Photography Credit: Steep Street
“Within your wedding planning try and factor in a few months after the wedding. You may find after the wedding that you feel like something is missing, you may have spent up to 2 years planning your wedding, so now what? Make sure you book in trips with your new husband, weekends away, days out, new projects – give yourselves something to look forward to.”
From Kelly of Boho Weddings & Events
The sincerest form of flattery is sincere flattery.
Imitation is a different thing.
…from @blankenship, found via @thinksplendid. I don’t think any quote could sum up better how I’ve been feeling the past few weeks. There is nothing, nothing, flattering about being ripped off. However it does force you to push yourself to always be one step ahead and be better than the copycats…and you will be, remember that.