Looking for the right wedding photographer to capture your big day can often feel like a full time job. There are so many styles, prices and packages around that it can often feel like you’re lost in a sea of jargon, pound signs and confusion. But, if at the top of that very long list of yours you’ve written something along the lines of ‘quirky, cool, fashion-led photography’, then I may well have just found the photographers for you. Praise the Lord!
Jacob & Pauline are a couple originally from Czech Republic who now live in London (that’s them looking all cute at the top of this post!) Having two lead photographers (not a primary and their assistant) on a wedding is great as they will both be delivering really top notch imagery. Both Jacob and Pauline have their own shooting styles, but together they mesh beautifully. Pauline is awesome with bridal preparations and details whilst Jacob’s forte the wide open shots and capturing those special moments as they happen.
“We came to London two years ago just with two suitcases and two cameras and started from scratch without any contacts or help”, they explained. “We were lost for a while and had no money but things turned out well in the end. Two years later we’ve shot around 70 weddings and this number is still rising! We love shooting weddings. For us, the most important part of a wedding for us are couple portraits. We do fashion photography as well so this is the part of a shooting when we can mix our fashion style with wedding shooting. Every couple is unique and for us is very important to understand our client’s vision of the wedding and we pay full attention to specific needs and requests. We simply want to tell your story in the way you wish to remember it.”
Jacob & Pauline’s wedding photography packages start from just £1000 and they are available to shoot weddings all over the world. If you’re looking for awesome yet affordable wedding photographers then you better get onto them right now!
- Photography: Jacob & Pauline