Photography Credit: Andrea Ellison Photography (full photo shoot coming up on the blog next week!)
Posing on your wedding day probably isn’t something you’ll think you need to consider…and probably won’t be something you actually like the sound of. If you’re like most brides you’ll want natural looking wedding photographs right? Yes of course!
However far from making you look stiff and false, adopting a few simple (and easy) poses can actually make you look better…and almost more naturally beautiful on your wedding day – we’re not talking about radically changing your looks or who you are, but just a few tips on how you can make yourself look the best you can and of course accentuating your ‘best bits’ and disguising the bits you’re not so keen on.
Today I’m heading out with a photographer friend of mine to get photographed in some good and bad poses! I hope seeing what looks good (and bad) and the reasons why, will help guide you into how to pose to look your best and most beautiful on your wedding day.
However I need your help. What are you ‘trouble spots?’ Do you hate your chin, your stomach, your nose, your thighs? Let me know in the comments section below and we’ll try to show you the best ways to pose to make these areas look their best (as well as what not to do) in your wedding photographs…and yes I’ll, be sharing photos where I look hideous…just for you guys…so be sure to pop back next week to see the results!
Poise is all about balance, and a good balance in your daily business activities is extremely important. I find it useful to set a limit the time I dedicate to each daily task so that one thing (ahem emails!) doesn’t take over my whole business/life.
Jot down all of these tasks (and yes that includes lunch) and assign a certain amount of time to each one…and stick to it. This will not only balance your work life, it will help to keep you sane! Hopefully it will also alleviate that guilt so many of us feel when we don’t do something we think we should right away! Is it email time? no? Well leave it until tomorrow…
A standard day for me looks something like this:
9.00am – log on, file emails (yes I colour code my emails before I action them…It’s my weird way of keeping on track of what I have to do)
9.30am – check social media, get a feel of what’s going on online…
10.00am – write. This includes any magazine articles/interviews and of course my daily blog posts. I usually write 3 blog posts a day and I mostly work one a day ahead. So on Wednesday I write the posts for Thursday etc and schedule them in advance. This helps me not feel rushed to hit deadlines so much and also helps work around any technical problems I might run into (like photos not uploading properly or the internet going down) without missing my pre-determined blog post times (9am, 12pm and 3pm if you’re interested.)
12.00 – emails again. Just replying to submissions. This doesn’t take too much brain power really and is a nice thing to do before I take a break for lunch. It’s usually pretty easy for me to tell once I see a submission if I feel the wedding/photo shoot is right for Rock n Roll Bride or not. I get around 30/50 submissions a day which is a lot but I’m actually pretty speedy at this job!
2.00 – break time! Have a bath, have some lunch, maybe watch some trash on tv…
3.00 – more emails. Reply to the non-submission emails (i.e the one’s that take a bit more time than simple yes/no replies) I like doing this after lunch because I’m refuelled and ready to start using my brain again!
4.00 – more writing, but usually only if I have a deadline that needs meeting, otherwise I’ll pretty much procrastinate/tweet/network/research upcoming blog post ideas. I write until my brain stops functioning and my sentences don’t make any coherent sense any more. Then it’s time to wind down, have a glass (or 2 or 3…) of wine and chill out with my husband and kittens!
I usually finish my ‘official’ day’s work at about 7pm when I’ll make dinner and hang out with Gareth. In the evening I’ll often dip into emails and social media but I don’t really do anything substantial…this is my brain’s time off!
What does your daily schedule look like?