Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Sock Puppet Wedding at Brooklyn Winery: Lindsay & Jesse


BG Productions

November 3, 2014

Married at Brooklyn Winery in New York, Lindsay and Jesse's wedding was fun, colourful and a perfect reflection of them. It wasn't all smooth sailing, but you'd never know that to look at these beautiful pictures. The bride wore a striped dress by Hayley Paige and many pairs of custom glasses! They had paper flowers instead of real ones and a Rice Krispy cake in lieu of anything traditional.

Halloween Wedding Shoot in an Abandoned Warehouse


April and Paul

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween! I hope you have something suitably spooky planned? I'm actually out and about shooting all day, but I'm hoping I can get home in time to catch some trick or treaters later! To get you well and truly into the spirit of things, I'm going to share not one, but two, amazing Halloween-inspired wedding photo sessions today. Now, I know I said on Facebook recently that I was kinda over styled shoots, but there are always exceptions, and two I have for you today are definitely worth breaking my self-imposed rule. Pop back at 3pm for the second one. It's totally worth it, I promise!

Thursday Treats: Chocolate, Cologne and Ridiculous Nerves


October 30, 2014

What have I been up to since we last spoke? Er, quite a lot actually! Last Thursday I was in Brighton visiting my friends at Choccywoccydoodah. They make the most epic wedding cakes and I was there to take part in their first ever Witches Kitchen class. Upstairs in their brand new shop, nestled within the South Lanes, we got to decorate our own ChoccyWoccy creations. I opted for a white chocolate skull (I mean, how could I resist?) and it was surprisingly awesome fun! I went with my sister and we had the best time eating our body weight in sweets, getting our faces painted and drooling (not literally!) over the amazing cakes decorating the space. The Witches Kitchen would make an AMAZING hen do idea, but you can also hire their Empire Room for two hours worth of ALL YOU CAN EAT chocolate. Oh baby! Just make sure you wear trousers with a forgiving waistband.

A Native American Ceremony, A London Skyline View & A Bride in an Orange Jumpsuit: April & Dennis


My Beautiful Bride

October 28, 2014

There are some weddings I see which (forgive me, I know this is terribly unpatriotic) I instantly think, "damn, that's SO COOL, it can't be a British wedding". It's nice to be completely wrong though, especially with this wedding. In fact "SO COOL" doesn't even cover it a little bit... April and Dennis are off the richter scale! The Dutch/Kiwi groom and his American bride met in Amsterdam while they were both travelling around Europe. Long story short, they fell in love and settled in London. They were hitched on the roof of Rockwell House, a studio space in east London that comes complete with epic views of the capital's skyline.