Wolf Whistle is a small stationery design studio based in London. Illustrator Brooke Woolley has just launched her company as she wanted to offer something a little different to what she’d seen available elsewhere. Her quirky signature style makes her stand out and she offers personalised, illustrated wedding stationery that’s perfect for creative types.
“I have a fine art background, receiving a BFA in sculpture in 2004,” she told me. “I have exhibited in New Zealand and the United Kingdom and continue to practice art alongside the business. It’s a bit of a cliché, but I designed my sister-in-law’s wedding stationery and have really just taken it from there. I have always pursued creative endeavours however, and whilst the wedding industry is quite new to me, creating art/illustration to commission is something I have done for years.”
“My illustration style is mainly inspired by mid-century children’s book illustrations: I love old Little Golden Books and am very much inspired by illustrators like Charlie Harper, Art Seiden and Mary Blair. My portrait work can either be stylised and simple or realistic in likeness. I paint with watercolour and gouache before touching up in Photoshop.”
“The handmade look and personalised nature of my work I believe appeals to those who are true individuals,” she continues. “I would really love to work with the readers of Rock n Roll Bride. I love to paint interesting people, those who adorn themselves with interesting colours, clothing and objects.”
Prices start from just £80 for a totally bespoke portrait of two subjects in a simple style, and from £160 for two subjects in a detailed, realistic style.
Wolf Whistle also offer items including Save the Dates from £2.20 each and wedding invitations from £2.60 each.
Special Reader Offer
Brooke would like to offer all readers of Rock n Roll Bride 20% off any order placed before Friday 13th April 2012. To qualify, simply quote ‘Rock n Roll Bride’ when you enquire.
Oooh…and check out this illustration she did of yours truly!
For more information or to see more of Wolf Whistle‘s creations, be sure to check out Brooke’s website. Brooke can also be contacted directly on wolfwhistlestudio@gmail.com.