Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Happy Eighth Birthday Rock n Roll Bride!


Shell de Mar

October 30, 2015

Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that this is actually my life. While it isn't rainbows, unicorns and kittens all of the time, and I've never worked longer or harder, I am undeniably grateful that I get to do something I love every single day. Eight years ago today I posted my very first article on this blog. I was working at a shopping channel and although I enjoyed it most of the time, there was always a undercurrent of sadness in my life. The "Is this really it?" mentality. This was something that had been following me ever since I was 14 years old. I'm sure some of you already know that I had a tough time growing up. I had depression, I self harmed, I had an eating disorder, I even tried to kill myself on more than one occasion. I remember around that time my mother would always say to me, "God had a plan" and "You can't give up, you are destined for the most wonderful things". Now, I'm not sure about the whole God thing, but even in my darkest moments I did quietly hope that she was right, and that one day I'd wake up and have it all figured out.

Halloween and Lego Wedding



October 27, 2015

I don't think it'll come as a massive surprise to any of you that the vast majority of newly-weds I interview say that they wanted their wedding to reflect them. They took their mutual passions and combined them to create a wedding that felt individual, authentic and unique. But it might shock you to hear that a lot of brides I chat to pre-wedding tell me that they're really worried about whether their mish-mash of ideas will work together. I mean, when you have a set theme it's pretty easy to know what's going to go... but Halloween, Lego and sparkles? Do those things work side by side?

Do-It-Yourself and Upcycled Barn Wedding


Velvet Storm

October 24, 2015

Claire and Lou wanted a relaxed wedding that all their guests would enjoy. "The inspiration for our wedding came quite naturally", Lou told me. "All we wanted was to feel comfortable in our outfits and for our guests to feel comfortable too. We wanted people to socialise as much as possible and for everyone to have an amazing time with us. We wanted a nice flow on the running order and our priority was to ensure that no-one was hanging around waiting for the next part of the day feeling hungry or bored!"

Solve These Three Common Bleach Damaged Hair Problems FAST!


Shell de Mar

October 20, 2015

When I published an article 18 months ago about how I rescued my bleach ravaged hair, I never knew it would be so popular! In fact it still gets traffic and comments every single day from people struggling to fix what constant bleaching has done to their tresses. While everything I wrote in that post still stands, I have discovered a few new wonder-products recently so I thought it was high time for an update.

Traditional Meets Modern Rock n Roll Wedding


Bridgwood Wedding

October 19, 2015

There were parts of Becky and Stewart's wedding that were traditional - the grand manor house, the toastmaster, the order of the day, and others that couldn't have been more Rock n Roll. The bride wore an incredible blush pink wedding dress and veil, their portraits featured smokebombs, and there were nods to their mutual love of music throughout. This wedding goes to prove that you can intertwine the wedding traditions that you like with the alternative elements that you crave and it will still totally work!