Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Thursday Treats: My Delirium


November 28, 2013

One of the coolest shops I visited during my time in Australia was My Delirium in Melbourne. A visual onslaught in its OTT décor, it is a treasure trove of vintage sequins, fur and psychedelic prints laid across two sprawling floors. Clearly I was in heaven as soon as I walked through the door. Although I left empty handed it was certainly worth a visit just to gawp alone. If you're in Melbourne any time soon you definitely have to check it out!

Eco and Natural Forest Wedding: Abigail & Lisa


Emma Case

November 28, 2013

Abigail and Lisa's wedding was eco, natural and laid back. Held at Wise Wedding Venue in Kent they did the majority of the décor themselves, or at the very least put their own personal spin on everything. Both girls opted for non-traditional wedding day outfits, and wore two suits each throughout the celebrations. To fit with the natural and eco wedding idea they had wooden rings made from paddock wood by Simply Wood Rings based in Chicago.

Having a Festival Or Concert Wedding? Check out Wedfest Stationery!


November 27, 2013

Festival weddings were big in 2012, huge in fact. Then 2013 rolled around and the idea exploded with more tents, tipis and rock concert weddings filling my inbox than ever before. And from the comments and emails that I still get from you guys on a daily basis, I think it's safe for me to say that this idea really isn't going anywhere for 2014 brides and grooms. It seems that more of you than ever are channelling your inner festival-goer and planning a wedding to reflect that.

Opulent Vivienne Westwood Inspired Wedding: Sashy & Dashy


Anna Hardy

November 25, 2013

When wedding photographer Anna Hardy told me that she just shot a wedding where the bride wore the Vivienne Westwood wedding dress from the first Sex and the City movie, I was excited, damn excited. As someone who not only owns the entire box set of SATC but pretty much watched in a week straight when I got it, I couldn't wait to see how a real bride looked in this iconic gown. And the answer? FIERCE.

Thursday Treats: Back Home and Wrapping Up Warm


November 21, 2013

BRR!! Talk about stating the obvious but oh England you are so cold! I landed back in the UK on Tuesday morning and after nearly a month in balmy (or at least nicely mild) spring temperatures down under the 5 degree welcome was a little tough to take. I'm currently sat on my sofa wrapped up in two jumpers, black tights and a massive scarf, I guess there's no hiding from the fact that winter is well as truly here!

Eccentric Outdoor/ Indoor Garden Party: Lara & Gav


Ellie Gillard

November 21, 2013

Lara and Gav were married in Lara's parent's back garden. They set up a marquee and decorated it with collected and borrowed items from friends and junk shops. "The garden was beyond perfect despite the rain", explained the bride. "It has been lovingly created and maintained by my parents since they moved in 15 years ago. It has always played host to whimsical parties, and lent itself brilliantly to the occasion."

Honeymoon Travel Guide: Queensland – Dreamworld, Kangaroos & Cuddles with Brandy The Koala


Janneke Storm

November 20, 2013

When the initial email from Celeste at Tourism and Events Queensland came into The Blogcademy inbox asking us if we’d consider an all-expenses paid trip to Queensland I nearly deleted it, assuming it must be spam. I mean, this kind of opportunity doesn't exactly come knocking on your door everyday. After verifying that Celeste wasn't, in fact, just playing a rather cruel prank, we started to plan our epic adventure down under!

The Secret of Success


Shell De Mar

November 19, 2013

I kinda hate it when people ask me what I do for a living. It's not that I'm embarrassed, but when you reply with "I'm a blogger", it's usually followed by a million other questions like "Is that like Facebook?", "What's a blog?" and "How do you make money?" Another round of questions that I seem to get asked a lot are about how I became successful and profitable at something so many others try, and fail, to do. Like I have a secret that others haven't quite figured out yet or something. People always want to know if there was one defining moment or a turning point that took my blog from a small hobby on the side to what it is today... but I'm sorry to report that the answer is always no.