Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Considering Coming to The Blogcademy? Book in Now or Risk Missing Out Forever!


Sarah Kuszelewicz for Chellise Michael

July 5, 2015

When my two best friends and I decided it might be fun to teach a blogging workshop back in 2012, we had no comprehension just how far that little idea would take us. We figured maybe we'd get to do one or two classes and it would be a fun new project for a few months... Well, over 1000 attendees and 30 workshops later, its been one hell of an incredible ride!

Thursday Treats: London to Marrakesh to Rome to Florence!


July 2, 2015

London to Marrakesh to Rome to Florence. It's been a busy few weeks of fun and adventure and even though our luggage got lost on the way back to London and I still don't have it back (grr!) I couldn't have had a better time if I tried! If you've been considering Morocco or Italy as honeymoon destinations you have to do it. I'll be sharing all my top tips, including where we stayed, shopped, ate and visited, for both places really soon.

Flower Beard Bridals with Harnaam Kaur


Urban Bridesmaid

June 30, 2015

Harnaam Kaur has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which meant she started growing a beard from aged 11. Battling to remove her hair every day, and bullied at school, she started to self harm and considered suicide. Harnaam is now a body-confidence and anti-bullying activist and she fully embraces her unique look and hopes to encourage others to do the same. So when this bridal shoot using Harnaam as the model was submitted to me I nearly jumped out of my skin with excitement!

Self Esteem, Body Confidence and Learning to Love Yourself


June 26, 2015

If you've been reading my blog (or following me on Instagram!) for a while you'll probably have already heard of Gala Darling. Not only is she one of my best friends, but I've been raving about her, and her message of Radical Self Love, for quite some time! I first discovered her blog in early 2009 (check out my adorable fangirling) but it wasn't until happenstance enabled us to meet IRL a few years later that I knew we were kindred spirits. There are just some people you meet who instantly light up your life and make the world seem like a more positive, happier place. Gala does this for me every single day and I'm so honoured to call her my friend.

Nostalgic Romance & Travel Themed Wedding


Nico Studios

June 23, 2015

With just a few guests and $7000 to spend, Joanne and Paul planned their travel themed wedding at Wakarusa Historical Museum. "The inspiration for our wedding was 'love is a journey' and nostalgia", said the bride. "We both love to travel, hence the train station location. Our unique flowers were made of old maps and we had suitcases and atlas jars with candles. We also had lots of globes and vintage cameras. We were married in the waiting room of the train station."

Want Your Wedding Business Seen By The Most Awesome Brides & Grooms EVER!?


June 22, 2015

Er, of course you do! You may have read last week that I announced my stupidly exciting new venture, and today I wanted to tell you how you can get involved! It's all very well and good having the most amazing business idea ever, but if no-one knows about it, it might as well not exist. So if you make something awesome, or offer a killer service that you want brides and grooms to know about, then Rock n Roll Bride Magazine is the place for you!