Guest Contributor
The Rock n Roll Art of the Wedding Speech
Guest Contributor
Beta e Borelli
July 19, 2017
Heidi Ellert-McDermott of Speechy, who help craft bespoke (and brilliant) wedding speeches, is here today to encourage you to think outside the box for the words that will be said at your wedding.
Wonky Bride Seeks Winning Wedding: A Disabled Bride’s Wedding Journey
Guest Contributor
July 12, 2017
Crystal chandeliers, plush carpets, huge white dresses, intimidating staff... I was standing in their bridal boutique with my raccoon print dress, pom-pom covered handbag and my bright purple walking stick and I have never felt more uncomfortable in my life!
The Last Five Years in LGBTQ Wedding Planning
Guest Contributor
June 14, 2017
Ten Alternative Buttonhole Ideas
Guest Contributor
Claire Macintyre
June 11, 2017
Often when planning the flowers for your wedding day, it can be easy to focus on the bridal bouquet and table decorations. Don't forget about the boys' buttonholes though! There are so many great ideas, and they can really add personality to their wedding day attire. Why not go for something brighter and bolder than a simple rose?
What Getting Divorced Taught Me About Marriage
Guest Contributor
Katherine Killeffer
May 5, 2017
I got divorced in 2015, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. That’s not to say that I regret getting married -- simply that getting divorced was a very positive experience. In the past two years I have completely flourished, grown, and changed beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m also in a relationship with a man who fills my heart in a way I’ve never experienced before.