retro summer garden party!"

Business Bites: What Goal Would You Set Yourself If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?


November 15, 2013

With my adventures down under soon drawing to a close, this week I've really started to think about my goals and plans for 2014. While, yes, it may be a little intimating to ponder a whole new set of tasks and things that need to be achieved, it is one of my favourite things to do. Someone in our Auckland workshop this week asked me why it was important to set yourself goals and commented that she was scared to do so in case she didn't achieve them. I told her what I'm telling you now.

Thursday Treats: Melbourne to Auckland to Wellington and Back Again!


November 14, 2013

Since we last spoke I've been in three different cities, two countries and taught over 90 people... Not what you would call a low key week then! After saying goodbye to our Melbourne digs at 5am last Friday we hopped on an early flight to Auckland. Our time in this city was short - literally only two and a half days, and with the majority of it spent teaching there wasn't too much time to take in the sights.

Hot-Rods and Hula Hoops – A Bristol Paintworks Wedding: Abbie & Daniel


Lashmar Creative

November 14, 2013

Abbie and Daniel were married at The Paintworks in Bristol, a converted industrial building in the city's creative quarter. They didn't set out to have a theme but the bride's outfit was quite 50s, they served fish n chips and had an ice cream tricycle for desert, and they had a DJ who played only 90s music - so I guess you could say the wedding was all the things they liked!

Patchwork, A Truly Alternative Gift Registry


November 13, 2013

I've written about many amazing alternative gift list services before, but I'm yet to find one that allows you to register for literally anything you want... until now. When Gareth and I were engaged we went with the surprisingly traditional option of a department store registry. While we had a lot of fun running around pretending we were on Supermarket Sweep, I do wish we'd know about some more alternative options. I guess they just weren't around in 2007!

How Often Should I Be Blogging?


Eliza Claire

November 12, 2013

Well firstly, congratulations. It's going to be a super exciting time for you. If you want to keep blogging you're going to need to have a plan because I imagine you're going to have your hands full! A blog is like a baby in itself. It needs regular love and attention or it won't continue to grow. So, yes, if you want to keep the blog going in some capacity, you need to be posting regularly. The most important thing is to find schedule that works for you.

Tree House and Picnic Party Wedding: Kirsty & James


Camera Hannah

November 11, 2013

They met online and with a mutual love of all things nerdy (their first date was eating cheese toasties and watching Dark Crystal) they connected instantly. They were married in August at Sole Street House in Kent. "Our theme evolved into a relaxed, geeky garden party", wrote Kirsty. "Vintage touches and having the full day to relax into the venue meant that it felt very natural and laid-back. We picked a colour theme of teal and asked all of our guests to wear something to match. As time went on, it became green and blue in all of the shades but it meant that we could relax about a 'theme' and still have everything come together."

Business Bites: On The Road Again


November 8, 2013

Hello from Auckland! Our alarms went off at 5am this morning and we were back on the road, heading to New Zealand for our third class on this Antipodean adventure. Although Gala, Shauna and I have been having an absolutely fantastic time down under, it really has been all go go go. We've been pretty un-Rock n Roll and spent most of our down time in our PJs, laying about in whatever hotel or apartment we happen to be hauled up in.

Travel Themed Wedding in a Train Station: Evelynne & Evan


Claudia Carter

November 6, 2013

Evelynne and Evan were married in Kings Cross St Pancras station. A weird place for a ceremony you might think, but it meant a lot to them as a couple. "With me being from Brazil and Evan being from America, travel is very much a recurring theme in our lives", wrote Evelynne . "We decided to get married at St Pancras Station as it is just a stunning building and we wanted the place to speak for itself without too many props."

Intimate Elopement Inspiration


Joel Bedford Weddings

November 6, 2013

Are any of you planning to elope? If so, I hope this gorgeous shoot might inspire you. " I really wanted to showcase a different way to do a wedding", wrote wedding photographer and the driving force behind this session, Joel Bedford. "I pictured this lovely couple driving out into the middle of nowhere to recite their vows. The idea seemed so romantic to me: a red vintage sportscar, a ballerina skirt and a couple in love."