Photography: With Lovely
It’s that time of year where we all start wishing the time away and eagerly awaiting that glorious week between Christmas and New Year where we can all have a proper week off. Unless you work for yourself that is.
However long I’ve been blogging I always agonise over whether I should join the rest of humanity and step away from work completely, or if I should keep up my regular posting schedule. On the one hand it’s nice to lay down, watch crap tv and have nothing to do apart from pour another sherry. But on the flip side, if most of the western world are off work, the likelihood is that they’ll also be spending a lot of time online. After all there’s only so much family time you can take. Plus, Christmas is a time rife with proposals, surely wedding professionals in particular should be putting their very best content online during this time to capture the attention of the newly betrothed.
So tell me, are you planning to unplug over the holiday season or will you be keeping up to date as normal?
But before then, let’s all enjoy this week’s business links:
♥ How to speed up the blog writing process
♥ This wedding photographer made action figures of himself! Step it up photographers, the marketing bar has been raised
♥ Who is your ideal customer?
“If your customer doesn’t have the problem you’re solving, then he probably arrived there by mistake and will soon leave. Or possibly you’re not being very clear on the problem you’re solving and you and your customer have a different idea of what it is. In any case, solving a pressing problem your customer has is a requirement at the start for your product.”
♥ The day I almost lost my blogging business
♥ How to dominate at blogging (this had me howling with laughter)