Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


How To Make Your Wedding Make Up Last All Day


May 20, 2015

There's been a lot of chatter in the private Rock n Roll Bride Facebook group about wedding day make up, specifically from DIY brides asking about what products to use. So I thought a little update on some of my hero cosmetics items would be a fun way to while away a Wednesday afternoon. If you want to do your own make up for your wedding but still have it last all day (and night!) long, here's my advice and current favourites.

Thursday Treats: Discounts A-Plenty for Rock n Roll Brides!


May 14, 2015

Goodness, I can't believe we have less than a month to go until the next Blogcademy workshop! This time we're hitting up London, which are always secretly my favourite classes. Not only because it's my home turf and we hold them in the most beautiful space ever, but because the European babes always totally BRING IT with their energy and enthusiasm! We currently have less than five tickets remaining for this class, and after this we won't be back in the UK until at least this time next year, so if you've been umming and ahhing, go on, take the plunge! I promise you won't regret it!