Over the past 13 years I have taken a ‘hobby blog’ (started in secret!) to a successful business. I’ve launched a print magazine, done multiple successful (and unsuccessful – just as important!) product launches and I’ve written a best-selling book. I also created and hosted Rock n Roll Bride Live, an event for 150 people in 2020 (remember those!?)

From 2012-2015 I travelled the world with The Blogcademy, where I taught thousands of women (and a few brave men) how to blog and leverage the internet and social media for their businesses. I’ve spoken on stage in front of 600 people, been interviewed by multiple TV and radio stations (including the BBC) about my business and have been flown to the Maldives, Queensland and the Seychelles on all-expenses paid on press trips.

In the past I have worked with The Natural History Museum, Vivienne Westwood, Irregular Choice and IKEA, I designed a range of affordable wedding dresses with Little Mistress and have launched four best-selling veil collections alongside Crown and Glory.

Rock n Roll Bride is now one of the most recognisable brands in the bridal world, and one of the highest trafficked wedding websites on the planet. I’ve learnt a LOT (mostly through trial and error) over the past decade+, and I want to share that with you!

Let’s keep things simple…

The way things will work is SUPER simple and so my mentoring sessions can be booked on a one-off basis. You can come back to me any time, and at your own pace, if you want more! Your first session will be an hour-long chat, usually over Zoom. Following that you’ll receive a personalised action plan and a month or so later we’ll do a second call to see how you’re getting on.

Below is a list of topics we can discuss. Before our session, choose 2/3 of them that you’d like to focus on. I will also send you a short questionnaire beforehand, so I can get to know you and your business a bit better before we begin.


Getting started – General chat about your business idea and how to begin.

Defining and finding your ideal customer – It is important that before you put out any products or content you know who you are selling to. If you’re wondering why your offerings don’t seem to be resonating with the clients/ customers you want then this is probably why.

Confidence in business – Confidence is not a personality trait; confidence is a SKILL. You need to have self-belief before anything. If this is something you struggle with, I want to share some of the techniques I use to bash through those limiting beliefs and forge on regardless!

Being the face of your brand – The thing that will make or break your business is YOU and in these social media days, it’s more important than ever to show the person behind the brand… Yes, even if you’re shy! You are your businesses greatest asset and people want to know who you are!

Social media – Feel like your shouting into the void? I’ll help you figure out where you’re going wrong.

Website critique – If social media is your handshake; your website is where people can really get to know you and your business. And, yes, you still need a website, even in 2020! I’ll help you spot the mistakes you don’t even realise you’re making and we can unravel why enquires aren’t converting to sales.

Launching products – If you want to know if your product idea has legs or if you need help figuring out when and crucially HOW to launch something to maximise sales and impact, I’m your gal!

Pricing strategy – Are you not valuing your worth enough or maybe you’re overcharging? Is your pricing strategy too complex? We can go through all this together and help figure out where you should be positioning your products or services.

Marketing and advertising – It’s all very well having a fantastic product or service but if people don’t know about it, it’s never going to be a business! I have a litany of ideas and ways you can market your small business and as someone who sells advertising on our platform, I can share lots of advice on how to get the best out of any investment you make, too.

Organising photo shoots for your brand and marketing – Photo shoots can make or break a business. They can be fantastic for marketing or a huge waste of time and money. I’ll share the most important things you need to consider when putting together shoots to promote your brand.

Getting published – Free publicity you say? Sign me up! Let’s talk about how to find bloggers, influencers and print media and, crucially, how to get them to shout about you.

Hiring, firing & working with others – You can’t do everything yourself baby boo, but hiring people can feel like a very big, scary step. I’ve had my fair share of successful and really NOT successful partnerships. Let me share my wins and massive disaster stories with you so you can avoid it!

Got another area you’d really like help with? Just let me know!


Ready to book?

Sessions include two calls, personal feedback on your business and an action plan and can either be booked on a one-off basis or as a 6-month accountability programme. Please email kat@rocknrollbride.com for further information and let’s get this party started!